Презентация, доклад Homonymy in English

TailTale"Mine is a long and sad tale!" said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing… It is a long tail, certainly", said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse’s tail; "but why do you call

Слайд 1 Made by: O. Pokrovskaya
Teacher of English
Grammar school №13
Homonyms in

English and its practical using at the lessons
Made by: O. PokrovskayaTeacher of EnglishGrammar school №13 NovosibirskHomonyms in English and its practical using at

Слайд 2Tail
"Mine is a long and sad tale!" said the Mouse, turning

to Alice, and sighing… It is a long tail, certainly", said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse’s tail; "but why do you call it sad?"

Слайд 3● To clarify the meaning of the word “homonymy” ● To study

the classification of this phenomenon ● To learn the main ways and history of homonyms usage ● To make some exercises with homonyms to work with its at the lessons


●Familiarize myself with homonymy and see how we can use different exercises with homonyms at the lessons for our student to know and understand the English language better.

● To clarify the meaning of the word “homonymy” ● To study the classification of this phenomenon

Слайд 4Charles Bally (4 February 1865 – 10 April 1947) was a

Swiss linguist from the Geneva School. Also played an important role in linguistics.

Lev Malakhovsky (8 May 1921 – 7 May 2003) Soviet and Russian linguist, doctor of philology, lexicologist and lexicographer

Definitions of homonyms

Charles Bally (4 February 1865 – 10 April 1947) was a Swiss linguist from the Geneva School.

Слайд 5Homophones
Classification of homonyms

HomophonesHomographsClassification of homonyms

Слайд 6In general, there are logically possible 9 types of homonymous classes:

Phonetic - graphic lexical and grammatical (egg (n) «яйцо» and egg (v) «подстрекать») ● Phonetics - graphic purely lexical (bank (n) «берег» and bank (n) «банк»)

● Phonetics - graphic purely grammatical (milk (n) «молоко» and milk (v) «доить») ● Lexical and gramophone homophones (bear (n) «медведь» and bare (a) «обнаженный») ● Homophones are purely grammatical (practice (n) «практика» and practice (v) «практиковаться»)
In general, there are logically possible 9 types of homonymous classes:● Phonetic - graphic lexical and grammatical

Слайд 7● Homophones purely lexical (fair (n) «ярмарка» and fare (n) «плата

за проезд»)

● Lexico-grammatical homographs (tear (n) [t I ə] «слеза» and tear (v) [t ɛ ə] «рвать») ● Homographs are purely grammatical (use (n) [j u: s] «польза» and use (v) [j u: z] «использовать»)

● Homophones purely lexical (fair (n) «ярмарка» and fare (n) «плата за проезд»)  ● Lexico-grammatical homographs

Слайд 8Complete homonyms (ear (n) (pl ears) «ухо» and ear (n) (pl

ears) «колос»)

Partial homonyms (die (n) (pl dies) «штамп» and die (n) (pl ears) «игральная кость»)

Complete homonyms (ear (n) (pl ears) «ухо» and ear (n) (pl ears) «колос»)Partial homonyms (die (n) (pl

Слайд 9●pedlar/peddler [‘p e d l ə] (n) «разносчик» ●postpone [p o u

s t’p o u n/ p o u s’p o u n] (v) «откидывать» ●thrash [θræʃ]/ thresh [θreʃ] «бить».
●pedlar/peddler [‘p e d l ə] (n) «разносчик» ●postpone [p o u s t’p o u n/

Слайд 10Homonymous construction
She called him a taxi – She called him a

They are reading – They are interesting.
He made him a hero – He made him a sandwich
Homonymous constructionShe called him a taxi – She called him a genius.They are reading – They are

Слайд 11The main ways of the origin of homonyms
The conditions for the

existence of any language are such that it constantly undergoes various phonetic changes. These changes do not depend on anyone and nobody can be directed to the right channels.
In this case, new meanings can arise on the basis of the same source, for example, the meaning of a word hand – «лапа», «сторона», «власть», «работник», «умение», «почерк», «стрелка» etc., that goes back to the same true value «рука», and can develop one by one.
The taken form may turn out to be new, not similar to any of the ones already available, but may coincidentally coincide with some word of the language (for example, the coincidence of the word reciprocated from the French word in the 17th century ball «бал», with the already existing word ball «мяч» of Scandinavian origin).

