Презентация, доклад к игре на уроках английского языка Своя игра. Раунд 2


The answerIn this room we sleep

Слайд 1General knowledge quiz
Якубова Светлана Валерьевна
Учитель английского языка
ГБОУ Школа 1494 СП

General knowledge quiz СоставилаЯкубова Светлана ВалерьевнаУчитель английского языкаГБОУ Школа 1494 СП 296

Слайд 3The answer
In this room we sleep

The answerIn this room  we sleep

Слайд 4a bedroom

a bedroom

Слайд 5The answer
In this room we cook

The answerIn this room  we cook

Слайд 6 a kitchen

a kitchen

Слайд 7The answer
In this room we meet guests and watch TV

The answerIn this room   we meet  guests and watch TV

Слайд 8
a living room

a living room

Слайд 9In this room we take a shower or a bath

The answer

In this room   we take a shower or a bath The answer

Слайд 10
a bathroom

a bathroom

Слайд 11The answer
In this room we have a meal

The answerIn this room  we have a meal

Слайд 12

a dining room

a dining room

Слайд 13The answer
We keep our food in it

The answer  We keep our food in it

Слайд 14
a fridge

a fridge

Слайд 15The answer
It helps us to do the washing

The answerIt helps us to do  the washing

Слайд 16
a washing machine

a washing  machine

Слайд 17
The answer
It helps us to cook a meal

The answerIt helps   us to cook a meal

Слайд 18
a cooker

a cooker

Слайд 19The answer
It helps us to heat our meal (to make our

meal hot)
The answerIt helps  us to heat our meal  (to make our meal hot)

Слайд 20
a microwave

a microwave

Слайд 21The answer
It helps us to do the washing up

The answerIt helps  us to do the washing up

Слайд 22a dishwasher

a dishwasher

Слайд 23The answer
In big cities people usually live here

The answer  In big cities  people usually live here

Слайд 24

a high rise flat

a high rise flat

Слайд 25

The answer
Here people live in the country

The answerHere  people live   in the country

Слайд 26
a house

a house

Слайд 27The answer
People sometimes live here if they love rivers

and silence
The answer  People sometimes live here   if they love rivers and silence

Слайд 28
a houseboat

a houseboat

Слайд 29The answer
When people go camping they live in it

The answerWhen  people go camping  they live in it

Слайд 31The answer
Sometimes people in the UK live in this unusual place

The answerSometimes people  in the UK live in this unusual place

Слайд 32
a lighthouse

a lighthouse

Слайд 33
The answer
He/She works at school

The answerHe/She works  at school

Слайд 34
a teacher

a teacher

Слайд 35The answer
He/She works at hospital

The answerHe/She works  at hospital

Слайд 36
a doctor

a doctor

Слайд 37The answer
He saves people`s lives from fire

The answerHe saves  people`s  lives from fire

Слайд 38
a firefighter

a firefighter

Слайд 39The answer
He/She defends people in the streets

The answerHe/She defends  people in the streets

Слайд 40
a police officer

a police officer

Слайд 41The answer
He/She loves and plays music

The answerHe/She loves  and plays music

Слайд 42
a musician

a musician

Слайд 43The answer
They are red in London

The answerThey are  red in London

Слайд 45The answer
You can take it when you`re in a hurry

The answerYou can take  it   when you`re in a hurry

Слайд 47The answer
Small children can ride it

The answerSmall  children can  ride it

Слайд 49The answer
Many families have their own...

The answerMany  families   have their own...

Слайд 51

The answer
The Englishmen call it 'the Tube'

The answerThe Englishmen  call it 'the Tube'

Слайд 52
the underground

the underground

Слайд 53
Использованные в данной презентации материалы
заимствованы из свободных интернет ресурсов
Pictures and photos

–Yandex, а также
УМК “TRAVELLER” Beginner, MMPublications

Использованные в данной презентации материалызаимствованы из свободных интернет ресурсовhttp://www.sciencekids.co.nz/http://www.uchportal.ru/load/95-1-0-17542Pictures and photos –Yandex, а такжеУМК “TRAVELLER” Beginner, MMPublications

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