Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка Health problems

Health is not bought.All people know that health is very important. However, many people begin to think about it when they are ill. This results in terrible consequences. It destroys people.

Слайд 1Health.
Human life requires superhuman
health. Health is not all, but all

is nothing without health. Those who have health, have hope, and those who have hope, have future.
Health.Human life requires superhuman health. Health is not all, but all is nothing without health. Those who

Слайд 2Health is not bought.
All people know that health is very important.

However, many people begin to think about it when they are ill. This results in terrible consequences. It destroys people.
Health is not bought.All people know that health is very important. However, many people begin to think

Слайд 3Factors affecting health.
We must not forget that there are many so-called

risk factors. These factors include:
neuropsychiatric overload (with stressful situations)
extreme states
unhealthy habits (smoking, alcohol,drugs)
poor nutrition, etc.
Factors affecting health.We must not forget that there are many so-called risk factors.  These factors include:

Слайд 4Alcohol.
Many people use alcohol, and think it is not dangerous,

especially in small portions. But it is not so: even in small quantities it does harm to lungs, kidneys, heart and blood vessels. Even small amounts of alcohol kills!
Alcohol. Many people use alcohol, and think it is not dangerous, especially in small portions. But it

Слайд 5Smoking.
Many scholars recognize that alcohol and smoking is a slow suicide.

Tobacco smoke contains over 4000 components, many of which are toxic and cancerogenic. Nicotine quickly enters blood and brain. Smoking causes many diseases of lungs, blood vessels, brain.
Smoking.Many scholars recognize that alcohol and smoking is a slow suicide. Tobacco smoke contains over 4000 components,

Слайд 6Drugs.

Drugs are the most harmfull substances. They cause a rapid adaptation

followed by hair loss and impotence, rotting veins and chronic cough, headache and depression, hepatitis and dystrophy. The addict can not live without drugs, but drugs kill. Some types of drugs are used in medicine, but only in very small quantities under the supervision of experienced physicians.
Drugs.Drugs are the most harmfull substances. They cause a rapid adaptation followed by  hair loss and

Слайд 7Poor nutrition.
Poor nutrition is very dangerous for human health. High concentrations

in foods of animal fat, salt, sugar, vitamin deficiencies, violation of food intake can cause many diseases. Poor nutrition leads to disease of liver, kidneys, heart, and obesity. Nowadays, in many countries there is a tendency to "obesity nation. This is happening in Russia too.
Poor nutrition.Poor nutrition is very dangerous for human health. High concentrations in foods of animal fat, salt,

Слайд 8Healthy Lifestyle.
Under the healthy way of life people think the best

mode of work and rest, balanced diet, adequate physical activity, personal hygiene, hardening, no harmful habits, love for people, positive attitude to everything around.
Healthy Lifestyle.Under the healthy way of life people think the best mode of work and rest, balanced

Слайд 9How to monitor your health?
- Keep your health since childhood.

the principle of "median line".
Be always friendly, quiet and intelligent, anger destroys cardiovascular and nervous systems
Choose a way to earn money for life that interests you and causes material and moral satisfaction
Do manual labor or fitness, trying to spend much time in the open air.
Do not smoke, and don’t try to hide from difficulties in a world of alcohol or drugs
Find time for a hobby, it helps you to relax and makes life more colorful.
How to monitor your health?- Keep your health since childhood. Observe the principle of

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