Презентация, доклад к стихотворению The Dark

It doesn’t bite and doesn’t bark

Слайд 1Why are we so afraid of the dark?
(«Почему мы боимся темноты?»)

Gavrilina Elizaveta
Gracheva A.O.
Why are we so afraid of the dark?(«Почему мы боимся темноты?»)Presented byGavrilina ElizavetaTeacherGracheva A.O.

Слайд 2It doesn’t bite and doesn’t bark

It doesn’t bite and doesn’t bark

Слайд 3Or chase old ladies round the park

Or chase old ladies round the park

Слайд 4The dark is cosy, still and calm
And never does you any

The dark is cosy, still and calmAnd never does you any harm

Слайд 5It’s somewhere nice
and quiet to think

It’s somewhere nice and quiet to think

Слайд 6Why won’t it come out till it's night?

Why won’t it come out till it's night?

Слайд 7Perhaps the dark’s afraid of light?

Perhaps the dark’s afraid of light?

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