Презентация, доклад English and Russian proverbs with images of animals

The purpose of my work is to learn English and Russian proverbs and sayings with images of animals

Слайд 1 English and Russian proverbs and sayings with images of animals

English and Russian proverbs and sayings

Слайд 2The purpose of my work is to learn English and Russian

proverbs and sayings with images of animals
The purpose of my work is to learn English and Russian proverbs and sayings with images of

Слайд 3The aims of the research as follows:
to analyze imagery of animals

in English proverbs and sayings and to compare it with images of animals in Russian;
to make a quantitative analysis of frequency of using the names of different animals in proverbs and sayings in both languages;
to identify possible classifications of them.

The aims of the research as follows: to analyze imagery of animals in English proverbs and sayings

Слайд 4The subject
100 proverbs and sayings in the English and Russian languages.

The subject100 proverbs and sayings in the English and Russian languages.

Слайд 5Saying is a genre of folklore, aphoristic concise, imaginative, logical and

grammatically complete sentence with instructive meaning in rhythmically organized form.
Proverb is a short trope, figure of speech, determining a phenomenon of life accurately, deprived of generalizing instructive meaning, unlike sayings.
Saying is a genre of folklore, aphoristic concise, imaginative, logical and grammatically complete sentence with instructive meaning

Слайд 6The English typical proverbs:
1. Убить двух зайцев. Then kill two birds

with one stone.
2. Яйца курицу не учат.-Never offer to teach fish to swim.

The English typical proverbs: 1. Убить двух зайцев. Then kill two birds with one stone. 2. Яйца

Слайд 7The Russians typical proverbs:

1. Старый волк знает толк.-An old ox ploughs

a straight furrow.
2. Не убив медведя, шкуры не делят.-Never fry a fish till is caught.

The Russians typical proverbs: 1. Старый волк знает толк.-An old ox ploughs a straight furrow.2. Не убив

Слайд 8Proverbs are the same in both languages:

The higher the ape goes,

the more he shows his tail.
Чем выше взбирается обезьяна, тем виднее ее хвост.

Proverbs are the same in both languages: The higher the ape goes, the more he shows his

Слайд 9Proverbs with minor differences:
A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy.
Ленивой лошади

и хвост в тягу.

Proverbs with minor differences: A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy.Ленивой лошади и хвост в тягу.

Слайд 10Proverbs which are in two languages, but they differ from each

other in structure:

Кукушка хвалит петуха за то, что хвалит он кукушку.
Claw me and I will claw thee.

Proverbs which are in two languages, but they differ from each other in structure: Кукушка хвалит петуха

Слайд 11Classification by the presence of negative and positive characters in the

English and Russian Proverbs and sayings.
Classification by the presence of negative and positive characters in the English and Russian Proverbs and sayings.

Слайд 12Negative characters for both languages:
С волками жить – по -

волчьи выть.
Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.

Negative characters for both languages: С волками жить – по - волчьи выть.Who keeps company with the

Слайд 13Positive characters for both languages:
На послушного коня и кнута не надо.

good horse is seldom spurred.

Positive characters for both languages: На послушного коня и кнута не надо.A good horse is seldom spurred.

Слайд 14Positives for Russian:
Всякая рыба хороша, коль на удочку пошла.
All is fish

that comes to the net.

Positives for Russian: Всякая рыба хороша, коль на удочку пошла.All is fish that comes to the net.

Слайд 15Positive for English:
На своей улочке и курочка храбра.
Every dog is a

lion at home.

Positive for English: На своей улочке и курочка храбра.Every dog is a lion at home.

Слайд 16Negative characters for Russian:
Паршивая овца все стадо портит
There is

a black sheep in every flock.

Negative characters for Russian: Паршивая овца все стадо портит There is a black sheep in every flock.

Слайд 17Negative characters for English:
Посади свинью за стол, она и ноги

на стол.
Jest with an ass he will flap you in the face with his tail.

Negative characters for English: Посади свинью за стол, она и ноги на стол.Jest with an ass he

Слайд 18Thank you for your attention!!!

Thank you  for your attention!!!

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