Презентация, доклад исследовательского проекта по английскому языку на тему Флора и фауна Австралии

The unique world of Australian’sflora and fauna

Слайд 1
Name: Nataly
Surname: Shahtanova
Age: 16
Date of birth: 20th of August, 1994

favourite occupations: dancing, reading
Hobby: ecology, animals.
Friends: many friends.

My personal details

Name: NatalySurname: ShahtanovaAge: 16Date of birth: 20th of August, 1994 favourite occupations: dancing, readingHobby: ecology,

Слайд 2The unique world of
flora and fauna

The unique world of Australian’sflora and fauna

Teaching myself;
Get a necessary information about

Australian’s world of flora and fauna;
Improving my knowledge in English;
Practice my speaking English.
MY WORK IS AIMED TO: Teaching myself;Get a necessary information about Australian’s world of flora and fauna;Improving

it was interesting to know

about such a beautiful country as Australia;
I like animals very much, that’s why I have decided to study Australia’s animals world;
I was interested to read about unique facts of this country.
I HAVE CHOSEN THIS TOPIC BECAUSE: it was interesting to know about such a beautiful country as

Слайд 5Introduction;
Chapter Ι.

Some facts of position, names of Australia;
Chapter II. Flora and fauna of Australia;


Introduction;Chapter Ι.

Слайд 6


Official name the Commonwealth Australia
Capital City Canberra
Largest cities Sidney, Melbourn, Adelaide, Perth
Total area 7,690,000 sq km
Population 20, 434, 000 people
Main religion Christian (Catholic, Anglican, other Christians), Buddhist, Muslim
Major ethnic groups Asian, Aboriginal
Consist of 6 states (New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia) and 2 territories (Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory)
Currency Australian Dollar (A$) AUD
Official language English
Nationality singular an Australian plural Australians
Form of government federal parliamentary demoсracy
Natural resources gold, zinc, copper, tin, iron, gas, diamonds, uranium, nickel
Flag the Australian National Flag
Internet TLD .au
International dialing code + 61


Слайд 7Terra Incognita (the unknown land of the south 13th century)
Tasmania (1642)

land (1699)
Botany Bay (1770) – James Cook
Australia (1788)
The Commonwealth Australia (1901)

Historical names of Australia

Terra Incognita (the unknown land of the south 13th century)Tasmania (1642)Buccaneer's land (1699)Botany Bay (1770) – James

Слайд 8Australia is the only country in the world which has:
Territory of

the whole continent.
It is also:
The oldest (3 million years old)
The flattest (has mountains)
The driest (most of it is a semi - desert)
The land for good living and rest
The land of birds and animals which can be only in Australia.
Australia is the only country in the world which has:Territory of the whole continent.

Слайд 9 The kangaroo
The koala
The echidna
The platypus

Tasmanian Devil
The opossum
The Ocilla (a tiger cat)
The tortoise
The wombat

Endemic animals

The kangaroo The koala The echidna The platypus The dingo Tasmanian Devil The opossum The Ocilla

Слайд 10There are only in Australia!
The kangaroo
Weight: 85kg
Curries babies in the pouch

8 months
It’s interesting:
Name: When European explorers came to Australia, they saw strange animals and asked native Australian Aborigines about their name?
They answered: “kangaroo”
It means “We don’t understand your question ”

A male kangaroo is called “a boomer”
A female kangaroo – “a flyer”
A baby kangaroo – “a joys”

Marsupial animals

There are only in Australia!The kangarooWeight: 85kgCurries babies in the pouch 8 monthsIt’s interesting:Name: When European explorers

Слайд 11The koala
Image: a small bear-like animals
Weight: 10kg
Very sharp teeth and claws

a “native bear”
Food: eucalyptus (only in Australia)
It’s interesting
Many people believe that it is a bear but koala is related to the kangaroo and the wombat.
“Koala” is translated from Aboriginal name “no water”

The koalaImage: a small bear-like animalsWeight: 10kgVery sharp teeth and clawsNickname: a “native bear”Food: eucalyptus (only in

Слайд 12
1) The echidna

2) The platypus
a toothless a beach of a duck animals

egg – laying mammals

1) The echidna             2) The

Слайд 13The dingo
Always 50 centimeters sandy-colored
Weight: 23-32 kg

live on their own

it has: bleak
coat and a small bear-shaped head

The Tasmania Devil

The dingo Always 50 centimeters sandy-coloredWeight: 23-32 kglive on their own it has: bleak coat and a

Слайд 14Birds’ world
Only in Australia:
There are 800 varieties of birds
They have unmelodic

They are very beautiful and unique

Black swans

Birds’ worldOnly in Australia:There are 800 varieties of birdsThey have unmelodic voices They are very beautiful and

Слайд 15The Emu

run very well can’t fly

The kookaburra

very popular sounds like a
laughing human


black swans

The Emu

Слайд 16Crocodiles (in the north)


Tiger -snake

Dangerous animals

Crocodiles (in the north)SpidersSnakes Death-adder         Tiger -snake Dangerous animals

Слайд 17
Australia is called “sheep station”
Very famous for fine wool
A monument in

the cities
150 million


Australia is called “sheep station”Very famous for fine woolA monument in the cities150 millionSHEEP MERINO

Слайд 18In the north: tropical forest
In the North-East: savannahs; grassland
In the


forest of different even-green trees
kind of eucalyptus
Queensland: rain forest; National Park

Wattle - акация
Eucalyptus - эвкалипт
Palm - пальма
Cedar - кедр

Endemic plants

In the north: tropical forest In the North-East: savannahs; grasslandIn the south-eastforest of different

Слайд 19Emblem of Australia
The emu and the kangaroo are represented at the

emblem of Australia.

Emblem of AustraliaThe emu and the kangaroo are represented at the emblem of Australia.

Слайд 20New South Wales
the platypus and the kookaburra
the koala
Western Australia
the black swan

national floral emblem
the golden wattle
New South Walesthe platypus and the kookaburraQueenslandthe koalaWestern Australiathe black swanThe national floral emblemthe golden wattle

Слайд 21Cities and their nicknames

“Park City”
Canberra “Bush capital”
Perth “Swan River”
Adelaide “Flowers City”
Hobart “Palm City”
Cities and their nicknames Brisbane        “Park City”Canberra

Слайд 22Conclusion
In Conclusion I want to say that it is important

know, to love and to protect flora and fauna on our planet, because the man is a child of nature
ConclusionIn Conclusion I want to say that it is important to know, to love and to protect

Слайд 23Thank you
for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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