Презентация, доклад к уроку Dreams (7 класс)

And your homework is..St.b.p.74, ex 5Find and present to the class facts about sleep – Марк, Вера, Ксения; W/b: p.42 –Повторить темы для устного ответа на экзамене.

Слайд 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYwtbgWfiCI
Please, highlight the most frequent word in

the text while listening to the song.

What is the main word?

How do you think what is the topic of our today`s lesson?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYwtbgWfiCI Please, highlight the most frequent word in the text while listening to the

Слайд 2 And your homework is..

St.b.p.74, ex 5
Find and present to the

class facts about sleep – Марк, Вера, Ксения;

W/b: p.42 –Повторить темы для устного ответа на экзамене.

And your homework is..St.b.p.74, ex 5Find and present to the class facts about sleep – Марк,

Слайд 3
How do you understand the word Dreams?

Let`s look it in

the dictionary…

[driːm] брит.  / амер. 
сон, сновидение
мечта, грёза
видение, наваждение

How do you understand the word Dreams? Let`s look it in the dictionary…  dream[driːm] брит.  / амер. сущ.сон, сновидениемечта, грёзавидение, наваждение.

Слайд 4Let`s watch!
…and visualize your goals


So what are

the steps of reaching your goal?

Write it down in your copy book.


Let`s watch!…and visualize your goals  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrsERz952qM  So what are the steps of reaching your goal?

Слайд 5Now Let`s check it!


The steps are…

1. Set a goal

Work hard
3. Practice
4. Don`t be afraid
5. Get good grades
6. You succeed!!!

If you have more than 4 right put 2 points in the card!

Now Let`s check it!   The steps are…1. Set a goal2. Work hard3. Practice4. Don`t be afraid5.

Слайд 6Let`s look up the meaning of new words…

Resting state-состояние покоя
To drop

–снижаться, понижаться
To wake up –разбудить кого-либо
REM sleep-rapid eye movement sleep -быстрый сон
Replace chemicals – восстанавливать химические вещества
Repair cells – восстанавливать клетки
To solve a problem – решать задачу
Feel grumpy – быть сварливым, раздражительным

Let`s look up the meaning of new words…Resting state-состояние покояTo drop –снижаться, понижатьсяTo wake up –разбудить кого-либоREM sleep-rapid

Слайд 7 Please,
open your student books
on p.74, ex.1

Ask your partner the


Look at ex.2 – read the sentences and listen to the record
Underline the information in the text and answer the questions true or falls

Please,open your student books on p.74, ex.1Ask your partner the questionsLook at ex.2 – read the

Слайд 8 Now let`s check…

1. T body temperature drops
2. T harder to

wake up
3. F (our brain is very active)
4. T lack of sleep seriously affects
5. T even shorten our life
6. F (don’t exercise)

Don`t forget to fill the cards with the results!
Now let`s check…1. T body temperature drops2. T harder to wake up3. F (our brain is

Слайд 9 How do you understand

1. Do you

usually get enough sleep?

2. How do you feel the next day when you haven't slept well? How does it
affect your day?

3. Do you have any tips for getting a good night sleep?

Speak to your partner, answer the questions using at least 2-3 Useful phrases from the list in your cards.

If you used more than 3 phrases, put 2 points in your card!

How To Sleep Better Tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npNv2ocBMjU&t=22s

How do you understand DREAMS?   1. Do you usually get enough sleep?2. How do

Слайд 10 ***It`s grammar time!

Tips for getting a good

night`s sleep

You should try to go to sleep and
wake up at the same time every
day. This helps your body to get
into a routine.

Avoid drinks like cola and coffee
before bedtime - they contain
caffeine that keeps you awake.

Don’t exercise or watch scary
movies just before going to bed.
This will wake your body up too
much and you might find it
difficult to fall asleep.

Have a calming bedtime routine,
such as having a warm bath or

Read the tips
in your student books on page 74.

Write 3 sentences using modal verbs (can, may, must, should, ought to).

Write 3 sentences using both\ either\ neither.

Check it with your partner!

***It`s grammar time!   Tips for getting a good night`s sleepYou should try to go

Слайд 11***How to Make Sleepy Time Tea

Camomile –chamomile - ромашка 
Peppermint -мята перечная

balm – мелисса
Catnip – котовник

Do you like the recipe? Would you drink the tea?

***How to Make Sleepy Time Teahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUUGNSYdRj4Camomile –chamomile - ромашка Peppermint -мята перечнаяlemon balm – мелиссаPassionflower-страстоцветCatnip – котовникDo you

Слайд 12 Don`t forget to fill in your assessment cards!

Don`t forget to fill in your assessment cards!

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