Презентация, доклад для второго урока для 9-10го класса по теме Права человека

Documents in Russia:Constitution of the Russian Federationwas adopted by national referendum on December 12, 1993.The constitution is divided into two sections.Section One- Fundamentals of the Constitutional System Rights and Liberties of Man and CitizenFederative system; President

Слайд 1Human rights (lesson 2)

Human rights (lesson 2)

Слайд 2Documents in Russia:
Constitution of the Russian Federation
was adopted by national referendum

on December 12, 1993.
The constitution is divided into two sections.
Section One- Fundamentals of the Constitutional System
Rights and Liberties of Man and Citizen
Federative system; President of the Russian Federation and so on.
Section Two- Concluding
The Russian Constitution is based on world standards for human rights and basic principles of democratic state-building such as ideological neutrality of the state, political pluralism
Documents in Russia:Constitution of the Russian Federationwas adopted by national referendum on December 12, 1993.The constitution is

Слайд 3The Family Code of the Russian Federation – is the basic

legislative act, regulating family relations in the Russian Federation. Family Code consists of 8 sections, 22 chapters and 170 articles.
The Family Code of the Russian Federation – is the basic legislative act, regulating family relations in

Слайд 4Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the rights and obligations(обязанности)

of the employee(работник) and the employer(работодатель), regulates issues(вопросы) of safety, training, retraining and advanced training, employment(трудоустройства) and social partnership.
Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the rights and obligations(обязанности) of the employee(работник) and the employer(работодатель),

Слайд 5The Russian Criminal Code is the prime source of Law of

the Russian Federation concerning criminal offences(касающийся криминальных преступлений).

The general part includes six sections, 16 chapters and 104 articles.
The Russian Criminal Code is the prime source of Law of the Russian Federation concerning criminal offences(касающийся

Слайд 6Agree or not:
I can steal any thing that I like and

avoid punishment.
if I want, I can not go to school and still have a good job.
Parents can beat their children and punish them violently.
If the interests of different countries do not converge that the conflict can be solved by nuclear weapons.
Everyone can choose in which country he/she would live.
Agree or not:I can steal any thing that I like and avoid punishment.if I want, I can

Слайд 7Join words and translation:
а) запрет, запрещение
В) терпимость
С) Частный
d) Расовый
Е) Защита
F) Объявлять

Join words and translation:ToleranceProtectionPrivateProhibitionDeclareracialа) запрет, запрещениеВ) терпимостьС) Частныйd) РасовыйЕ) ЗащитаF) Объявлять

Слайд 8Make a word:

Make a word: Urfisfegn Ctehni Sicetandimri Yulqaite ihitbrop

Слайд 9Translate into English:
расовая дискриминация
Строгое запрещение
Сколько этнических групп в России?
Провозглашать свободу

и равенство
Жестокое правительство
Translate into English: расовая дискриминацияСтрогое запрещениеСколько этнических групп в России?Провозглашать свободу и равенствоЖестокое правительство

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