Презентация, доклад игра для закрепления лексики по теме Семья

a very young child who cannot talk or walk

Слайд 1
Family life

Family life

Слайд 3
a very young child who cannot talk or walk

a very young child who cannot talk or walk

Слайд 4a baby

a baby

Слайд 5
someone who is no longer a child and is legally responsible

for their actions
someone who is no longer a child and is legally responsible for their actions

Слайд 6an adult

an adult

Слайд 7
no longer young but not old, usually between 40 and

60 years old
no longer young but not old, usually between 40 and 60 years old

Слайд 8
a middle-aged person

a middle-aged person

Слайд 9
someone who is at the age when most people stop working

someone who is at the age when most people stop working

Слайд 10
a senior citizen

a senior citizen

Слайд 11
the occasion when a baby is born

the occasion when a baby is born

Слайд 13

the end of someone’s life

the end of someone’s life

Слайд 15

the period of your life when you are changing from being

a child to being an adult, especially when you are a young teenager
the period of your life when you are changing from being a child to being an adult,

Слайд 16


Слайд 17
the time when a person is a child

the time when a person is a child

Слайд 18


Слайд 19
a daughter of your brother or sister

a daughter of your brother or sister

Слайд 20
a niece

a niece

Слайд 21
the brother of one of your parents, or the husband of

your aunt
the brother of one of your parents, or the husband of your aunt

Слайд 22
an uncle

an uncle

Слайд 23
a sister of your husband or wife

a sister of your husband or wife

Слайд 24


Слайд 25
the man who is married to your mother, but who is

not your father
the man who is married to your mother, but who is not your father

Слайд 26
a stepfather

a stepfather

Слайд 27
something that makes one person or thing not the same as

another person or thing
something that makes one person or thing not the same as another person or thing

Слайд 28



Слайд 29
knowledge or facts about someone or something

knowledge or facts about someone or something

Слайд 30


Слайд 31
a change that you make to something in order to make

it better
a change that you make to something in order to make it better

Слайд 32


Слайд 33
something that someone has made, designed, or thought of for the

first time, or the act of inventing something
something that someone has made, designed, or thought of for the first time, or the act of

Слайд 34
an invention

an invention

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