The main ways of the origin of homonymsThe conditions for the existence of any language are such

Слайд 12sunu (сын) и sunne (солнце)

ear (колос) и ear (ухо)


(двор) и yerde (жердь)

sunu (сын) и sunne (солнце) ear (колос) и ear (ухо) yerd (двор) и yerde (жердь)

Слайд 13vail = veil, vain = vein, wait = weight, way =

wrick = rick wrung = rung wrack = rack wreck = reck write = right wrap = rap wring = ring
hour = our heir = air
vail = veil,  vain = vein,  wait = weight,  way = weighwrick = rick

Слайд 14“Homonymy serves the good of the speakers” – E. Buissans
“Homonymy contributes

to the compactness of the language, and this is a positive phenomenon” - Mauler

Opinions concerning difficulty of learning English owing to homonymy

“Homonymy serves the good of the speakers” – E. Buissans“Homonymy contributes to the compactness of the language,

Слайд 15Lewis Carroll
William Shakespeare
Examples of homonyms in the literature

Lewis CarrollWilliam ShakespeareExamples of homonyms in the literature

Слайд 16"I had not!" cried the Mouse, sharply and very angrily. "A

knot!" said Alice… "Oh, do let me help to undo it." (Омонимы not - не и knot - узел).
"Why, there they are!" said the King triumphantly, pointing to the tarts on the table. "Nothing can be clearer than that. Then again - "before she had this fit" - you never had fits, my dear, I think?" he said to the Queen… "Then the words dont fit you", said the King… (Омонимы fit - приступ и fit - годиться).
"Well? It isn’t picked at all", Alice explained: "Its ground - " "How many acres of ground?" said the White Queen. (Омонимы ground - молотый, молоченный и ground - земля).

Слайд 17…The canker-blooms have full as deep a dye…//…Die to themselves. Sweet

roses do not so;… (LIV)
…How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,…(LXV)//Tired with all these, for restful death I cry… (LXVI)
…For that sweet odour which doth in a live…(LIV)//…Save that, to die, I leave my love alone…(LXVI)
…Thou by thy dial’s shady stealth mayst know…(LXXVII)//…O, no! it is an ever-fixed mark…(CXVI)

…The canker-blooms have full as deep a dye…//…Die to themselves. Sweet roses do not so;… (LIV)…How with

Слайд 18The hardest sentences were:
●I accept everything except spiders. ●My feet became wet

due to the dew. ●She came up with a heavy gait and opened the gate. ●Let’s stake on a steak.


The hardest sentences were:●I accept everything except spiders. ●My feet became wet due to the dew. ●She

Слайд 191. Crossword "OMOMHONES" In this crossword puzzle you need to find the

missing pair to the smartphone, and to make it easier, its translation is given.
1. Crossword

Слайд 21Rhiet - terhe (their - there)
Eerd – adre (deer - dear)

(tail - tale)
Afer – irfa (fare - fair)

Rewit - tgirh (write - right)
Iar – eihr (air - heir)
Rybre - ruby (berry - bury)
Dowo - wudlo (wood - would)

2. Exercise in the form of a game - arrange the letters so that the homophones are:

Rhiet - terhe (their - there)Eerd – adre (deer - dear)Lati-atel (tail - tale)Afer – irfa (fare

Слайд 22w…ther (погода) - w…ther (ли)
he…(здесь, тут) - he…(слышать)
s….n (солнце) - s….n

t….(два) - t… (тоже, слишком)
m….t (встречаться) - m….t (мясо)
b…(покупать) - b… (пока)

thr…gh (через) - thr…gh (бросил)
p…ce (кусок) - p…ce (мир)
ha…(волосы) - ha… (заяц)
w…ch (колдунья) - w…ch (какой , который)
s…(видеть) - s… (море)
w..k (неделя) - w…k (слабый).

3. Exercise for homophones (and omoforms): Insert the missing letters in the words:

w…ther (погода) - w…ther (ли)he…(здесь, тут) - he…(слышать)s….n (солнце) - s….n  (сын)t….(два) - t… (тоже, слишком)m….t

Слайд 234. Irregular verbs.

4. Irregular verbs.

Слайд 25List of used literature
Аракин В.Д. Омонимы в английском языке Влахов С.,

Флорин С. Непереводимое в переводе. Красикова Т.И. Словарь генетически несвязанных омонимов английского языка Кузьменко Н.А. Выделение омонимов из семантической структуры английского языка Малаховский Л.В. Теория лексической и грамматической омонимии Изд.2, доп. Маулер Ф.И. Грамматическая омонимия в современном английском языке. Смирницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка.
List of used literature Аракин В.Д. Омонимы в английском языке  Влахов С., Флорин С. Непереводимое в

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