Презентация, доклад к проектной работе учащихся 7 классов Why do people learn foreign languages?

“He who knows no foreign language does not know his own one.” Goethe

Слайд 1Why do people learn foreign languages?

Проектно-исследовательская работа


Мальцева Александра,
Ускова Вероника,
ученицы 7А класса.
Руководитель Шепилова Е.В.,
учитель английского языка

Семилуки, 2012г.

Why do people learn foreign languages?Проектно-исследовательская работаВыполнили:

Слайд 2“He who knows no foreign language does not know his own

one.” Goethe
“He who knows no foreign language does not know his own one.”

Слайд 3How Many Languages Are There in the World?

How Many Languages Are There in the World?

Слайд 4Language Families

Language Families

Слайд 5The World's Most Widely Spoken Languages

The World's Most Widely Spoken Languages ChineseEnglish Spanish HindiArabicBengali Russian Portuguese Japanese German French

Слайд 6The Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel

Слайд 7Artificial Languages

Artificial Languages Interlingua Ido Tutonish Esperanto

Слайд 10The Reasons for Learning Foreign Languages
Travel – taking a

trip to a foreign land
Business – communication across borders
Heritage – family is international
Love – in a relationship with someone from another country
Moving – emigrating or moving abroad
School – studying abroad
Culture – art, poetry, film, food etc come from around the world
Change – doing something you have never done before
Interest – learn the mechanics of a language other than yours

The Reasons for Learning Foreign Languages Travel – taking a trip to a foreign land Business –

Слайд 11The Best Way to Learn Language
Concentrate on learning words, not

on grammar
If you're learning on your own, don't just buy a book; buy CDs
Music or movies - these are the hardest types of spoken language to follow
Use the dictionary - but sparingly
Be playful. Make jokes, don't be afraid of making a fool of yourself
Read less difficult books, comics; take up crosswords
The Best Way to Learn Language Concentrate on learning words, not on grammarIf you're learning on your

Слайд 12Why do We Learn English?

Why do We Learn English?

Слайд 13English Speaking Countries

English Speaking Countries

Слайд 15Do you like learning foreign language?
Yes – 48 students (80%)

– 5 students (8%)
Not very much – 7 students (12%)
Do you like learning foreign language? Yes – 48 students (80%)No – 5 students (8%)Not very much

Слайд 16What foreign language would you like to know perfectly?

What foreign language would you like to know perfectly?

Слайд 17Reasons for Learning foreign language

Reasons for Learning foreign language

Слайд 18What is The Best Way to Learn Foreign Languages?
In the

country of the studied language – 22 st. (37%)
At school – 12 st. (20%)
Individually, with a private teacher – 9 st. (15%)
In a group at language courses – 8 st. (13%)
Independently, with the help of books, Internet – 2 st. (3%)
What is The Best Way to Learn Foreign Languages? In the country of the studied language –

Слайд 19Which is the hardest language to learn?
Chinese - 42 students (70%)

– 40 students (67%)
German – 10 students (17%)
Japanese – 8 students (13%)
French - 3 students (5%)
Russian – 2 students (3%)
Spanish - 1 student (2%)

Which is the hardest language to learn?Chinese - 42 students (70%)English – 40 students (67%)German – 10

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