Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка в 10 классе на тему Изобретения


Цель урока:ознакомить учащихся с научными и технологическими изобретениями и историями их возникновений, российских и зарубежных изобретателей.Задачи урока: -активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Изобретения, которые потрясли мир»в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе

It’s Difficult to Imagine
By the end of the

20th century lots of inventions have been made.

Some of them have become so commonplace that it is difficult to imagine them as inventions.

Емельянова Алла Дмитриевна
Учитель английского языка
МКОУ « Обильненская СОШ»
Республика Калмыкия
Сарпинский район

IT AS AN INVENTIONIt’s Difficult to ImagineBy the end of the 20th century lots of inventions have

Слайд 2Цель урока:
ознакомить учащихся с научными и технологическими изобретениями и историями их

возникновений, российских и зарубежных изобретателей.

Задачи урока:

-активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Изобретения, которые потрясли мир»в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников
-формировать и совершенствовать грамматические навыки учащихся в употреблении структур страдательного залога;
-развивать творческие способности учащихся;
-формировать навыки самостоятельной и парных работ;
-развивать познавательный интерес учащихся к науке и важнейшим изобретениям в мире

Цель урока:ознакомить учащихся с научными и технологическими изобретениями и историями их возникновений, российских и зарубежных изобретателей.Задачи урока:

Слайд 3Gadgets and machines people use
a computer
a TV set
a vacuum cleaner
a mobile

a TV remote-control unit
a video recorder or player
a camera
a dishwasher

a mower
a body builder
a sewing machine
a roller blades
a microwave oven
a food mixer
a toaster
a hair dryer
a calculator

Gadgets and machines people usea computera TV seta vacuum cleanera mobile phonea TV remote-control unita video recorder

Слайд 6In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell, an American engineer, invented telephone.

In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell, an American engineer, invented telephone.

Слайд 7John Logie Baird from Scotland invented television in 1962.

John Logie Baird from Scotland invented television in 1962.

Слайд 8In 1908 US automobile manufacturer Henry Ford created the world’s first

car assembly line.
In 1908 US automobile manufacturer Henry Ford created the world’s first car assembly line.

Слайд 9Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first airplane in 1903 (USA).

Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first airplane in 1903 (USA).

Слайд 10Karl Benz produced the world’s first petrol-driven motor car in Germany

in 1885.
Karl Benz produced the world’s first petrol-driven motor car in Germany in 1885.

Слайд 11In 1908 James M. Spangler from the USA
built the first

vacuum cleaner.
In 1908 James M. Spangler from the USA built the first vacuum cleaner.

Слайд 12In 1981 Bill Gates (USA)
Microsoft –DOS
(Disk operating System ).

In 1981 Bill Gates (USA)Microsoft –DOS (Disk operating System ).

Слайд 13Sergei Korolev (Russia)
designed the first artificial satellite in 1957.

Sergei Korolev (Russia) designed the first artificial satellite in 1957.

Слайд 14In 1895 the Lumiere brothers patented
their cinematography
and opened the world’s

first cinema in Paris.
In 1895 the Lumiere brothers patentedtheir cinematography and opened the world’s first cinema in Paris.

Слайд 15Nicephore Niepce from France
pioneered photography in 1829.

Nicephore Niepce from France pioneered photography in 1829.

Слайд 16Inventions made in Russia.

Inventions made in Russia.

Слайд 17The Cherepanoves, father and son invented and built a steam locomotive

in 1829
The Cherepanoves, father and son invented and built a steam locomotive in 1829

Слайд 18Mendeleyev D. I.
Working on the work "Fundamentals of

Chemistry" (1869-1871) opened one of the fundamental laws of nature - the periodic law of chemical elements

Mendeleyev D. I.    Working on the work

Слайд 19A young Russian engineer Alexander Lodygin made the first successful light

bulb in 1873
A young Russian engineer Alexander Lodygin made the first successful light bulb in 1873

Слайд 20In August 1939 Michael Ilich Koshkin at the Kharkov factory has

invented tank T-34
In August 1939 Michael Ilich Koshkin at the Kharkov factory has invented tank T-34

Слайд 21 Alexander Mozhaisky designed the first airplane in 1878

Alexander Mozhaisky designed the first airplane in 1878

Слайд 22The inventor of the first-ever two-wheeled bicycle was EFIM ARTAMONOV

The inventor of the first-ever two-wheeled bicycle was EFIM ARTAMONOV

Слайд 23 Feodor Blinov is the inventor-self-educated person who has created in 1877

a caterpillar platform and a tractor.
Feodor Blinov is the inventor-self-educated person who has created in 1877 a caterpillar platform and

Слайд 24Sergei Korolyev (Russia)
designed the first artificial satellite in 1957.

Sergei Korolyev (Russia) designed the first artificial satellite in 1957.

Слайд 25Интернет – ресурсы :

Интернет – ресурсы :http://im7-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=373994915-51-72http://im3-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=40161060-31-72http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=4&text=Alexander%20Graham%20Bell&img_url=www.haber3.com%2Fimages%2Fgallery%2F6893%2F23.jpg&rpt=simagehttp://im7-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=174832278-65-72http://im8-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=61279561-64-72http://im7-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=44283844-19-72http://im5-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=265904211-68-72http://im4-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=111774908-19-72http://im2-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=137431703-43-72http://im2-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=131560759-45-72http://im7-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=88457727-39-72http://im5-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=121216948-49-72http://im8-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=546550146-12-72

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