Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка в 7 классе по теме Better safe than sorry

Safety rulesPeepholeSwitch onIDAlarm systemInstallA burglar breaks inHand over valuablesSteal thingsCrime

Слайд 1Better safe than sorry
Module 1 b

Better safe than sorryModule 1 b

Слайд 2Safety rules
Switch on
Alarm system
A burglar breaks in
Hand over valuables
Steal things

Safety rulesPeepholeSwitch onIDAlarm systemInstallA burglar breaks inHand over valuablesSteal thingsCrime

Слайд 3Word formation
We normally form adverbs from adjectives by adding –ly, real

–really, proper—properly


Word formationWe normally form adverbs from adjectives by adding –ly, real –really, proper—properly CarefulSafeSureBad

Слайд 4Phrasal verbs (run)

Phrasal verbs (run)

Слайд 5Phrasal verb - Run
to be used up
to run to try to

catch somebody/something

To meet by chance

Phrasal verb - Runto be used upto run to try to catch somebody/somethingTo meet by chance

Слайд 6Translate the sentences into English.
У нас закончился хлеб, поэтому

я пошел в магазин.
Когда я шел в магазин, я неожиданно встретил своего одноклассника.
Он гнался за своей собакой вчера, когда я ему позвонил.

Translate the sentences into English.   У нас закончился хлеб, поэтому я пошел в магазин. Когда

Слайд 7Should(n’t)
We use should/shouldn’t to dive advice.
You are tired. You should

have a rest!
You shouldn’t eat so much. It’s bad for you.

A splitting headache – раскалывается голова
Take a painkiller – принять обезболивающее
A toothache – зубная боль
Feet hurt – болят ноги

Should(n’t)We use should/shouldn’t to dive advice. You are tired. You should have a rest! You shouldn’t eat

Слайд 8listening
Mobile phone

listeningAreaMoneyMobile phoneItemsBurglar

Слайд 9Asking for/giving advice
A: What should we do before answering the door?

We should look through the peephole and put the chain on the door. etc.
Asking for/giving adviceA: What should we do before answering the door?B: We should look through the peephole

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