Презентация, доклад к урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме Ecology: Paper

Letter from JaneWe’re doing a project in ecology about saving paper and forests and I wanted to ask you a few things about your area. How do you try to save forests in Russia and in

Слайд 1Going Green: paper
(p. 135)

Going Green: paper(p. 135)

Слайд 2Letter from Jane
We’re doing a project in ecology about saving paper

and forests and I wanted to ask you a few things about your area. How do you try to save forests in Russia and in your home place if at all? Do you join any volunteer groups to do it or are you on your own? Do you think the 10-th-graders can really change the situation with the paper waste?

I hope you write me back soon!

In other news, I’m going to Brazil this summer!
Letter from JaneWe’re doing a project in ecology about saving paper and forests and I wanted to

Слайд 3Going Green: paper (p. 135)
Problem: we received a letter from Jane,

who is asking us about how we save the paper.

Aim: to define the real ways the 10th-grader can use to save the forests in Adygea, in Russia and in the world
Going Green: paper (p. 135)Problem: we received a letter from Jane, who is asking us about how

Слайд 4Our tasks
1. to define the ways of saving forests
(Познакомиться со способами

сохранения лесных ресурсов через экологическое употребление бумаги.)

2. to check if the ways are suitable for the 10th-graders
(Определить применимость этих способов на практике для ученика 10 класса.)

3. to compare individual and collective volunteer work effectiveness
(Сравнить эффективность и продуктивность экологической работы по сохранению лесных ресурсов в коллективе и индивидуально.)

4. to make up the sentences for the basic eco-paper communication
(Составить лексический минимум для коммуникации по данному вопросу с единомышленниками из других стран мира)
Our tasks1. to define the ways of saving forests(Познакомиться со способами сохранения лесных ресурсов через экологическое употребление

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