Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка по теме Великобритания

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandArea: 242.495 km2Population: 65.102.385 peopleCapital city: LondonNational chief executive: Elizabeth II (Queen)Theresa May (Prime Minister)

Слайд 1The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 2The United Kingdom
of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland

Area: 242.495 km2


65.102.385 people

Capital city: London

National chief executive:
Elizabeth II (Queen)
Theresa May (Prime Minister)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandArea: 242.495 km2Population: 65.102.385 peopleCapital city: LondonNational chief executive:	Elizabeth

Слайд 3Great Britain:





Great Britain:EnglandWalesScotlandNorthern  Ireland

Слайд 4Each country in Britain has got its own saint patron and

floral emblem ([ˈembləm]).
Each country in Britain  has got its own saint patron  and floral emblem ([ˈembləm]).

Слайд 5England
The Tudor Rose ([,tjuːdə'rəuz])
is the national floral emblem of England.

It symbolizes the end
of the Wars of the
Roses (1455–1485).

York Rose Lancaster Rose

England The Tudor Rose ([,tjuːdə'rəuz])is the national floral emblem of England. It symbolizes the end of the

Слайд 6The thistle has been a Scottish symbol for

more than 500 years. It was found on ancient coins and coats of arms.


The national flower of Scotland is the thistle ([ʹθıs(ə)l] – чертополох).

The thistle has been    a Scottish symbol for more than 500 years.

Слайд 7The national flower of Wales is the daffodil ([ˈdæfədɪl]) – бледно-желтый

нарцисс), which is traditionally worn on St. David’s Day (March, 1th).


The national flower of Wales is the daffodil ([ˈdæfədɪl]) – бледно-желтый нарцисс), which is traditionally worn on

Слайд 8The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock ([ˈʃæmrɔk]) –

трилистник). It is a symbol of trinity.

Northern Ireland

The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock ([ˈʃæmrɔk]) – трилистник). It is a symbol of

Слайд 9The United Kingdom flag was officially adopted on January 1st, 1801.

The Union Jack is the national flag of the UK.

The United Kingdom flag was officially adopted on January 1st, 1801. The Union Jack is the national

Слайд 10The flag of the UK is a combination of the flags

of England (the cross of St. George), Scotland (the cross of St. Andrew), and Ireland (the cross of St. Patrick).
The flag of the UK is a combination of the flags of England (the cross of St.

Слайд 11The Royal standard ([,rɔɪəl'stændəd] – королевский штандарт ) of the King

or Queen of the United Kingdom today.
The Royal standard  ([,rɔɪəl'stændəd] – королевский штандарт )  of the King or Queen of the

Слайд 12The Royal Banner of England

The Royal Banner of England

Слайд 13Scottish Royal banner
The Royal Flag of Scotland, or Rampart Lion, features

a traditional red lion on a gold field. It is widely used as a second national flag.
Scottish Royal bannerThe Royal Flag of Scotland, or Rampart Lion, features a traditional red lion on a

Слайд 14The gold harp
David's Harp was the national banner
of Ireland

for many centuries.
The gold harp David's Harp was the national banner of Ireland for many centuries.

Слайд 15The Welsh flag
This flag was officially adopted in 1959,

but the red dragon (possibly Roman in origin) has been associated with Wales for many centuries. The green and white background stripes represent the House of Tudor, a Welsh dynasty that once held the English throne.

The Welsh flag This flag was officially adopted in 1959,

Слайд 16UK Royal Coat-of-Arms ([͵kəʋtəvʹɑ:mz] – герб)

UK Royal Coat-of-Arms  ([͵kəʋtəvʹɑ:mz] – герб)

Слайд 17The Royal Seal
We see six Lions and the Unicorn, the Harp

of David and one standing Red Lion.
To the left there is the Lion with the royal crown.  The words: "DIEU ET MON DROIT” are Latin and mean:  "God And My Right”.
The Royal SealWe see six Lions and the Unicorn, the Harp of David and one standing Red

Слайд 18Other British symbols are

Big Ben (98 m) The British parlament

The Tower Bridge Stonehenge

Other British symbols are           Big Ben (98

Слайд 19The Tartan
Tartans are an internationally recognized symbol of Scotland. Tartans became

popular in the mid-18th century.
The TartanTartans are an internationally recognized symbol of Scotland. Tartans became popular in the mid-18th century.

Слайд 21Make the right choice:
1.Who is the head of the United

Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? a) the British Parliament b) Theresa May c) Elizabeth II

2. When did she ascend to the throne? a) 1950 b) 1955 c) 1952

Make the right choice: 1.Who is the head of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Слайд 223. Where was Princess Elizabeth II educated? a) at home

b) in Oxford c) in Cambridge
4. What is the name of the Queen’s husband? a) Prince Philipp b) Prince George c) Prince John 5. How many children have the Royal Couple? a) 5 b) 4 c) 2
3. Where was Princess Elizabeth II educated?   a) at home   b) in Oxford

Слайд 23Who is who?

Who is who?

Слайд 24Why do people want to live in Great Britain?
a multi-cultural society

– most people are tolerant
the crime rate is low
low unemployment rate (under 5%)
a typical work week of 35 hours
lively theatre, music, art
fascinating historical sites & buildings
world famous universities – education is free
free healthcare to every one
generous leave, maternity and paternity benefits
12 public holidays
Why do people want to live in Great Britain?a multi-cultural society – most people are tolerantthe crime

Слайд 251. London is
a) the capital of Wales.
b) the capital of Great

c) a small town in England.
2. The queen lives in
a) Westminster Abbey.
b) the Buckingham Palace.
c) the House of Parliament.
3. The country´s leaders speak in
a) the House of Parliament.
b) Big Ben.
c) London Tower.

Conclude the sentences:

1. London is	a) the capital of Wales.	b) the capital of Great Britain.	c) a small town in England.2.

Слайд 264. The thistle is the flower symbol of
a) England.
b) Scotland.
c) Wales.

The Thames is
a) the highest mountain of Scotland.
b) the most popular square in London.
c) the most known river of England.
6. Cardiff is
a) the House of Parliament.
b) the residence of Elizbeth II.
c) the capital city of Wales.
7. Big Ben is
a) a palace.
b) a bell.
c) a tower.

4. The thistle is the flower symbol of	a) England.	b) Scotland.	c) Wales.5. The Thames is	a) the highest mountain

Слайд 27Answer the questions:
1. What is the capital city of Britain?
2. What

countries are there in the UK?
3. What is your associations with the word «red»?
4. What is the symbol of England?
5. What is the symbol of Scotland?
6. What is the political system in the UK?
7. Why do people want to live in Great Britain?
8. What are the most popular British places of interest?
9. Do you want to visit the UK? Why?
Answer the questions:1. What is the capital city of Britain?2. What countries are there in the UK?

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