Презентация, доклад к уроку Английского языка: The Sequence of tenses

The rule of tenses present a special difficulty when the predicate of the main sentence is expressed by a verb in one of the forms of the past tense.

Слайд 1Sequence of tenses

Sequence of tenses

Слайд 2The rule of tenses present a special difficulty when the predicate

of the main sentence is expressed by a verb in one of the forms of the past tense.
The rule of tenses present a special difficulty when the predicate of the main sentence is expressed

Слайд 3In this case, the forms of the present and the future

verbs cannot be used in the sentences, although these are actions which are performed in the present or will be performed in the future.
In this case, the forms of the present and the future verbs cannot be used in the

Слайд 4If the verb in the main clause is in one of

the past tenses, then the verb of the subordinate clause is in one of the past tenses.
If the verb in the main clause is in one of the past tenses, then the verb

Слайд 5Three main variants:
1. If the action in the subordinate clause simultaneously

occurs with the action in the main clause, you must use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous:
They told us, “We are going to the library.”
Они сказали нам : «Мы идем в библиотеку».
They told us they were going to the library.
Они сказали нам, что идут в библиотеку.
Three main variants:1. If the action in the subordinate clause simultaneously occurs with the action in the

Слайд 62. If the action in the subordinate clause precedes the action

in the main clause, the verb in the subordinate clause is used in Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous:
We were told, “It was raining a lot.”
Нам сказали: «Было много дождей».
We were told that it had been raining a lot.
Нам сказали, что было много дождей.
2. If the action in the subordinate clause precedes the action in the main clause, the verb

Слайд 73. If the action in the subordinate clause follows the action

of the main clause, you should use one of the tenses of the Future-in the-Past:
She said: “I will try to get the highest mark on the exam.”Она сказала: «Я постараюсь заработать на экзамене лучшую оценку».
She said she would try to get the highest mark on the exam. Она сказала, что постарается заработать на экзамене лучшую оценку.
3. If the action in the subordinate clause follows the action of the main clause, you should

Слайд 8Future in the Past - будущее в прошедшем
Tenses Future in the

Past are used in subordinate clauses after the words : said (that), told (that), thought (that) и т. п.
The following tenses are distinquished : the Future in the Past: Simple Future in the Past

Refers to actions in the future, as perceived from the past: He said he would go to the dentist.
Он сказал, что пойдет к зубному.
Indicates the process that will last at a certainmoment in the future, perceived from the past: He was planning how he would be sipping cocktail on his vacation. Continuous Future in the Past

Он представлял себе, как будет потягивать коктейль в отпуске.
An action that will be completed by a certainmoment in the future perceived from the past: We hoped we should have done our homework by midday. Perfect Future in the Past

Мы надеялись, что сделаем домашнее задание к полудню.
An extremely rare tensewhich denotes a process that will begin and continue until a certain moment in the future, perceived from the past: He told us he would have been working on the plant for 30 years next December. Perfect Continuous Future in the Past
Он рассказал нам, что в декабре исполнится 30 лет, как он работает на этом заводе
Future in the Past - будущее в прошедшем Tenses Future in the Past are used in subordinate

Слайд 9Table of the Sequence of tenses

Table of the Sequence of tenses

Слайд 10Exceptions:
The tense in a subordinate clause can be unchanged if it

contains the exact time:
He told us, “I took part in the Moscow Olympic games in 1980.”
Он сказал нам: «Я принимал участие в Московских Олимпийских играх 1980 года».

He told us he took part in the Moscow Olympic games in 1980.
Он рассказал нам, что в 1980 году принимал участие в Московских Олимпийских играх.
Exceptions:The tense in a subordinate clause can be unchanged if it contains the exact time:He told us,

Слайд 11Or if it is a well-known fact:
Newton proved that bodies attract

each other.
Ньютон доказал, что тела притягивают друг друга.
Or if it is a well-known fact:Newton proved that bodies attract each other.Ньютон доказал, что тела притягивают

Слайд 12The rules of sequence of tenses are observed in subordinate additional

clauses, including in indirect speech. They do not apply to definitional, comparative, causal and other subordinate clauses.
Jim says (that)it is interesting (now).
it was interesting (yesterday).
it will be interesting (tomorrow).

Jim said (that)it was interesting (now).
it had been interesting (yesterday).
it would be interesting (tomorrow).

The rules of sequence of tenses are observed in subordinate additional clauses, including in indirect speech. They

Слайд 16The End

The End

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