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Serov ValentinValentin Aleksandrovich Serov was born on the 7th of January (19), 1865 in St. Petersburg, in the family of composersFrom 1878 to 1879 in Moscow he took drawing and painting lessons from I.E.Repin in 1879.

Слайд 1Russian painters
19 century

Russian painters19 century

Слайд 2Serov Valentin
Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov was born on the 7th of January

(19), 1865 in St. Petersburg, in the family of composers

From 1878 to 1879 in Moscow he took drawing and painting lessons from I.E.Repin in 1879. Serov visited Repin and Mamontov's houses in Sadovoy-Spasskaya Street and in Abramtzevo, he participated in their house performances.

Serov ValentinValentin Aleksandrovich Serov was born on the 7th of January (19), 1865 in St. Petersburg, in

Слайд 3 Serov created the clever, the serious and truthful portrait of

Mikey Morozov. The child is sitting in the deep chair, that’s why his figure seems even more fragile. Cold white tone of the suit emphasizes warmth of the dark face, blush of cheeks, the bright lips, the bronze hair

Mikey Morozov is a son of the industrialist and patron M.A.Morozov. The portrait has been executed in an impressionist manner. The viewer feels the soul of the child in in each detail: cheeks flare, lips are half-open, the look "burns". Focusing attention on the small hero, Serov shows a chaotic game of colours.

Serov created the clever, the serious and truthful portrait of Mikey Morozov. The child is sitting

Слайд 4Mikey Morozov

Mikey Morozov

Слайд 5Repin Ilya
Ilya Efimovich Repin was born on the 24th of July

in 1844. He died on the 29th of September in 1930. Repin is the Russian artist, the painter, he is the master of portraits, historical scenes
Repin IlyaIlya Efimovich Repin was born on the 24th of July in 1844. He died on the

Слайд 6The picture is in the Tretyakov gallery, in Moscow
Musorgsky's portrait was

written by Repin in March, 1881

At that time the composer was mortally sick and was in Nikolaevsk military hospital. This portrait is one of Repin’s most remarkable works as it is objective unusually vital and truthful.

Everyone who knew the composer, recognized that the portrait truly transfers Musorgsky's character. The artist doesn't hide shortcomings, weaknesses of the great person, he shows that the seriously ill composer doesn't lose the spiritual greatness.

The picture is in the Tretyakov gallery, in MoscowMusorgsky's portrait was written by Repin in March, 1881

Слайд 7The portrait of Mussorgsky

The portrait of Mussorgsky

Слайд 8Surikov Vasily
Vasily Ivanovich Surikov was born on the 24th of January

in 1848 in Krasnoyarsk. He died on the 19th of March in 1916 in Moscow. Surikov is a great Russian painter, a master of large historical pictures.
Surikov VasilyVasily Ivanovich Surikov was born on the 24th of January in 1848 in Krasnoyarsk. He died

Слайд 9 Surikov thought of the past of Russia and the critical

periods of its history very much and decided to create a picture

Surikov spent that summer near Moscow in Pererva with his family. There were rainy days at that time. The artist sat in a country house and looked through a historical book. The family gathered at the table sad waiting for good weather. The window was stirred up from rain drops, it became cold, and he remembered Siberia, snow, when nobody wanted to leave а house. He thought of Siberia, about his childhood. Surikov remembered his own destiny; suddenly he remembered something familiar : rain, a window, a bozhnitsa, and picturesque group at a table. „When was it , where?“ — Surikov wondered, and suddenly he remembered „Menshikov! Menshikov in Beryozov!» He saw it in all details and wanted to write a picture

The picture was shown in 1883 at the XI exhibition of Association of peredvizhniki. All admirers liked it very much

Surikov thought of the past of Russia and the critical periods of its history very much

Слайд 10 “Menshikov v Berezove”

“Menshikov v Berezove”

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