Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка на тему: Достопримечательности Великобритании

London eye One of the largest Ferris wheel in Europe, located in the London borough of Lambeth on the south bank of the Thames. With a height of 135 meters overlooking almost the entire city, it is

Слайд 1Places of interest in London
Выполнил: студент гр. 9КС-31 Музальков Тихон

Places of interest in LondonВыполнил: студент гр. 9КС-31  Музальков Тихон

Слайд 2London eye
One of the largest Ferris wheel in Europe, located in

the London borough of Lambeth on the south bank of the Thames. With a height of 135 meters overlooking almost the entire city, it is the biggest wheel in London.
London eye	One of the largest Ferris wheel in Europe, located in the London borough of Lambeth on

Слайд 3Buckingham Palace
It is the official London residence of British monarchs (now

- Queen Elizabeth II). When the monarch is in the palace, over the roof of the palace flies the Royal Standard.
Buckingham Palace	It is the official London residence of British monarchs (now - Queen Elizabeth II). When the

Слайд 4Tower Bridge
It is Drawbridge in the heart of London on the

River Thames near the Tower of London. It is sometimes confused with London Bridge, located upstream. It was opened in 1894. It is also one of the symbols of London and Britain.
Tower Bridge	 It is Drawbridge in the heart of London on the River Thames near the Tower

Слайд 5Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster
It is Gothic church in

Westminster. It is also Traditional place of the coronation and burial of British monarchs. Together with the adjacent Palace of Westminster and St Margaret's, Westminster Abbey in 1987, was classed to the World Heritage.
Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster	It is Gothic church in Westminster. It is also Traditional place

Слайд 6Hyde Park
It’s Kings Park area of ​​1.4 square kilometers in the

center of London. From west it is adjoin to the Kensington Gardens. It’s also the traditional place of political rallies, festivals and celebrations.
Hyde Park	It’s Kings Park area of ​​1.4 square kilometers in the center of London. From west it

Слайд 7Trafalgar Square
It’s the area in the center of London, where on-site

Charingskogo Cross converge three paramount streets of Westminster - Strand, Whitehall and the Mall.
Trafalgar Square	 It’s the area in the center of London, where on-site Charingskogo Cross converge three paramount

Слайд 8Theatre Royal, Covent Garden
Here you can see the Theatre in London,

serving the venue for opera and ballet performances, home stage of the Royal Opera and the Royal Ballet.
Theatre Royal, Covent Garden	Here you can see the Theatre in London, serving the venue for opera and

Слайд 9St Paul's Cathedral
Anglican Cathedral dedicated to the Apostle Paul. Located at

the top of the hill of Ludgate Hill, the highest point of the City is the seat of the bishop of London.
St Paul's Cathedral	Anglican Cathedral dedicated to the Apostle Paul. Located at the top of the hill of

Слайд 10The national gallery
The museum in London on Trafalgar Square, containing more

than 2000 samples of Western European painting of the 13th - early 20th century. The third by the attendance of the Art Museum in the world. The paintings in the gallery are exhibited in chronological order.
The national gallery	The museum in London on Trafalgar Square, containing more than 2000 samples of Western European

Слайд 11Regent’s Park
One of the main royal parks in London, spread over

an area of ​​188 hectares on the border between Westminster and Camden.
In the olden times it belonged to the hunting grounds of Henry VIII.
Regent’s Park	One of the main royal parks in London, spread over an area of ​​188 hectares on

Слайд 12Thank you for attention !

Thank you for attention !

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