Презентация, доклад Have got 3 класс


Слайд 1Выполнила:
Алиева Надежда Николаевна
Учитель английского языка
МКОУ Оленинской ООШ
пгт Оленино
Have got

Выполнила: Алиева Надежда НиколаевнаУчитель английского языкаМКОУ Оленинской ООШпгт Оленино2016Have got

Слайд 2


Long form Short form

I have got I’ve got
You have got You’ve got
He has got He’s got
She has got She’s got
It has got It’s got
We have got We’ve got
You have got You’ve got
They have got They‘ve got

I have not got
You have not got
He has not got
She has

not got
It has not got
We have not got
You have not got
They have not got

I haven’t got
You haven’t got
He hasn’t got
She hasn’t got
It hasn’t got
We haven’t got
You haven’t got
They haven’t got

Long form

Short form

NEGATIVE I have not got	You have not gotHe has not got	She has not got	It has not

Слайд 4Interrogative
Have I got?
Have you got?
Has he got?
Has she got?
Has it got?

we got?
Have you got?
Have they got?

InterrogativeHave I got?Have you got?Has he got?	Has she got?Has it got?Have we got?Have you got?Have they got?

Слайд 5Look at the pictures and write sentences with have got or

has got. Then write negative and interrogative sentences, as in the example.

(boy / bike)

1. The boy has got a bike.

2. The boy hasn’t got a bike.
3. Has the boy got a bike?

Look at the pictures and write sentences with have got or has got. Then write negative and

Слайд 6(girl/doll)


Слайд 7(cat/kitten)


Слайд 8(Rabbits / big ears)

(Rabbits / big ears)

Слайд 9(woman/flowers)


Слайд 10Form sentences
1. Kathy / a ball / has
2. the

/ many / house / windows / has

3. have / all / cars / wheels

4. red / a / that / nose / has / clown

5. have / legs / spiders / six

Form sentences 1. Kathy / a ball / has 2. the / many / house / windows

Слайд 11




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