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London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. It is situated on the river Thames. Historical and geographical circumstances have turned London into one of the world’s most important commercial and cultural centres. The

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Welcome to London

Welcome to London

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London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. It

is situated on the river Thames. Historical and geographical circumstances have turned London into one of the world’s most important commercial and cultural centres. The first Mayor of London was elected in 1193, but for more than a thousand years before that London had been a place of some importance.
London survived the Plague, which killed nearly 70 000 people, and the Great Fire which followed.
There is always something new to be discovered.
One of the best ways to acquaint yourself with the city when you first arrive is to take a sightseeing tour on a double-decker bus. Join London Transport’s Original Sightseeing Tour in Victoria Street, near Victoria Station, for your introduction to the capital.

London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. It is situated on the river Thames.

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The Houses of Parliament were built in 1840. The building contains

11 court yards, 100 staircases, two miles of passages.

The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament were built in 1840. The building contains 11 court yards, 100 staircases, two

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The Houses of parliament are among the most admired buildings in

Europe. They are also called the Palace of Westminster. The Palace of Westminster includes the House of Lords, the House of Commons, Westminster Hall, the Clock Tower, the Victoria Tower and so on.
The Houses of parliament are among the most admired buildings in Europe. They are also called the

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The famous Clock Tower houses “Big Ben”- the clock named after

Sir Benjamin Hall under whose direction the construction of the clock was conducted. People call the clock Big Ben, but the name really belongs to the bell on which the clock strikes the hours. A light at the top of the Clock Tower shows when the Parliament is sitting at night.
The famous Clock Tower houses “Big Ben”- the clock named after Sir Benjamin Hall under whose direction

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Whoever comes to London is eager to see the Tower of

London, the scene of nearly 900 years of England’s history. The Tower has been a fortress, a prison and a mint. William the Conqueror began building the Tower for the purpose of protecting the city; other monarchs made additions in later centuries.

The Tower of London

Whoever comes to London is eager to see the Tower of London, the scene of nearly 900

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The Tower comprises several towers and the Jewel House where the

Crown Jewels are on public display.
The White Tower was the place where Kings of England held their Court. There is the Bloody Tower too, believed to be the scene of the murder of Edward V and his brother, the Duke of York. Though kings were born, lived and were married in the Tower, it happened so that they were murdered there too. Queen Anne Boleyn, the Princess (afterwards Queen) Elizabeth, Sir Thomas More and many other persons of high rank passed under the arch of the Traitors’ Gate on their way to prison or the scaffold.
The Tower comprises several towers and the Jewel House where the Crown Jewels are on public display.The

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The Tower

The TowerThe Tower

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Now the Tower is a museum attracting tourists from all over

the world. The Ceremony of the Keys takes place every night at 10 p.m. It was said that whoever held the keys to the Tower, held the keys to the kingdom.
The only inhabitants of the Tower are ravens. There is a legend that the Tower will fall if it loses its ravens. Therefore the birds with clipped wings are carefully guarded.
Now the Tower is a museum attracting tourists from all over the world. The Ceremony of the

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Tower Bridge stands sentinel over the Thames. It raises its twin

1,000 ton drawbridges in salute to allow ships to pass up the river. Built in 1894 the bridge is 800 feet long and spans 200 feet between the massive Gothic towers that rise from the river bed.

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge stands sentinel over the Thames. It raises its twin 1,000 ton drawbridges in salute to

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Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

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In 1805 England defeated the allied French and Spanish fleets in

a great naval battle at Trafalgar. This was a triumphant victory of the British nation over Napoleon. To commemorate the victory of Admiral Lord Nelson at Trafalgar, Trafalgar Square was constructed. The Nelson’s Column was build in 1842 in commemoration of Admiral Nelson, who was killed in this battle.
In 1805 England defeated the allied French and Spanish fleets in a great naval battle at Trafalgar.

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Dominating the square, Nelson’s Column rises to a height of nearly

185 feet. Around the pedestal of the column are bronze reliefs depicting Nelson’s victories. Its 4 corners are guarded by bronze lions by Sir Edwin Landseer. The fountains, designed by Lutyens, were added in 1928.
The square is home to thousands of pigeons.
The National Gallery overlooks Trafalgar Square from the north side and houses one of the world’s major collections of European art.
Dominating the square, Nelson’s Column rises to a height of nearly 185 feet. Around the pedestal of

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St Paul’s Cathedral stands on the site of former Saxon and

Norman churches. The latter was destroyed in the Great Fire and the present building, completed in 1710, is the work of Sir Christopher Wren. The famous Whispering Gallery runs around the inside of the dome, which was painted by Sir James Thornhill with scenes from the life of St Paul.
Among the many people buried there are Nelson, Wellington, Sir Christopher Wren himself. St Paul was the setting, in 1981, for the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales.

St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul’s Cathedral stands on the site of former Saxon and Norman churches. The latter was destroyed

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Piccadilly Circus is famous for its shops, theatres and nightlife.
Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus is famous for its shops, theatres and nightlife.Piccadilly Circus

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