Презентация, доклад к уроку Duties (Биболетова, 4 класс)


Слайд 1January, 20.

January, 20.Friday.

Слайд 4duties


Слайд 5do homework
make the bed
feed pets

do homeworkmake the bedfeed pets

Слайд 6answer phone calls
lay the table
repair the bike

answer phone callslay the tablerepair the bike

Слайд 7go shopping
do the washing up
do the cooking

go shoppingdo the washing updo the cooking

Слайд 8answer phone calls
feed pets
go shopping
make the bed
do the cooking

answer phone callsfeed petsgo shoppingmake the beddo the cooking

Слайд 9repair the bike
lay the table
do the washing up
do homework

repair the bikelay the tabledo the washing updo homework

Слайд 10feed pets
go shopping
repair the bike
make the bed
lay the table

feed petsgo shoppingrepair the bikemake the bedlay the table

Слайд 11do homework
answer phone calls
do the washing up
do the cooking

do homeworkanswer phone callsdo the washing updo the cooking

Слайд 12Learn words p.70,
WB p.39, ex.5-8,
story about duties

Learn words p.70,WB p.39, ex.5-8,story about duties

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