Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка на тему What do you do to help your family?

Having a good time with your family

Слайд 1 Презентация
к уроку английского языка на тему «What do you do to

help your family?
для 4 класса
УМК Биболетовой М.З.
Учитель английского языка
Смирнова Людмила Викторовна
Презентацияк уроку английского языка на тему «What do you do to help your family?		для 4 класса	УМК Биболетовой

Слайд 2
Having a good time

with your family
Having a good time

Слайд 4Section 2 . What do you do


help your family
Section 2 . What do you do   to help your family

Слайд 5*

Answer, take, the washing up, lay, phone calls, the bed, the

table, the pets, make, clean, water, feed, the flowers, shopping, go, the pet for a walk, do.

*Answer, take, the washing up, lay, phone calls, the bed, the table, the pets, make, clean, water,

Слайд 6What do you like to do at home?

What do you like to do at home?

Слайд 8 Cinderella lived with her father, stepmother (мачехой) and two

sisters in the country. She ____(be) kind and beautiful.
Cinderella_____(get ) up at 5 am. She____(clean) the rooms. Then she _____(feed) the animals and _______(water) the flowers. At 8 o’clock she______
(go) to the kitchen and _______(cook) breakfast for her stepmother and sisters.
At ten o’clock she ________(lay) the table. After breakfast she ______(make) her sisters’ beds and _______(do) the washing up.
Cinderella lived with her father, stepmother (мачехой) and two sisters in the country. She ____(be)

Слайд 9 Cinderella lived with her father, stepmother (мачехой) and two sisters

in the country. She was kind and beautiful.
Cinderella got up at 5 am. She cleaned the rooms. Then she fed the animals and watered the flowers. At 8 o’clock she went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for her stepmother and sisters.
At ten o’clock she laid the table. After breakfast
she made her sisters’ beds and
did the washing up.
Cinderella lived with her father, stepmother (мачехой) and two sisters in the country. She was kind

Слайд 10Ex.28, p.74.
Yes, I did
No, I didn’t

Mind your




water the flowers

2 days ago ?

Ex.28, p.74.Yes, I did No, I didn’t  Mind your grammar!Did youwater the flowers 2 days ago

Слайд 11
If you’re happy

If you’re happy

Слайд 12Answer the questions:
Where did Jane and her mother live?
What did her

mother do every day?
Did Jane help her? Why?
Did Jane help her mother to make the apple pie ?
What did Jane say when the apple pie was ready?

Answer the questions:Where did Jane and her mother live?What did her mother do every day?Did Jane help

Слайд 13Сhoose the best title for the story
Lazy Jane
The apple pie
“I don’t

want to”
Сhoose the best title for the storyLazy JaneThe apple pie“I don’t want to”

Слайд 14*
Now Jane is not lazy. She helps her mother.
Last Sunday

she made an apple pie. Say what she did.

Jane and her mother ………in a small house.
Every day her mother……………….
Jane ……….her mother, because she ………
Last Sunday Jane………..
She…………to the garden and………….
Then she…….and………for the apple pie.
She made………..
It ….. very good.
Jane ……happy.

*Now Jane is not lazy. She helps her mother. Last Sunday she made an apple pie. Say

Слайд 15Are you a good daughter (son)?

Are you a good daughter (son)?

Слайд 16Say how you help your mother

Say how you help your mother

Слайд 17How are you?
Did you like the lesson?

How are you?Did you like the lesson?

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