Презентация, доклад к исследовательской работе Что значит имя?

Juliet. “Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor

Слайд 1X городская научно-практическая конференция молодых исследователей научно-социальной программы

«Шаг в будущее»

“Что значит имя…”
(“What’s in a name?” William Shakespeare)

Авторы: Елена Носовец, 10 класс
Анастасия Орлова, 9 класс
Руководитель: В. А. Чернова
учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной

г. Нефтеюганск

X городская научно-практическая конференция молодых     исследователей научно-социальной программы

Слайд 2
Juliet. “Tis but thy name that is my

enemy. Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet…” (William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”. Act II, Scene II) Джульетта: “Лишь это имя мне желает зла. Ты б был собой, не будучи Монтекки. Что есть Монтекки? Разве так зовут Лицо и плечи, ноги, грудь и руки? Неужто больше нет других имен? Что значит имя? Роза пахнет розой, Хоть розой назови ее, хоть нет…” (Перевод Б. Пастернака)
Juliet. 	 “Tis but thy name that is my enemy.  Thou art thyself,

Слайд 3

The research goal: To find out the tendencies which influence the choice of first names Our hypothesis: If we research the development of modern English anthroponimics (name-making process) we can find out the tendency for the creation of new first names on the basis of traditional ones common for all English-speaking countries.

Tasks to confirm or contradict the hypothesis:

to learn about the history of the question;
to study the factors which influence the choice of names;
to carry out a survey in some schools of England, the USA and Canada;
to draw up a rating of first names among the contemporary
teenagers in English-speaking countries
to find out in which of the English-speaking countries parents
are more inclined toward creativeness in naming their children;

The research goal:

Слайд 4 История английской антропонимики
Древнеанглийские личные имена

(Froda, Eadgar)

Английские имена в средние века
норманнские имена (William, Richard, Robert, Hugh и др.) библейские имена (John, Peter, James, Michael, Mary, Ann)

Вклад пуритан в английский именник (Faith, Hope, Prudence, Justice, Susan, Sharon, Hannah)

Роль литературы в пополнении ономастикона Англии Джонатан Свифт – Vanessa, Stella Уильям Шекспир – Julia, Juliet, Silvia, Jessica, Ophelia, Viola

История английской антропонимикиДревнеанглийские личные имена

Слайд 5 Производные формы имен

Производные формы имен

Слайд 6 Факторы, определяющие выбор личных имён
Влияние моды

имени с определенной социальной группой
Стремление избежать трудных, неблагозвучных сочетаний
Желание прослыть оригинальным
Влияние религии
Влияние на выбор имени положительных или отрицательных ассоциаций
Связь с местом рождения или какой-то другой значимой для семьи местностью
Желание избежать имен, встречающихся в устойчивых выражениях
Зачастую имя дается в честь другого человека

Факторы, определяющие выбор личных имён Влияние моды Связь имени с определенной социальной группойСтремление избежать трудных,

Слайд 7 От кого: Alisa Bearov Landrum a.b.landrum@earthlink.net  Кому:

Елена Носовец nosowecz@yandex.ru Отправлено: 25 сентября 2012 в 21:32

“…Many African-American mothers create names for their children, and are very proud of this. They often add accent marks to the letters, even though the accent marks have no phonetic meaning, just because they look pretty in the written name. This is becoming a problem, because computers cannot recognize, for example, an accent mark over a consonant, or an accent mark over a space, and so computerized records for school, etc. do not accurately represent the names…”

От кого: Alisa Bearov Landrum a.b.landrum@earthlink.net     Кому: Елена Носовец nosowecz@yandex.ru

Слайд 8From: Wanda Kay Jerez To: Elena Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2012,

11:46 PM

“…In the United States we have people from all ethnicities and nationalities. Our names reflect these different backgrounds. Many parents like to invent names with unusual spellings, as well. Some names can be used for both boys and girls. Also, sometimes boys are named after their fathers or grandfathers. My own boys' names are Blake, Austin and Jordan. Blake was my mother's maiden name before she was married, so I used her last name for my son's first name…”

From: Wanda Kay Jerez  To: Elena  Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2012, 11:46 PM  “…In

Слайд 9От кого: Sue Smith   Кому: Chernova Valentina Отправлено: 7 ноября 2012 в 17:58

“… One issue which is important I suppose is that you have info from one school in England - we are in a fairly well off area, with a very small ethnic range. If you had info from schools in London or Birmingham you would have lots of Polish names, Indian, Pakistani etc. Also if you had contacts with a school that was a 'church‘ school there would be very traditional names - all with a biblical origin…”
От кого: Sue Smith    Кому: Chernova Valentina  Отправлено: 7 ноября 2012 в 17:58  “… One issue

Слайд 10 The address book of the survey participants
“Heron Primary School”

(Abbeydale, Gloucester, England), учитель Susan Smith (списки 5 классов, всего 127 имен)

“Ryukyu Middle School” (American Air Force Base in Okinawa), учитель Wanda Kay Jerez (списки 5 классов, всего 120 имен)

“Berkeley High School” (Norfolk, Virginia, the USA), учитель Alisa Bearov Landrum (списки 2 классов, всего 36 имен)

«Hughes Elementary School» (Essexville, Michigan, the USA), учитель LaBelle Sturgell (список 1 класса, всего 25 имен)

“Jamestown High School” (Williamsburg, Virginia, the USA), учитель Suzan Griffin (списки 3 классов, всего 78 имен)

Список одноклассников и друзей Жанны Агеенко, эмигрантки из России, проживающей в Канаде (всего 55 человек)

Список с именами наших друзей по переписке из США и Англии (всего 25 имен)
The address book of the survey participants “Heron Primary School” (Abbeydale, Gloucester, England),  учитель Susan

Слайд 11 From the table of

the names frequency England – 138 names The USA – 273 names Canada – 55 names Total – 466 names

Some unusual cases:

Asia, Dakota, London (a girl)
Rebekah instead of Rebecca
Zachary, Zachery, Zackary and Zackery
Eric, Erick, Ericken, Erik
Stacey (UK), Stacie (US), Stacy (Can.)
Alejandro, Antonio, Dominique, Monique, Serge, Chui Lam
Andrei, Tatyanna, Nina, Natalya, Ivan, Zhanna
Amariah, Areon, Cearra, Cascy, Chaves, Dervyn, Dru
Billy-Jae, Tre’Shaun, Tiquen, Tyquan, Latifah,
Jalen, Jaylen, Jared, Kiajah, Kalevah, Poel, Parrish
Naieshia, Numaya, Roosevelt, Shonterra, Shalace,

From the table of the names frequency

Слайд 12

The conclusion

82% of English people give their children a traditional first name. The most popular male name is Thomas and the most popular female names are Jessica and Rebecca.

People from Canada also tend to give their children traditional names. But we were unable to arrive at a conclusion because we didn’t have enough names.

Only 59% of the American students are given traditional names. The rest 41% of students are named by very original and sometimes even extravagant names. The most popular names are Michael and Nathan for boys and Victoria for girls.


Слайд 13 The rating of first names

based on the lists from English, American and Canadian schools

There are some names which are not included into the top names but they are used with the same frequency in the three countries. They are David, Robert, William and Sarah.

The rating of first names based on the lists from

Слайд 14 There is a lot in common

for all English-speaking countries.

Parents should choose names for their children very carefully. The name is the first present (as well as the life itself) given to a baby by his parents and it’s the present for the rest of his life!

There is a lot in common for all

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