Презентация, доклад к уроку День Святого Валентина

Roses are …Violets are…Sugar is …And so are …(you, blue, red, sweet)Fill in each gap with words below

Слайд 1St. Valentine’s Day
Презентация к уроку по теме: «Праздники стран изучаемого языка:

День Святого Валентина»

Волошко Марина Ивановна, учитель английского языка Борщевского филиала МБОУ Заворонежской СОШ;
Волошко Мария Олеговна, учитель английского языка Борщевского филиала МБОУ Заворонежской СОШ
St. Valentine’s DayПрезентация к уроку по теме: «Праздники стран изучаемого языка: День Святого Валентина»Авторы:Волошко Марина Ивановна, учитель

Слайд 2Roses are …
Violets are…
Sugar is …
And so are …
(you, blue, red,


Fill in each gap with words below

Roses are …Violets are…Sugar is …And so are …(you, blue, red, sweet)Fill in each gap with words

Слайд 3What associations do you have with St Valentine’s Day?

What associations do you  have with St Valentine’s Day?

Слайд 4Text 1
Some people say that Valentine was

a priest in Rome many years ago. Emperor Claudius* did not want young men to marry. He wanted them to be soldiers . Young couples went secretly to Valentine and he married them. Claudius was angry and put Valentine in prison. He killed him on February 14th.
*Emperor Claudius /’empǝrǝ klɔ:djǝs/ - император Клавдий.

Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F):
1. Valentine was a priest in London many years ago.
2. Emperor Claudius wanted young men to marry.
3. Valentine married young couples secretly.
4. Valentine was killed on February 17th

Text 1    Some people say that Valentine was a priest in Rome many years

Слайд 5Text 2

Other people say that Valentine was

a Christian martyr. While he was in prison he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter. When it was time for him to die, he wrote a message on the prison wall saying “From your Valentine”.
martyr – мученик
jailer – тюремщик
message – послание

Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F):
1. Valentine was a Christian martyr.
2. He fell in love with the teacher’s daughter.
3. He wrote a message, saying “From your father”
4. After he had left prison Valentine lived long.
Text 2     Other people say that Valentine was a Christian martyr. While he

Слайд 6Text 3
February 14th was also a

Roman holiday, held in honour of the Goddess of Love. Young men by lottery chose the name of a girl to escort to the festivities. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date has continued to our day. People still believe that birds pick their mates on February 14th.

Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F):
1. February 14th was a holiday held in honour of the God of War.
2. Young men chose a girl to escort to the festivities.
3. On February 14th young people choose their sweethearts.
4. Bird pick their mates on December 14th.
Text 3      February 14th was also a Roman holiday, held in honour

Слайд 7Match two parts of the words (text 1)

Match two parts  of the words (text 1)

Слайд 8 Match two parts of the words (text 2)

Match two parts  of the words (text 2)

Слайд 9 Match two parts of the words (text 3)

Match two parts  of the words (text 3)

Слайд 10Make up a story about St. Valentine’s Day, using these words:

Make up a story about  St. Valentine’s Day,  using these words:

Слайд 11Make Valentine cards for your friends

Make Valentine cards for your friends

Слайд 12 Home assignment
Be ready to speak about St.

Valentine’s Day
Make Valentine cards for your friends or someone you love.
Home assignment Be ready to speak about St. Valentine’s DayMake Valentine cards for your

Слайд 14Информационные источники

Информационные источникиhttphttp://http://enhttp://en.http://en.wikipediahttp://en.wikipedia.http://en.wikipedia.orghttp://en.wikipedia.org/http://en.wikipedia.org/wikihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentinehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine%2http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine%2sDayhttp://www.stvalentinesday.org/valentines-day-poem.html#be-my-valentinehttp://www.stvalentinesday.org/history-of-st-valentines-day.htmlhttp://www.stvalentinesday.org/legends-of-st-valentines-day.htmlhttp://www.history.com/topics/valentines-day

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