Презентация, доклад к открытому уроку Россия СПО


Russia is the largest country.

Слайд 1

Слайд 2
Russia is the largest country.

Russia is the largest country.

Слайд 3East or West — home is best.
There is no place like

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

My home (or house) is my castle
An Englishman's house is his castle
Мой дом - моя крепость

Пословицы о Родине и доме

East or West — home is best.There is no place like homeВ гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Слайд 4Country



Слайд 5

Russia – Россия
country – страна
world - мир
situate – располагаться
continent –

континент, материк
Europe – Европа
Asia - Азия
Russia – Россия country – странаworld - мирsituate – располагатьсяcontinent – континент, материкEurope – ЕвропаAsia - Азия

Слайд 6Russia is our country. It is the biggest country in the

world. Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia.
Russia is our country. It is the biggest country in the world. Russia is situated on two

Слайд 7

Sea – море
Ocean – океан
Wash – омывать
North – север
South – юг

- восток
West – запад

Sea – мореOcean – океанWash – омыватьNorth – северSouth – югEast - востокWest – запад

Слайд 8Seas and oceans wash Russia in the north, south, east and

west. The Black Sea is in the South; the Baltic Sea is in the West

The Baitic Sea

Seas and oceans wash Russia in the north, south, east and west. The Black Sea is in

Слайд 9The Black Sea

The Black Sea

Слайд 10The White Sea

The White Sea

Слайд 11
Новые слова
Plant – растение
Animal – животное
Rich – богатый
Different – различный
Bird –

Forest – лес
Field – поле
Mountain - гора
Новые словаPlant – растениеAnimal – животноеRich – богатыйDifferent – различныйBird – птицаForest – лесField – полеMountain -

Слайд 12The plant and animal worlds of my country are very rich.

The plant and animal worlds of my country are very rich.

Слайд 13 There are a lot of different animals, birds and plants in

our forests, fields and mountains.
There are a lot of different animals, birds and plants in our forests, fields and mountains.

Слайд 14

Symbol – символ
National – национальный
Flag – флаг
Wide – широкий
Stripe – полоска

– верхний
Middle – средний
birch tree – береза
Find – находить

Symbol – символNational – национальныйFlag – флагWide – широкийStripe – полоскаUpper – верхнийMiddle – среднийbirch tree –

Слайд 15 One Russian symbol is the Russian national flag. This flag has

three wide stripes on it.
One Russian symbol is the Russian national flag. This flag has three wide stripes on it.

Слайд 16The stripes are white, blue and red. The upper stripe is

white, the middle stripe is blue and the red stripe is at the bottom.
The stripes are white, blue and red. The upper stripe is white, the middle stripe is blue

Слайд 17 Another symbol of Russia which all Russian people know and love

is the birch tree. You can find these trees everywhere. People sing beautiful songs with poetic words about birch trees.
Another symbol of Russia which all Russian people know and love is the birch tree. You can

Слайд 18

Capital – столица
Wall – стена
Tower – башня
Heart – сердце
Cathedral – собор

– колокол

Capital – столицаWall – стенаTower – башняHeart – сердцеCathedral – соборBell – колокол

Слайд 19 The capital of Russia is Moscow. Moscow is an old city.

It is more than 850 years old.
The capital of Russia is Moscow. Moscow is an old city. It is more than 850 years

Слайд 20The city is situated on seven hills. On one of them

is the Kremlin with its beautiful red walls and famous towers.
The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow.
The city is situated on seven hills. On one of them is the Kremlin with its beautiful

Слайд 21The Kremlin

The Kremlin

Слайд 22The Spasskaya Tower

The Spasskaya Tower

Слайд 23The Nikolskaya Tower

The Nikolskaya Tower

Слайд 24The Troitskaya Tower

The Troitskaya Tower

Слайд 25The Kutafya Tower

The Kutafya Tower

Слайд 26On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals,

the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world.
On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the

Слайд 27Tzar-Bell


Слайд 28

main cities
place of interest
Political system

Russiaseasoceanslanguagepopulationmain citiesplace of interestcapitalPolitical system



Слайд 30Russia, country, continent, Europe, Moscow, capital, tower, city, birch tree, flag,

animal, sea, field, rich.

Найдите в клеточках следующие слова!

Ex. 1

Russia, country, continent, Europe, Moscow, capital, tower, city, birch tree, flag, animal, sea, field, rich.Найдите в клеточках

Слайд 32Раскройте скобки
1). Nikita (to live) in Moscow. 2). More than

8 million people (to live) in Moscow. 3). People (to sing) beautiful songs with poetic words about birch trees. 4). There (to be) a lot of different animals, birds and plants in Russian forests, fields and mountains. 5). The plant and animal worlds of Russia (to be) very rich. 6). Seas and oceans (to wash) Russia in the north, south, east and west. 7). White bear (to live) in the north of Russia.

Ex. 2

Раскройте скобки 1). Nikita (to live) in Moscow. 2). More than 8 million people (to live) in

Слайд 33Key2
1). Nikita lives in Moscow. 2). More than 8 million people

live in Moscow. 3). People sing beautiful songs with poetic words about birch trees. 4). There are a lot of different animals, birds and plants in Russian forests, fields and mountains. 5). The plant and animal worlds of Russia are very rich. 6). Seas and oceans wash Russia in the north, south, east and west. 7). White bear lives in the north of Russia.
Key21). Nikita lives in Moscow. 2). More than 8 million people live in Moscow. 3). People sing

Слайд 34Ex. 3
Вставьте недостающие буквы

Ex. 3Вставьте недостающие буквы

Слайд 36A cinquain.
____(1 word).
Give 2 adjectives.
Give 3 verbs.
Give a sentence (only 4

Give one word, a sinonym.
A cinquain.____(1 word).Give 2 adjectives.Give 3 verbs.Give a sentence (only 4 words).Give one word, a sinonym.

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