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Слайд 18 класс
Тема урока: « Книги в нашей жизни»
Books in my Life

8 классТема урока: « Книги в нашей жизни»Books in my Life



Слайд 3Joanne Rowling “Harry Potter”

Joanne Rowling “Harry Potter”

Слайд 4Types of Books
Fiction non-fiction

Detective stories love stories

Types of BooksFiction				non-fictionDetective stories	love stories

Слайд 5Types of Books
Fiction non-fiction
Detective stories love stories
Science fiction historical

Biographies humorous stories

Types of BooksFiction				 non-fictionDetective stories	 love storiesScience fiction	   historical novelsBiographies

Слайд 6Types of Books
Fiction non-fiction
Detective stories love stories
Science fiction

historical novels
Biographies humorous stories
Fairy-tales tragedy
Prose autobiographies

Types of BooksFiction			  non-fictionDetective stories  love storiesScience fiction	   historical novelsBiographies		   humorous

Слайд 7A Person who Creates:
A novel is called –
a novelist
A story is

called –
a short story writer
A humorous story is called –
a humorist
A Person who Creates:A novel is called –				a novelistA story is called – 					a short story writerA

Слайд 8A Person who Creates:
A play -
A drama -
A comedy -
A tragedy


is called a playwright (a dramatist )

A fairy-tale is called -

a tale-teller

A Person who Creates:A play -A drama -A comedy -A tragedy -is called a playwright (a dramatist

Слайд 9Fill in the Table

Fill in the Table

Слайд 10Fill in the Table

Fill in the Table

Слайд 11The Ways of Developing a Character
Through the character’s actions;
Through the character’s

thoughts and speeches;
Through a physical description of the character;
Through the opinions of other characters.

The Ways of Developing a CharacterThrough the character’s actions;Through the character’s thoughts and speeches;Through a physical description

Слайд 17The History of Books

The History of Books

Слайд 18The Invention of Printing
Johann Gutenberg (1397-1468)

The Bible

The Invention of PrintingJohann Gutenberg (1397-1468)					    The Bible

Слайд 19The Invention of Printing
William Caxton(1422-1491)

The Printing Press

The Invention of PrintingWilliam Caxton(1422-1491)				The Printing Press

Слайд 20The Invention of Printing
Ivan Fedorov(1510-1583)

The Printing Press
Book “Apostol” (1564)

The Invention of PrintingIvan Fedorov(1510-1583)		 The Printing Press			Book “Apostol” (1564)

Слайд 21Complete the dialogue and act it out
A: Can you help me

with the test in history?
B: Of course, without any problem.
A: ______________________________________?
B: _________ on tablets of wood or pieces of bark.
A: Did people use any other instruments to write on?
B: _______________________________________.
A: Can you tell me________________________?
B: It was China. ___________________________
A: Really? How interesting. I’ve never heard about it before. ______?
B: Books were quite common in ancient Rome____________________.
A: I have one more question. When and where was printing invented?
B: ____________________________________________________
A: By whom was the first printing press set up in England?
B: ___________________________________________________
A: And what about Russia? How did things in printing develop here?
B: ____________________________________________________
A: Thank you very much for your help.
B: You are welcome.
Complete the dialogue and act it outA: Can you help me with the test in history?B: Of

Слайд 22The British Museum Library

The British Museum Library

Слайд 23Sonnet №18
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more

lovely and more temperate.*
Rough* winds do shake the darling buds of May.
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion* dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,*
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag* thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st.
So long as man can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.
Sonnet №18Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.*Rough* winds do

Слайд 24The Library of Congress in the USA

The Library of Congress in the USA

Слайд 25The Beijing Library in China

The Beijing Library in China

Слайд 26The State Public Library in Moscow

The State Public Library in Moscow

Слайд 27Form a Word which fits the space
People don't read (1)_______as much

as they used to. NEWS
A lot of people buy the paper to read about their (2)___ FAVOUR
sport. In fact, sports (3)_______have become one of PERSON
the most popular subjects for (4)______. Most people REPORT
are bored with (5)_________and prefer to read about POLITICS
famous people like actors and (6)_______. People are MUSIC
particularly interested in reading about the (7)_____ PERSON
lives of stars and other (8)____________. Nowadays, CELEBRATE
(9)______will do almost anything to get a good story JOURNAL
about a star, (10)_________if there is any gossip in it. SPECIAL
Form a Word which fits the spacePeople don't read (1)_______as much as they used to.	NEWSA lot of

Слайд 28The Predictions of the futurologist

The Predictions of the futurologist

Слайд 29Проект урока: «Книги в моей жизни» учителя английского языка МОУ СОШ

Нестеренко Ларисы Валерьевны

Радужный, 2013

Проект урока: «Книги в моей жизни» учителя английского языка МОУ СОШ №3Нестеренко Ларисы ВалерьевныРадужный, 2013

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