Hobby: ecology, animals.
Friends: many friends.
My personal details
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Official name the Commonwealth Australia
Capital City Canberra
Largest cities Sidney, Melbourn, Adelaide, Perth
Total area 7,690,000 sq km
Population 20, 434, 000 people
Main religion Christian (Catholic, Anglican, other Christians), Buddhist, Muslim
Major ethnic groups Asian, Aboriginal
Consist of 6 states (New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia) and 2 territories (Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory)
Currency Australian Dollar (A$) AUD
Official language English
Nationality singular an Australian plural Australians
Form of government federal parliamentary demoсracy
Natural resources gold, zinc, copper, tin, iron, gas, diamonds, uranium, nickel
Flag the Australian National Flag
Internet TLD .au
International dialing code + 61
Historical names of Australia
Endemic animals
Marsupial animals
The Tasmania Devil
Endemic plants
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