Слайд 1Автор работы: Губкина Ольга Александровна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №39»,
г. Ангарск Иркутской области
Тема: Easter in England
Целевая аудитория: учащиеся 6 -7 класса
Цель презентации: систематизация знаний о социокультурной специфике стран изучаемого языка и культурных особенностях носителей языка, их привычках и традициях при праздновании католической Пасхи
Задачи: 1) расширять лингвострановедческий кругозор учащихся; 2) обобщить лексико-грамматический материал по теме "Обычаи и традиции англо говорящих стран; 3) воспитывать толерантное отношение к иноязычной культуре.
Слайд 3Easter holiday – праздник Пасхи
Christ’s resurrection - воскресение Христа
Good Friday –
страстная пятница
Maundy Thirsday – чистый четверг
Easter eggs - пасхальные яйца
to celebrate - праздновать
to be filled – быть заполненным
candies - конфеты
jelly beans- драже
to hidden – прятать, скрывать
Слайд 4troughout – повсюду, по всему
Bunny - кролик
eve of Easter – канун
( накануне) пасхи
to hunt - охотиться
greeting cards – поздравительные открытки cross - крест
attraction - аттракцион
unique style- уникальный стиль
churces services- церковная служба
Easter bonnets- пасхальные шляпки
spring’s renewal- весеннее возрождение
Слайд 5Easter is the greatest holy day in the Church's calendar.
The Catholic
Easter is a joyful event, celebrating Christ's resurrection from the dead.
Слайд 6Easter is a movable holiday observed two days after Good Friday
and three days after Maundy Thursday.
The Easter Day is celebrated in the first Sunday after the full moon. The date of Catholic Easter falls between March 22 and April 25.
Слайд 7Catholic Easter is surrounded by many traditions and symbols:
Easter eggs are
painted, colored, or decorated eggs given to celebrate Easter. In European countries Easter eggs represent a symbol of new life.
Слайд 8Today chicken eggs are often filled with sweets. Chocolate eggs or
plastic eggs filled with candies or jelly beans are often used in place of real chicken eggs. Sweet eggs are popular with children, and are often hidden in different places throughout the house to engage children into the Easter hunt on Easter morning.
Слайд 9The Easter Bunny is a character that brings baskets with Easter
eggs, sweets and toys to children the night before Easter. The Easter Bunny hides the baskets somewhere in the house, engaging the children to Easter hunt.
Слайд 10White Lilies are the favorite flowers of many English churches. Churches
are beautifully decorated in all the parts of England. These flowers are also used on the eve of Easter pay respect to people who are no more.
Слайд 11Easter hunt is a traditional Easter game where children with baskets
have to find Easter eggs hidden somewhere in the house when they wake up in the morning.
This tradition means lots of fun for the children.
Слайд 12Many people enjoy sending Easter greeting cards to one another.
Слайд 13A hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun made with currants or raisins and marked with a cross
on the top, traditionally eaten all year-around for non-religious people and on Good Friday.
Слайд 14Easter song «Hot Cross Buns»
Hot Cross Buns,
Hot Cross Buns.
One a penny,
two a penny,
Hot Cross Buns.
If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons,
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot Cross Buns.
Let’s sing!
Слайд 15Morris dance is the special attraction where professional dancers perform on
the streets by forming groups. It is a unique style of dancing where the dancers hold each other’s hands and dance. This tradition of dancing is a very old way of dancing and celebrating Easter.
Слайд 16Easter Sunday is traditionally marked by church services, often held at
dawn so that people can view the sunrise, a symbol of Christ's resurrection.
Слайд 17The families gather for Easter lunch or dinner, which in England
traditionally consist of roast spring lamb with mint sauce, potatoes and green peas.
Слайд 18Easter parades is also an important tradition, during which people would
wear their new clothes - the ladies can show their new "Easter bonnets" - as another sign of spring's renewal.
Слайд 21Quiz
Click on Easter basket to check yourself
Слайд 22What event does Easter celebrate?
a) Christ’s death
b) Christ's resurrection
c) Christ’s birth
Слайд 23
3) What is the symbol of new life?
a) Easter egg
b) Hot
cross bun c) Easter greeting cards
Слайд 242) When is Catholic Easter celebrated?
in the first Friday
after the full moon
b) in the first Monday after the full moon
c) in the first Sunday after the full moon.
Слайд 254) Who brings baskets with Easter eggs, sweets and toys to
children the night before Easter?
Santa Claus
b) Bunny
c) Jesus Christ
Слайд 265) Which flowers are the favorite Easter flowers of many English
b) Daffodils
c) Lilies
Слайд 276) What food is traditional at family Easter dinner?
a) roast spring
b) roast turkey
c) roast fish
Слайд 28Find the Easter words in word puzzle!
Слайд 30Использованные ресурсы:
1)Шаблоны для презентации – автор Коровина Ирина Николаевна учитель
начальных классов МБОУ «СОШ №9» г. Сафоново Смоленской области - http://pedsovet.su/load/321-1-0-34313
2) Картинка девочка с зайчиком -http://www.picgifs.com/easter-graphics/people/
3)Картинка Иисус -http://www.jampo.tv/files/fun/attachments/4711/4329c39cf1ad09d592f7c876fb55b9b51239954417.jpg
3) Видео – песня «Hot cross buns» - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30oFM7w7WrU
4) Страноведческий материал о католической пасхе для слайдов и урока:
5) Картинка пасхальные яйца http://megaodd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Easter-eggs-08.jpg
6) Картинка - шоколадное яйцо
7) Картинка пасхальный заяц с корзинкой -
8) Картинка пасхальная охота -
10) Слова песни и видео с песней - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vx5oM6uM0c
11) Видеоохота за пасхальными яйцами - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbi46_t7YPw
12) Картинка священник -
Слайд 3113) Картинка украшенная церковь http://www.stmartinvc.org/Photos/2004/Easter/Easter_006.jpg-
14) Картинка пасхальная открытка - http://www.coupongeek.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/easter-cards.png
15) Картинка
пасхальная открытка - http://stat11.privet.ru/lr/0811c7fa1297cd0a2bd92bddbf0bcef8
16) Пазл со словами - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-RE1Gn_Nqw9Y/T3rFn2ke0-I/AAAAAAAAA8s/TRoivYbpraI/s1600/children-easter-word-search-puzzles.jpg
17) Картинка из игры «Easter hunt» -http://cdn.igames.com.ua/FlashGame.aspx?name=easter_egg_find
18) Картинка мудрая сова - http://blog.printpapa.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/126_2748644.jpg
19) http://www.veryicon.com/icon/png/Holiday/Easter/Easter%20Basket.png
20) Программа Microsoft Power Point 2010