Презентация, доклад к докладу Native American Beadwork часть 2

WOLF - a guide and intelligence May the Spirits of the Earth guide you always and keep you safe.

Слайд 1The Lyceum of Humanities
Native American Beadwork
Prepared by Shemetova Nastya, 7 B

Ukolova Elena Lvovna

Saratov 2010

The Lyceum of HumanitiesNative American BeadworkPrepared by Shemetova Nastya, 7 BTeacher Ukolova Elena LvovnaSaratov 2010

Слайд 2WOLF - a guide and intelligence
May the Spirits of the

Earth guide you always and keep you safe.
WOLF - a guide and intelligence May the Spirits of the Earth guide you always and keep

Слайд 3EAGLE represented courage, wisdom and keen sight.

EAGLE represented courage, wisdom and keen sight.

Слайд 4
HORSE – swiftness

HORSE – swiftness

Слайд 5 Beading process was sacred and perceived as a form of

prayer and reflection by these people.
Beading process was sacred and perceived as a form of prayer and reflection by these people.

Слайд 6 Beadwork done as a prayer underlay and strengthened ceremonial activities which

embraced people for a common purpose. Beads and jewelry were used in ceremonies like healing, rites of passage, funerals, courting and dance ceremonies.
Beadwork done as a prayer underlay and strengthened ceremonial activities which embraced people for a common purpose.

Слайд 7Each baby born was symbolically linked to the community, women strengthened

their union with each other and the preceding generations. Nourishing Native American spirit, this ceremony celebrated the process of life.
Each baby born was symbolically linked to the community, women strengthened their union with each other and

Слайд 10The Indian orator holds a belt of wampum in his hand,

essential for diplomacy in the Eastern Woodlands.
The Indian orator holds a belt of wampum in his hand, essential for diplomacy in the Eastern

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