What language is often spoken at international conferences and seminars?
What language is the most often used in the Internet communication?
People in 30 countries speak English as a second language.
At the moment English is internationally recognized by the world community as one of the languages more often spoken by people in various parts of the world. It is known that English is spoken (as a first language) in Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, The Republic of Ireland, Guyana, the Caribbean Islands ( Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, etc.), New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States.
English has become a mean of communication.
Это сайт презентаций, где можно хранить и обмениваться своими презентациями, докладами, проектами, шаблонами в формате PowerPoint с другими пользователями. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами.
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