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Houses of ParliamentIt is the seat of the two parliamentary houses of the United Kingdom: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It is also known as the Palace of Westminster. The most famous

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Places of Interest in London выполнила учитель  английского языка ГБОУ « Гимназии № 5» г. Севастополя

Слайд 2Houses of Parliament
It is the seat of the two parliamentary houses

of the United Kingdom: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It is also known as the Palace of Westminster. The most famous feature of the Houses of Parliament is its clock tower, known as Big Ben.
Houses of ParliamentIt is the seat of the two parliamentary houses of the United Kingdom: the House

Слайд 3The Big Ben
The world-known clock. Everyday about 500 tourists come to

London to see the Big Ben. Built in 1858, it was named after an architect whose name was Ben (Benjamin). The interesting fact is that you are not allowed to get inside the Big Ben if you aren’t an Englishman. No tourists allowed.
The Big BenThe world-known clock. Everyday about 500 tourists come to London to see the Big Ben.

Слайд 4Trafalgar Square
This largest square in London, is often considered the

heart of the city. Ever since the Middle Ages, this area has been a central meeting place. In the middle of the square stands a tall column honoring admiral Nelson.

Trafalgar Square This largest square in London, is often considered the heart of the city. Ever since

Слайд 5Tower Bridge
It is one of the most recognizable bridges in the

world. Its Victorian Gothic style stems from a law that forced the designers to create a structure that would be in harmony with the nearby Tower of London. Taking photographs of the Tower bridge is a favorite London tourist activity, but you can also go inside the bridge, where you'll have a magnificent view over London from the walkway between the two bridge towers. 

Tower BridgeIt is one of the most recognizable bridges in the world. Its Victorian Gothic style stems

Слайд 6Tower of London
It was built at the beginning of the eleventh

century by William the conqueror. The tower was expanded during the thirteenth century into the fortified complex that we know today. The Tower's most popular attraction is its famous collection of Crown Jewels.

Tower of LondonIt was built at the beginning of the eleventh century by William the conqueror. The

Слайд 7Piccadilly Circus
The place is far from what is called “a circus”.

It is a well-known meeting point of the city. It has become so popular, that is now considered to be a place to visit for all the tourists.
Piccadilly CircusThe place is far from what is called “a circus”. It is a well-known meeting point

Слайд 8Madam Tussaud's Museum
The most famous museum of waxworks. It presents all

famous people from singers and actors to Prime Ministers and Presidents. All the waxworks are of such a good quality, that sometimes you can mistake them for a real person.


Madam Tussaud's MuseumThe most famous museum of waxworks. It presents all famous people from singers and actors

Слайд 9London Eye
It is one of the biggest observation wheels in the

world. Its height is 135 meters. It has 32 cabins which symbolize 32 districts of London. It takes 30 minutes to make a full circle. But it is the view you will never forget.


London EyeIt is one of the biggest observation wheels in the world. Its height is 135 meters.

Слайд 10London National Gallery
The gallery has more than 2000 works of world-known

artists of XIII-XX centuries. You can spend the whole day there and it will not be enough. What is interesting, is that the gallery is free for everyone.

London National GalleryThe gallery has more than 2000 works of world-known artists of XIII-XX centuries. You can

Слайд 11St. Paul’s Cathedral
It was built on the highest point of London

300 years ago. It is the London Bishop’s residence and is the most popular place of visit. 
St. Paul’s CathedralIt was built on the highest point of London 300 years ago. It is the

Слайд 12The Natural Museum
It's situated in Kensington and is one of London's

greatest museums. There is a huge collection of animals and plants, including a quarter of a million butterflies, a blue whale and the famous dinosaur skeletons. There is a cafeteria, a gift shop, and a book shop.

The Natural MuseumIt's situated in Kensington and is one of London's greatest museums. There is a huge

Слайд 13Buckingham Palace
It is one of several palaces owned by the British

Royal family. This is one of the major tourist attractions in London. The Changing of the Guard in front of the palace always attracts plenty of spectators.

Buckingham PalaceIt is one of several palaces owned by the British Royal family. This is one of

Слайд 14Parks of London
London is famous for its parks. Combined, all these

parks cover more land than the Principality of Monaco. The most well-known is the Hyde Park. It is a traditional place of festivals and celebrations.
Parks of LondonLondon is famous for its parks. Combined, all these parks cover more land than the

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