Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка по теме Степени сравнения имен прилагательных


Прилагательные Прилагательные в английском языке как и в русском языке имеют положительную, сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения

Слайд 1ТЕМА:
Меланич Н.П.,Чертыкова В.В.
Учителя английского языка
МБОУ «Лицей имени А. Г. Баженова»

Степени сравнения

ТЕМА:«ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ»Меланич Н.П.,Чертыкова В.В.Учителя английского языкаМБОУ «Лицей имени А. Г. Баженова»г.ЧерногорскСтепени сравнения прилагательных

Слайд 2Прилагательные
Прилагательные в английском языке как и в русском языке имеют

положительную, сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения
Прилагательные Прилагательные в английском языке как и в русском языке имеют положительную, сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения

Слайд 3
Степени сравнения прилагательных
(Degrees of Comparison)

Прилагательные, которые состоят из одного и двух

слогов ,образуют сравнительную степень путём прибавления суффикса –er и суффикса –est в превосходной степени.
Например: big - bigger - the biggest
cold - colder - the coldest
happy - happier - the happiest

Степени сравнения прилагательных(Degrees of Comparison)	Прилагательные, которые состоят из одного и двух слогов ,образуют сравнительную степень путём прибавления

Слайд 4
Степени сравнения прилагательных
(Degrees of Comparison)

Остальные прилагательные, состоящие из двух или более

слогов, образуют степени сравнения прилагательных с помощью слов more (более) и most (самый), которые ставятся перед прилагательными.
More употребляется перед прилагательными в сравнительной степени.
Например: beautiful (красивый) – more beautiful (красивее или
более красивый)
Most употребляется перед прилагательным в превосходной степени.
Например: beautiful – the most beautiful (самый красивый)
Степени сравнения прилагательных(Degrees of Comparison)Остальные прилагательные, состоящие из двух или более слогов, образуют степени сравнения прилагательных с

Слайд 5
Exercise 1
Model: Germany is big. China is bigger. Russia is the


The Volga/the Nile/ the Thames (long)

Village/city/town (big)

Train/plane/car (fast)

Japan/Belgium/Spain (small)

The Thames is long. The Volga is longer. The Nile is the longest.
A village is big. A town is bigger. A city is the biggest.
A car is fast. A train is faster. A plane is the fastest.
Spain is small. Japan is smaller. Belgium is the smallest.


Exercise 1CompareModel: Germany is big. China is bigger. Russia is the biggest.The Volga/the Nile/ the Thames (long)Village/city/town

Слайд 6
Exercise 2
Put the adjectives in brackets in the right form

is (tall)… than Steve.


My dad is (old)… than my mum.

They are the (happy)… family in our town.

Mary’s English is (bad)… than her German.

Nick is the (good)… football player in our class.

The (hot)… day last year was in July.






Exercise 2Put the adjectives in brackets in the right form Ted is  (tall)…  than Steve.tallerMy

Слайд 7
Exercise 3
Complete the table with the right form of the adjective

more famous

the most famous


the most favourite


the best


more beautiful


the happiest


the most comfortable


the fastest


the windiest


the most interesting

Exercise 3Complete the table with the right form of the adjective more famousthe most famousfavouritethe most favouritegoodthe

Слайд 8The capitals of the countries


London Paris
1.Which city is more beautiful London or Paris?
2. What is the most beautiful city for you?
The capitals of the countriesMoscow         London

Слайд 9Transport

1.What transport is the fastest a car, a train or

a plane?
2. What transport is the most comfortable to go to Moscow?
Transport1.What transport is the fastest a car, a train or   a plane?2. What transport is

Слайд 10Exotic countries


China Tialand

1.What country is the most interesting and the most exotic for you?
Exotic countriesIndia            China

Слайд 11Exercise 4 Listen and answer the questions
What was more wonderful for Kate,

travelling by car or by plane?
What countries were more interesting for Kate?
What city is better for Kate?
Why did Kate enjoy walking in the park?
Finish: East or West…

Exercise 4 Listen and answer the questionsWhat was more wonderful for Kate, travelling by car or by

Слайд 12
Exercise 5
Listen and answer the questions
What was more wonderful for Kate,

travelling by car or by plane?

Travelling by car was more wonderful for Kate.

Exercise 5Listen and answer the questionsWhat was more wonderful for Kate, travelling by car or by plane?Travelling

Слайд 13
Exercise 6
Listen and answer the questions
What countries were more interesting for


Scotland and England were more interesting for Kate.

Exercise 6Listen and answer the questionsWhat countries were more interesting for Kate?Scotland and England were more interesting

Слайд 14
Exercise 7
Listen and answer the questions
What city
is better
for Kate?


is better
for Kate.
Exercise 7Listen and answer the questionsWhat city is better for Kate?London is better for Kate.

Слайд 15
Exercise 8
Listen and answer the questions
Why did Kate enjoy walking in

the park?

Because the air in the park is fresher.

Exercise 8Listen and answer the questionsWhy did Kate enjoy walking in the park?Because the air in the

Слайд 16Exercise 8 Listen and answer the questions
East or West…
…home is best.

Exercise 8 Listen and answer the questions Finish:East or West……home is best.

Слайд 17Географическая викторина

«Степени сравнения прилагательных»

Географическая викторина

Слайд 18
1.What is the biggest country in the world ?

1.What is the biggest country in the world ?

Слайд 19


Слайд 20
2.What is the smallest country in the world?

2.What is the smallest country in the world?

Слайд 21

Vatican (0, 4 km2 )

Vatican (0, 4 km2 )

Слайд 22
3. What is the longest river in the world?

3. What is the longest river in the world?

Слайд 23

The river Nile in Africa – 6700 km

The river Nile in Africa – 6700 km

Слайд 24
4. What is the largest lake in the world?

4. What is the largest lake in the world?

Слайд 25

The Caspian lake

The Caspian lake

Слайд 26
5. What is the biggest island in the world?

5. What is the biggest island in the world?

Слайд 27



Слайд 28
6.What are the highest mountains in the world?

6.What are the highest mountains in the world?

Слайд 29

The Himalaya mountains

The Himalaya mountains

Слайд 30
7. What country has

the biggest population?
7. What country has         the biggest population?

Слайд 32
8. What is the most popular book in the world?

8. What is the most popular book in the world?

Слайд 33

The Bible

Слайд 34
9. What is the heaviest animal in the world?

9. What is the heaviest animal in the world?

Слайд 35

a whale

a whale

Слайд 36
10. What is the largest bird in the world?

10. What is the largest bird in the world?

Слайд 37

an ostrich


Слайд 38
11. What is the fastest animal in the world?

11. What is the fastest animal in the world?

Слайд 39

a gеpard

a gеpard

Слайд 40
12. What is the smallest bird in the world?

12. What is the smallest bird in the world?

Слайд 41

a humming-bird


a humming-bird(colibrу)

Слайд 42
13. Which is colder the North Pole or the South Pole?

13. Which is colder the North Pole or the South Pole?

Слайд 43

the South Pole

the South Pole

Слайд 44
14. Which is bigger an Indian elephant or an African elephant?

14. Which is bigger an Indian elephant or an African elephant?

Слайд 45

an African elephant

an African elephant

Слайд 46
15. Which is bigger France or Britain?

15. Which is bigger France or Britain?

Слайд 47



Слайд 48Спасибо за внимание!
MОУ «Лицей»

Степени сравнения прилагательных

Спасибо за внимание!MОУ «Лицей»г.Черногорск 2010Степени сравнения прилагательных

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