Презентация, доклад для 7класса на тему TOP 10 MODERN GADGETS THAT CHANGED OUR LIVES

TOP 10 MODERN GADGETS THAT CHANGED OUR LIVESWatches were digitalized, then along came the internet, then radio and TV were given the digital treatment – so below is a list of the top 10 gadgets that

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Презентация на тему  «TOP 10 MODERN GADGETS THAT CHANGED OUR LIVES» в 7классе Выполнила учитель английского

Watches were digitalized, then

along came the internet, then radio and TV were given the digital treatment – so below is a list of the top 10 gadgets that can truly claim to have changed our lives or the way we interact with our environment and other people.
TOP 10 MODERN GADGETS THAT CHANGED OUR LIVESWatches were digitalized, then along came the internet, then radio

Paved the way for the 3DS and PS Vitas

of today, and made school bus journeys and rainy lunchtimes a pleasant experience after all.
10 NINTENDO GAMEBOYPaved the way for the 3DS and PS Vitas of today, and made school bus

Слайд 59 IPOD
From early models to the the latest iPod Touch, Apple

truly reinvented the way in which we listen to – and have instant access to – music.
9 IPODFrom early models to the the latest iPod Touch, Apple truly reinvented the way in which

Слайд 68 WEBCAM
Perhaps not really taking off as an individual gadget in

its own right, the birth of the webcam certainly influenced the way modern technology is built today.
8 WEBCAMPerhaps not really taking off as an individual gadget in its own right, the birth of

Слайд 77 GPS
Satnavs and Tom Tom’s have more or less made the

road map redundant, which is all you can ask from a modern gadget.
7 GPSSatnavs and Tom Tom’s have more or less made the road map redundant, which is all

Considered as a better option to the iPad,

and unlike its Apple counterpart, the 7 inch touch screen gadget supports flash as well as voice and video calls.
6 SAMSUNG GALAXY TABConsidered as a better option to the iPad, and unlike its Apple counterpart, the

A technology that almost snuck up on us like a

highly trained ninja, bluetooth has now become so mainstream and synonymous with the 21st Century it is a wonder how we ever lived without it
5 BLUETOOTHA technology that almost snuck up on us like a highly trained ninja, bluetooth has now

You can take countless photos and not only view

them instantly, but have them uploaded and printed within an instant, and the quality of picture keeps on improving.
4 DIGITAL CAMERAYou can take countless photos and not only view them instantly, but have them uploaded

Слайд 113 SKY + HD / TIVO, ETC
All from the comfort of

your armchair, the remote control allows you to tell your Sky + HD box to pause live TV if the double glazing salesman decides to pay a visit just as it looks like your football team is about to concede, then fast forward to real time so that you don’t have to witness it
3 SKY + HD / TIVO, ETCAll from the comfort of your armchair, the remote control allows

Слайд 122 3D DIGITAL TV
We all remember a time when we would

visit our nan, and she would still have an old black and white box telly.
2 3D DIGITAL TVWe all remember a time when we would visit our nan, and she would

Android, iPhone and Smartphones have literally redefined the way we

live. Now, a mobile does not simply make calls, take photos, and allow us to play Snake.
1 SMARTPHONESAndroid, iPhone and Smartphones have literally redefined the way we live. Now, a mobile does not

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