Презентация, доклад к интегрированному уроку математики и английского языка на тему:Повторение пройденного. Взаимная проверка знаний: Помогаем друг другу сделать шаг к успеху

Новая лексикаcastle - замокknight - рыцарьto free - освободитьgate - воротаbridge - мостequation - уравнениеto solve the problem – решить задачуto agree – соглашатьсяa magic word – волшебное словоwedding – свадьба

Слайд 1 Интегрированный урок математики и английского языка «Приключения принца Артура» 4 класс (Повторение пройденного. Взаимная

проверка знаний: «Помогаем друг другу сделать шаг к успеху» )

Учитель начальной школы: Петрова О.В.
Учитель английского языка: Долгова Т.Б.
16 февраля 2017
ЧОУ СОШ «Исток»

Интегрированный урок математики и английского языка «Приключения принца Артура»  4 класс (Повторение пройденного. Взаимная

Слайд 2Новая лексика

castle - замок
knight - рыцарь
to free - освободить
gate - ворота

- мост

equation - уравнение
to solve the problem – решить задачу
to agree – соглашаться
a magic word – волшебное слово
wedding – свадьба

Новая лексикаcastle - замокknight - рыцарьto free - освободитьgate - воротаbridge - мостequation - уравнениеto solve the

Слайд 3The adventures of prince Arthur
Once upon a time there was a

lovely princes.
The adventures of  prince ArthurOnce upon a time there was a lovely princes.

Слайд 4She was locked in a castle.

She was locked in a castle.

Слайд 5She waited for her prince in the highest room in the

tallest tower .
She waited for her prince in the highest room in the tallest tower .

Слайд 6Many brave knights tried to free her. But they didn`t do

Many brave knights tried to free her.  But they didn`t do it.

Слайд 7Prince Arthur and his knights rode to free the princess.
They came

to a river and saw gates of the bridge…
Prince Arthur and his knights rode to free the princess.They came to a river and saw gates

Слайд 8There was an equation on the gate.

Y : 3 = 720

: 9

Solve the equation and the gate will open
There was an equation on the gate.Y : 3 = 720 : 9Solve the equation and the

Слайд 9Prince Arthur and his knights crossed the bridge and had a

long trip in the forest…

They saw a Witch’s house.

Prince Arthur and his knights crossed the bridge and had a long trip in the forest…They saw

Слайд 10The Witch agreed to help prince Arthur but his knights had

to solve the problem . Решите задачу.
The Witch agreed to help prince Arthur but his knights had to solve the problem . Решите

Слайд 11The Witch told prince Arthur about the power of answers…
“If you

want to open a lock or close it, say the answer.
Решите пример.
The Witch told prince Arthur about the power of answers…“If you want to open a lock or

Слайд 12 Prince Arthur said the “magic answer”.

The gates opened.

Prince Arthur said the “magic answer”.The gates opened.

Слайд 13Prince Arthur freed the princess and asked her to marry him.

said ,“ If you solve the problem, I will marry you”.
Решите задачу.

Prince Arthur freed the princess and asked her to marry him.She said ,“ If you solve the

Слайд 14 60kg 40kg


60kg        40kg3  38kg

Слайд 15Their Wedding was wonderful and they lived happily ever after…

Their Wedding was wonderful  and they lived happily ever after…

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