Презентация, доклад Индейские резервации XXI века

An Indian reservation is a legal designation for an area of land managed by a Native American tribe under the US Bureau of Indian Affairs.Индейцы племени Ирокезов в резервации.Indians of the tribe of Mohawks  [ˈməuhɔ:ks]in the reservation. индеец-могавк

Слайд 1Индейские резервации XXI века 
Презентация выполнена
преподавателем английского языка
«Нижегородского Губернского колледжа»
Кузнецовой Светланой

Индейские резервации XXI века  Презентация выполненапреподавателем английского языка«Нижегородского Губернского колледжа» Кузнецовой Светланой Ивановной.

Слайд 2An Indian reservation is a legal designation for an area of land managed by a Native

American tribe under the US Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Индейцы племени Ирокезов в резервации.

Indians of the tribe of Mohawks  [ˈməuhɔ:ks]
in the reservation.


An Indian reservation is a legal designation for an area of land managed by a Native American tribe under the US Bureau of Indian

Слайд 3What does "federally recognized" mean?
Federally-recognized refers specifically to those American Indian tribes

recognized by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) for certain administrative purposes.

Being federally recognized by the U.S. government is of utmost importance to an Indian tribe and its enrolled members because federal recognition validates their "tribal sovereignty" and helps them qualify for special federal and state programs, funding and social services.

What does

Слайд 6Not all of the country's 567 recognized tribes have a reservation—some tribes

have more than one reservation, some share reservations, while others have none.
Not all of the country's 567 recognized tribes have a reservation—some tribes have more than one reservation, some

Слайд 7Each of the 326 Indian reservations in the United States are associated with

a particular Nation.

Индейцы племен cиу и навахо

Indians of tribes to a si and Navajo

Each of the 326 Indian reservations in the United States are associated with a particular Nation. Индейцы племен cиу и навахоIndians

Слайд 8Which is correct or preferred:
"Native American" or "American Indian"?
"American Indian" refers

specifically to the aboriginal peoples of the lower 48 states —
while "Native American"includes Alaska Natives as well.
Which is correct or preferred:

Слайд 9NON-INDIGENOUS "NATIVES" one-generation natives...

"Native" is also used by some non-American Indian people

to identify their geographical birth area — as in "native Californian" or "native San Diegan" and even "native American.«

But at best, a non-Indian native can claim 26 generations in America (and that's if his ancestor came here with Christopher Columbus in 1492).
Because many Native American Indian tribes have occupied North America for 600 generations or more — this article excludes non-Native Americans from our "Native" designation.
When we capitalize the "N" in Native, we are talking specifically about Native American tribal peoples.

Слайд 10An Indian Family
of the tribe
Black Foot.

An Indian Family of the tribe Black Foot.

Слайд 11The Native American Indians made clothing from such animals as buffalo,

deer, bear, rabbit, elk, moose, weasel, wildcats, otter, ermine, fish (skins) and snake (skin).
They used leather, fur, bones, feathers, teeth, claws and other parts of animals which they hunted.
The Native American also used plants to make their clothes. They took a bark of trees, dried, shredded, and made fibers of bark to weave cloth. 
The Native American Indians made clothing from such animals as buffalo, deer, bear, rabbit, elk, moose, weasel,

Слайд 12Female costume consists of a skirt, leggings, a shirt (for some

tribes it is optional), a tunic or mantle, shoes (moccasins or mukluks).

Sometimes women used a dress instead of skirts and shirts.

Women also wore cloaks and fur parkas in cold weather.

Women's clothing of Native Americans.

Female costume consists of a skirt, leggings, a shirt (for some tribes it is optional), a tunic

Слайд 13A fur parka is a very convenient piece of clothing for

cold weather.
It is a knee-long coat with hood made from animal skin and fur. To make a parka Native American Indians used fur of Arctic wolf or Arctic fox, wolverine, coyote, husky dog; for the trim white fur of the caribou's belly was used.

In Alaska people often use1 or 2 inner parkas to survive in winter. Women's parkas are decorated with symbols of wild animals for protection.
Indian people believe that parkas provide spiritual protection from predators or other danger.
A fur parka is a very convenient piece of clothing for cold weather. It is a knee-long

Слайд 14Moccasins Cheyenne Southern
War bonnet
Деревянный боевой шлем. Аляска, о-в Ситха. Тлинкиты

shoes called "moccasins" or boots called "mukluks" complemented the costume.

The festive or war headgear was made from feathers and called "war bonnet".

Moccasins Cheyenne SouthernWar bonnet Деревянный боевой шлем. Аляска, о-в Ситха. ТлинкитыLeather shoes called

Слайд 15Ритуальная курительная трубка — Ritual pipe
Тотемные рисунки —
Totemic drawings

Ритуальная курительная трубка — Ritual pipeТотемные рисунки — Totemic drawings

Слайд 16The Indian tribe of Oglala Lakota for fight against those who

have selected their primordial lands have decided to create the currency – "a national reserve" of the tribe. For this purpose the tribe living in the state Young Dakota has released virtual currency of MazaCoin. As it was conceived by creators she will have to improve Oglal Lakot's welfare and will allow not to assess with the state taxes all transactions.
Several other tribes to which the offer on use of a new analog bitcoin has been already directed have already given the consent. Also some enterprises from South Dakota and enthusiasts of cryptocurrencies from among Indians have received new virtual currency for increase in active operations with her.
500 units of MazaCoin have been given as a gift to Great Spirit for prosperity of the Indian tribe.
The Indian tribe of Oglala Lakota for fight against those who have selected their primordial lands have

Слайд 17The name "reservation" comes from the conception of the Native American

tribes as independent sovereigns at the time the U.S. Constitution was ratified. Thus, the early peace treaties (often signed under duress) in which Native American tribes surrendered large portions of land to the U.S. also designated parcels which the tribes, as sovereigns, "reserved" to themselves, and those parcels came to be called "reservations."[9] The term remained in use even after the federal government began to forcibly relocate tribes to parcels of land to which they had no historical connection.
The name

Слайд 18Most Indian families enjoy their privacy as much as you do

in your own home. They may not appreciate bunches of tourists coming to their homes on the reservation to stare at them and to photograph them. On some reservations, there are signs stating that all outside visitors must register at the tribal office or that no photography is permitted on the reservation. Some tribes have built special visitor centers, museums, stores or casinos on their reservations, and they invite tourists to come to visit these places.
Most Indian families enjoy their privacy as much as you do in your own home. They may

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