Презентация, доклад к учебнику Биболетовой М.З. 10 класс 10 oldest Ancient civilizations ever existed

10 oldest Ancient civilizations ever existed Let’s talk about some of the oldest civilizations to have ever existed in the world. We are talking about the civilizations that we know, as fact, existed for real, unlike

Слайд 110 oldest Ancient civilizations ever existed
Комлева Р.Т.
учитель английского языка
МОУ Озъягская

10 oldest Ancient civilizations ever existed Выполнила: Комлева Р.Т.учитель английского языкаМОУ Озъягская СОШ

Слайд 210 oldest Ancient civilizations ever existed
Let’s talk about some of the

oldest civilizations to have ever existed in the world. We are talking about the civilizations that we know, as fact, existed for real, unlike the ones that are shrouded by myths and beliefs (Atlantis, Lemuria and Rama civilizations to name a few). To correctly map the oldest of the civilizations in a chronological order, it becomes necessary to go the very cradle of civilization. Having said that, here is a list of top 10 oldest civilizations to ever exist in the world, starting with the most recent one first.

10 oldest Ancient civilizations ever existed Let’s talk about some of the oldest civilizations to have ever

Слайд 310. The Incas Civilization (11-16th centuries)
The Incas was the largest Empire in

North America in the Pre-Columbian era. This civilization flourished in the areas of present day Ecuador, Peru and Chile and had its administrative, military and political center located at Cusco which lies in modern day Peru. The Incas had their societies pretty well established, and the empire was in a rapid bloom since it’s beginning.

10. The Incas Civilization  (11-16th centuries) The Incas was the largest Empire in North America in the

Слайд 4The Incas were devout followers of the Sun God Inti. They

had a king who was referred to as “Sapa Inca” meaning the child of the Sun. The first Inca emperor Pachacuti transformed it from a modest village to a great city laid out in the shape of a puma. When the king died, his son would get all the power, but all his wealth would be distributed among his other relatives. This significantly led to a sudden rise in power of the Incas. The Incas went on to become great builders and went on to build fortresses and sites like Machu Picchu and the city of Cusco that still stand to this day.
The Incas were devout followers of the Sun God Inti. They had a king who was referred

Слайд 59. The Aztecs Civilization (XIV - XVI centuries) 

9. The Aztecs Civilization (XIV - XVI centuries) 

Слайд 6Most believe the Aztec civilization originated in the area of present

day Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado. Historic accounts commonly begin in the late 12th century as they migrated to what is now central Mexico. 
Most believe the Aztec civilization originated in the area of present day Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and

Слайд 7The Aztecs were an advanced and prosperous civilization who built beautiful

and sophisticated cities. At their peak, the Aztec civilization had about 15 million people who lived in nearly 500 communities. The Aztecs were culturally developed in music, arts, crafts, and the sciences. Music played an important role in Aztec religious rituals for worshiping their many gods. About 300,000 people lived in Tenochtitlan, their capital. In this famous city, the government controlled and was responsible for punishment, agriculture, and all aspects of the civilization’s economy.

The Aztecs were an advanced and prosperous civilization who built beautiful and sophisticated cities. At their peak,

Слайд 88. The Roman Civilization (from around the 6th century BC)

8. The Roman Civilization  (from around the 6th century BC)

Слайд 9Early Rome was governed by kings, but after only seven of

them had ruled, the Romans took power over their own city and ruled themselves. They then instead had a council known as the ‘senate’ which ruled over them. From this point on one speaks of the ‘Roman Republic’. Rome also saw the rise and fall of some of the greatest emperors in human civilization, like Julius Caesar, Trajan and Augustus. The Roman empire in the end was overrun by millions of barbarians from the north and east of Europe.
Early Rome was governed by kings, but after only seven of them had ruled, the Romans took

Слайд 107. The Persian civilization (836 BC – the first mention)
There was a

time when the ancient Persian civilization was in fact the most powerful empire in the world. Though only in power for a little over 200 years, the Persians conquered lands that covered over 2 million square miles. From the southern portions of Egypt to parts of Greece and then east to parts of India, the Persian Empire was known for its military strength and wise rulers.
7. The Persian civilization (836 BC – the first mention)There was a time when the ancient Persian

Слайд 116. Ancient Greek Civilization
The ancient Greeks may not have been the

oldest civilization, but they are doubtlessly one of the most influential civilizations to have ever existed in the world. Even though the rise of ancient Greece came from the Cycladic and Minoan civilization (2700 BC – 1500 BC), there is evidence of burials found in the Franchthi Cave in Argolid, Greece that dates back to around 7250 BC. 
6. Ancient Greek Civilization The ancient Greeks may not have been the oldest civilization, but they are

Слайд 125. Chinese Civilization
The Yellow river civilization is said to be the

cradle of the entire Chinese civilization as this is where the earliest dynasties were based. It was around 2700 BC that the legendary Yellow Emperor began his rule, a point in time that later led to the birth of many dynasties that went on to rule mainland China.
5. Chinese Civilization The Yellow river civilization is said to be the cradle of the entire Chinese

Слайд 134. Mayan Civilization
The ancient Mayan civilization flourished in Central America from

about 2600 BC. Once the civilization was established, it went on to prosper and become one of the most sophisticated civilizations with a booming population of about 19 million at its peak. By 700 BC, the Mayans had already devised their own way of writing which they used to create their own solar calendars carved in stone. According to them, the world was created on August 11, 3114 BC, which is the date from which their calendar counts. And the supposed end was on December 21, 2012.
4. Mayan Civilization The ancient Mayan civilization flourished in Central America from about 2600 BC. Once the

Слайд 143. Ancient Egyptian civilization
Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest and

culturally richest civilizations in this list. The ancient Egyptians are known for their prodigious culture, the ever standing pyramids and the sphinx, the Pharaons and the once a majestic civilization that resided by the banks of the river Nile. The civilization coalesced around 3150 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology). But this could not have been possible had there not been early settlers around the Nile valley in early 3500 BC.
3. Ancient Egyptian civilization Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest and culturally richest civilizations in this

Слайд 152. Indus Valley Civilization
This civilization flourished in areas extending from what

today is northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India. Along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, it was one of three early civilizations of the Old World, and of the three the most widespread, covering an area of 1.25 million km2.  The peak phase of this civilization is said to have lasted from 2600 BC to around 1900 BC. 
2. Indus Valley Civilization This civilization flourished in areas extending from what today is northeast Afghanistan to

Слайд 161. Mesopotamian Civilization
The timeline of ancient Mesopotamia is usually held to be

around 3300 BC – 750 BC. It was somewhere around 8000 BC that people found the concept of agriculture, and slowly started to domesticate animals for both the purpose of food as well as to assist in agriculture. They prospered in the regions of modern day Iraq – then known as Babylonia, Sumer and Assyria highlands.

1. Mesopotamian Civilization The timeline of ancient Mesopotamia is usually held to be around 3300 BC – 750

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