Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка по теме Прошедшее время

-Работать дружно.-Быть внимательными друг к другу, вежливыми.-Вовремя оказывать помощь.-Не обижайся на товарища, если он исправит твою ошибку.-Задвигайте стул, когда выходите к доске.Правила работы в группе.

Слайд 1
Good morning

Good morning

Слайд 2
-Работать дружно.
-Быть внимательными друг к другу, вежливыми.
-Вовремя оказывать помощь.

-Не обижайся

на товарища, если он исправит твою ошибку.
-Задвигайте стул, когда выходите к доске.

Правила работы в группе.

-Работать дружно.-Быть внимательными друг к другу,  вежливыми.-Вовремя оказывать помощь.-Не обижайся на товарища, если он исправит твою

Слайд 3

Tick –tock, tick –tock,
Merrily sings the clock:
It’s time to play, it’s

time to work
It’s a magic clock.
Tick –tock, tick –tock,Merrily sings the clock:It’s time to play, it’s time to workIt’s a magic clock.

Слайд 4yesterday
two days ago
last Monday
last week
an hour ago
a month ago
Два дня назад


час назад

в прошлый понедельник

на прошлой неделе

yesterdaytwo days agolast Mondaylast weekan hour agoa month agoвчераДва дня назадмесяц назадчас назадв прошлый понедельникна прошлой неделе

Слайд 5*
I in the park yesterday.
We at school last Monday.

*I in the park yesterday.We at school last Monday.

Слайд 6*
Women ….. in the park yesterday.

Larry and Lulu

…. at the party last week.

was or were



*Women  …..  in the park yesterday.Larry and Lulu   ….   at the

Слайд 7*
February, 2
was were

*February, 2   ndwas     were

Слайд 9*
I was in my room with Paco.

We were in the garden.

*I was in my room with Paco.We were in the garden.

Слайд 10*

+ V (was/ were)

* S + V (was/ were) +

Слайд 11*
She ……. at work yesterday.
I ……. at the

zoo last night.

Mum and dad ……. at home last Monday.

They ……… in the park yesterday.





*She  …….  at work yesterday.I  ……. at the zoo last night.Mum and dad

Слайд 12

I was not at the zoo last week.
We were not at

the hospital.



+ V (was/ were)

+ not

I was not at the zoo last week.We were not at the hospital.-S+ V (was/ were) +

Слайд 13*
- I was not...
…at school yesterday.
… at the shop last


…at the zoo last week.

…at the theatre
two days ago.

…at the café yesterday.

… at the shop last Monday.

…at the zoo last week.

*- I was not...…at school yesterday. … at the shop last Monday.…at the zoo last week.…at the

Слайд 15

Were you at the station yesterday?

Were you at the station yesterday?

Слайд 16*
V (Was/Were)

*?V (Was/Were)+S

Слайд 17

…at school yesterday?
… at the shop last Monday?
…at the zoo last


…at the theatre
two days ago?

…at the café yesterday?

Were you….

Yes, I was. / No, I was not.

…at school yesterday?… at the shop last Monday?…at the zoo last week?…at the theatre two days ago?…at

Слайд 19

Заполните пропуски was или were
Larry … in his room.
She … not

in the garden.
We … at the shop.
-My sister … at the station.

Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.
Chuckles was in his room.
The nurse was in the hospital.
- Larry and Lulu were at the theatre.

Заполните пропуски was или wereLarry … in his room.She … not in the garden.We … at the

Слайд 20



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