Презентация, доклад к проекту Должны ли мы согласиться с глобализацией?

Plan:Why is everyone talking about globalisation? 2. What is it and when did it start? 3. Is it good or bad or inevitable? 4. What are some of the examples of globalisation in your country? 5.

Слайд 1Mini-projekt: Should we agree with globalisation?

Mini-projekt: Should we agree with globalisation?

Слайд 2Plan:
Why is everyone talking about globalisation?
2. What is it and

when did it start?
3. Is it good or bad or inevitable?
4. What are some of the examples of globalisation in your country?
5. Has globalisation brought any significant changes to you personally?
6. How does migration affect your area?
Give examples
7. On the whole, are you in favour or against globalisation?
Plan:Why is everyone talking about globalisation? 2. What is it and when did it start? 3. Is

Слайд 3 1.Because this process covers all spheres of the developed

1.Because this process covers all spheres of the developed states

Слайд 42. GLOBALIZATION— the process of rapprochement and growth of interrelation of

the nations and the states of the world which is followed by development of the general political, economic, cultural and valuable standards.
Large-scale globalisation began in the 19th century
2. GLOBALIZATION— the process of rapprochement and growth of interrelation of the nations and the states of

Слайд 53. With development of commercial relations, it can't be avoided. In

it is both positive, and negative.
Negative - deleting of borders of the state, washing out of traditions and foundations.
Positive - wider sales market, is more than opportunities for large corporations.
3. With development of commercial relations, it can't be avoided. In it is both positive, and negative.

Слайд 64. Worldwide distribution and service networks... From restaurants of McDonald's to

gas stations British Petrolium....
4. Worldwide distribution and service networks... From restaurants of McDonald's to gas stations British Petrolium....

Слайд 75.As I still the teenager, I had no opportunity to live

in the world without globalization therefore, for me it is difficult to judge, rendered a influence on my life or not.
5.As I still the teenager, I had no opportunity to live in the world without globalization therefore,

Слайд 86. Migration doesn't influence my area, but nevertheless I think that

in Russia more imigramntovchy, aboriginals
6. Migration doesn't influence my area, but nevertheless I think that in Russia more imigramntovchy, aboriginals

Слайд 97. In general I not against and not for globalisation, In

it is both pluses, and minuses.
7. In general I not against and not for globalisation, In it is both pluses, and minuses.

Слайд 10Thanks!


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