Презентация, доклад к исследовательской работе Права ребёнка


Слайд 1Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение 
Лицей №4 г. Данков Липецкой области
Лицейское научное общество «СИНЯЯ


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ученица 11б класса МБОУ лицей №4
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Черных Н.И.


Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение Лицей №4 г. Данков Липецкой областиЛицейское научное общество «СИНЯЯ ПТИЦА» КОНКУРС ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИХ РАБОТ«ПЕРВЫЕ ШАГИ В



Слайд 3Protection of children’s rights is a serious problem for Russia. It

is expected that the newly created institution of a Children’s Rights Ombudsman and introduction of the long delayed juvenile justice system will improve the situation.


Protection of children’s rights is a serious problem for Russia. It is expected that the newly created

Слайд 4Russia became a party to the International Convention of the Rights

of the Child, which was ratified on August 16, 1990.

Implementation of International Rights of the Child

Russia became a party to the International Convention of the Rights of the Child, which was ratified

Слайд 5The right to health care is one of the most important

social and economic children’s rights.  
The basic legal principles of health care for minors were defined by the Fundamentals of Russian Federation Legislation on Health Care.

Child Health and Social Welfare

The right to health care is one of the most important social and economic children’s rights.  The

Слайд 6 The primary legal act that provides for the definition of disability

is the Federal Law on Social Protection of People With Disabilities
According to the Constitution, social welfare is guaranteed to everyone because of age, for the upbringing of children, and in other cases established by law.
 The primary legal act that provides for the definition of disability is the Federal Law on Social

Слайд 7Education
The right to education is secured by article 43 of the

Constitution and is guaranteed by Federal Laws on Education, on Higher and Continuing Professional Education. Most of the children with disabilities are not able to attend schools, which are, as a rule, not accessible, and are subject to home schooling performed by teachers of regular neighboring district public schools.

Education The right to education is secured by article 43 of the Constitution and is guaranteed by

Слайд 8Under the Labor Code, individuals under eighteen years of age are

subject to certain limitations on legal capacity, special limitations, and certain protection in the field of labor relations. Provisions prohibiting forced labor were added to the Labor Code and the Criminal Code

Child Labor and Exploitation

Under the Labor Code, individuals under eighteen years of age are subject to certain limitations on legal

Слайд 9Russia has a unique role in the international sale and trafficking

of children because it is simultaneously a resource for future victims and a recipient of trafficked persons from the former Soviet states.

Sale and Trafficking of Children

Russia has a unique role in the international sale and trafficking of children because it is simultaneously

Слайд 10Conclusion
In spite of the efforts of the international community and Russia’s

non-governmental organizations, there is no machinery yet for making Russia a country with a developed legal system and enforceable legislation aimed at the protection of children. 

Conclusion In spite of the efforts of the international community and Russia’s non-governmental organizations, there is no

Слайд 11Children’s Rights: United Kingdom

Children’s Rights: United Kingdom

Слайд 12The most substantive piece affecting children and their basic rights to

a secure and safe environment is the Children Act 1989. 


The most substantive piece affecting children and their basic rights to a secure and safe environment is

Слайд 13The United Kingdom is party to numerous treaties regarding the rights

of children.

Implementation of International Rights of the Child

The United Kingdom is party to numerous treaties regarding the rights of children.Implementation of International Rights of

Слайд 14Child Health and Social Welfare
The United Kingdom does not have a

written constitution that provides any guarantees regarding access to healthcare.
Healthcare facilities are free and available for British children and infants.
Child Health and Social Welfare The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution that provides any

Слайд 15The right to an education is provided for in a number

of international conventions to which the UK is a party.


The right to an education is provided for in a number of international conventions to which the

Слайд 16The main legislation restricting the use of children in employment is

the Children and Young Persons Act 1933.
The use of children in armed conflict is prohibited in England and Wales, and it is party to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict.

Child Labor and Exploitation

The main legislation restricting the use of children in employment is the Children and Young Persons Act

Слайд 17Concluding Remarks
Overall, the legal regime applying to children’s rights in England

and Wales is voluminous and complex, with a large number of Acts providing varying rights for children.
Concluding Remarks Overall, the legal regime applying to children’s rights in England and Wales is voluminous and

Слайд 18So, children's rights in Russia followed more closely than in the

UK. However, in both countries pay great attention to the protection of children's rights.


So, children's rights in Russia followed more closely than in the UK. However, in both countries pay

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