Презентация, доклад к исследовательской работе Выбор человека

What is spirituality?

Слайд 1 Авторы проекта:
Чернышева Катерина,
Тимофеева Бояна.

11 в класс
Руководитель: Черных Н.И.
учитель английского языка

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей №4 г. Данкова Липецкой области Лицейское научное общество «Синяя птица» Конкурс исследовательских работ «Первые шаги в науку» Секция: Языкознание

г. Данков

The choice of a man: a spiritual development or material things

Авторы проекта:  Чернышева Катерина,  Тимофеева Бояна.  11 в класс

Слайд 2What is spirituality?

What is spirituality?

Слайд 3 Spirituality is implemented in man by the knowledge

of God, Good and Evil, life in a society, its destiny. And all that relates to human interaction with the higher forces and the surrounding world.
Spirituality is implemented in man by the knowledge of God, Good and Evil, life

Слайд 4This knowledge defines the greater part of the main manifestations of

a man, his individual features, the attitude of other people to him, the ability or inability to any significant achievements and so on.
This knowledge defines the greater part of the main manifestations of a man, his individual features, the

Слайд 5 If the material production is aimed at

the production of material goods, then spiritual activity is production aimed at spiritual values and improvement of consciousness.

Spiritual production

If the material production is aimed at the production of material goods, then

Слайд 6

Spiritual production is scientific, artistic and other kinds of activity.

Spiritual production is scientific, artistic and other kinds of activity.

Слайд 7

Spiritual values are transmitted from generation to generation. To make this

possible, the products of spiritual production must be maintained (for example, books in libraries, paintings in museums).

The preservation of spiritual values

ArtLiteratureTheatreMusicMuseumCraftsArchitectureSpiritual values are transmitted from generation to generation. To make this possible, the products of spiritual production

Слайд 8
The spiritual or the material?

The spiritual or the material?

Слайд 9It is actually to separate everything into material and spiritual values.

And what does the man of the 21st century choose ?
It is actually to separate everything into material and spiritual values. And what does the man of

Слайд 10Material goods?
Such as…

Material goods?Such as…

Слайд 11Money…
The position in the society…

Money…Power…The position   in the society… Fame...

Слайд 12

Or higher spiritual values?
Such as...

Or higher spiritual values? Such as...

Слайд 13The search for the meaning of life...
The study of the

The search for the meaning of life... The study of the unknown...

Слайд 14Self-knowledge…
Freedom and self-development...

Self-knowledge…Love…Freedom and self-development... Faith...

Слайд 15
According to the survey conducted among 60 respondents of
the Lyceum

№ 4 :
- 42 students prefer spiritual values
- 18 students prefer material values

18 students

42 students

material values

spiritual values

Results of the survey

According to the survey conducted among 60 respondents of the Lyceum № 4 :

Слайд 16

We can't but say that our life is impossible without material

goods but people need to change their attitude, values and beliefs. Faith and spiritual development can help us become kinder, more generous and responsible. Let’s believe that it will make our lives much happier.


We can't but say that our life is impossible without material goods but people need to change

Слайд 17

Think yourself! It is for you to decide why and how

to live. Be happy and make others be happy too!
Think yourself! It is for you to decide why and how to live. Be happy and make

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