Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка

New York is the largest city in the world and the biggest seaport. It was founded in 1613 by Dutch settlers. It was bought by a Dutchman, Peter Minuit. He paid to Indians for Manhattan Island

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New York City

New York City

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New York is the largest city in the world and the

biggest seaport. It was founded in 1613 by Dutch settlers. It was bought by a Dutchman, Peter Minuit. He paid to Indians for Manhattan Island 24 dollars and a barrel of rum. It was renamed New York in 1626 by the English. Manhattan is the main island of New York City.

New York

New York is the largest city in the world and the biggest seaport. It was founded in

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New York very big and picturesque town. It has many beautiful

places: Broadway, Times Square, Central Park,
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim Museum, Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building etc.
New York very big and picturesque town. It has many beautiful places: Broadway, Times Square, Central Park,Metropolitan

Слайд 4 Guggenheim


Guggenheim Museum was
designed by the
famous architect, Frank Lloyd
Wright. It has one of the world’s
finest collections of contemporary

Guggenheim Museum

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Broadway is the most famous street in the world.

are more than thirty theaters here.You can see a different performance every day.


Broadway is the most famous street in the world. There are more than thirty theaters here.You

Слайд 6 Times Square

Times Square is the center of
the theater district.
The lights from all the theaters and advertisements are very bright.
Times Square

Слайд 7 Metropolitan

Museum of Art

Metropolitan Museum
of Art is located in Central park. It is the
most famous art museum in New York. It
has great art collections from all over the world.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Слайд 8

Central Park is used by thousands of New Yorkers and visitors

every day. Here you will see families walking their dogs and young people
riding their bikes and roller-skating. You can also see baseball and soccer games here. Some people come here just to rest. They walk, sit in the sun, listen to music, or go to the zoo.

Central Park

Central Park is used by thousands of New Yorkers and visitors every day. Here you will see

Слайд 9 Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty is the
America’s symbol of
freedom! It was built in New
York Harbor in 1886. It was a gift from the people of France.
Statue of Liberty

Слайд 10 Empire State Building

Empire State Building is
one of the tallest building in
America. This building is so tall, that people on the ships at sea can see it about 40 miles and visibility on clear day is about 80 miles.
Empire State Building

Слайд 11

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Good Buy!

The End

Thank you for your attention         Good Buy!The End

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