Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка на тему Опасные зоны - Цунами (7 класс): Ю. А. Комарова,И.В. Ларионова

Tsunamis are giant sea waves - not a single wave, but a series of them. Tsunami is a Japanese word, meaning harbour wave.

Слайд 1Tsunami
Проект выполнила: ученица 10А класса
Саушкина Надежда.
Учитель: Ященко Светлана Николаевна.
Г.о. Жигулевск.

TsunamiПроект выполнила: ученица 10А класса Саушкина Надежда.Учитель: Ященко Светлана Николаевна.Г.о. Жигулевск.

Слайд 2Tsunamis are giant sea waves - not a single wave, but

a series of them. Tsunami is a Japanese word, meaning harbour wave.
Tsunamis are giant sea waves - not a single wave, but a series of them. Tsunami is

Слайд 3 Most tsunamis are the result of earthquakes. They occur when

there is movement in the sea floor and the water is pushed upwards.
Most tsunamis are the result of earthquakes. They occur when there is movement in the sea

Слайд 4Tsunamis happen without any warning, which is why they can cause

so much damage, they can travel up rivers that lead to the sea.
Tsunamis happen without any warning, which is why they can cause so much damage, they can travel

Слайд 5Most tsunamis occur along the Pacific coastline. The highest recorded tsunami

was in 1958, in Alaska, it was 520 m high.
Most tsunamis occur along the Pacific coastline. The highest recorded tsunami was in 1958, in Alaska, it

Слайд 6Say if sentences 1-6 are true or false.
A tsunami is one

enormous wave.
Tsunami is a Japanese word that means harbour wave.
Most tsunamis are caused by earthquakes.
We don't know when a tsunami is going to happen.
Tsunami never move up rivers.
The Pacific coastline has many tsunamis.
Say if sentences 1-6 are true or false.A tsunami is one enormous wave. Tsunami is a Japanese

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