Презентация, доклад Culture and fashion at school

About a man the creator of cultureA man who creates culture visits cultural places such as theatres, picture galleries, museums, different parks, writes poems or music. Culture helps a person to express his or her feelings

Слайд 1Culture and fashion at school
We decided to compare the two schools.

The first school it is school number 1014 and the second is Box Hill School.
Culture and fashion at schoolWe decided to compare the two schools. The first school it is school

Слайд 2About a man the creator of culture
A man who creates culture

visits cultural places such as theatres, picture galleries, museums, different parks, writes poems or music. Culture helps a person to express his or her feelings of the heart. The culture can't exist without as a person can't live without his culture.
About a man the creator of cultureA man who creates culture visits cultural places such as theatres,

Слайд 3Poem how we like school We can sing some special music about how

we like school

School it`s cool!
Because school it`s cool!
It`s where we go from Monday to Friday
I`m Sure you know!
We study and we play!
That`s what we did
We do it in the morning and in the afternoon!

Poem how we like school We can sing some special music about how we like school

Слайд 4This poem can tell to us how everybody love our school!

Everybody love school
This poem can tell to us how everybody love our school! Everybody love school

Слайд 5We think that it is even more important for a teacher

to be a personality, because a teacher should be an example for children.
A teacher should also be well-educated person because only a cultural person can create real culture.
We think that it is even more important for a teacher to be a personality, because a

Слайд 6Box Hill it is a boarding school. It is situated in

England. In this school, mandatory school uniform!

Box Hill School

Box Hill it is a boarding school. It is situated in England. In this school, mandatory school

Слайд 7School uniform in Russia

School uniform in Russia

Слайд 8School uniform in England

School uniform in England

Слайд 9School number 1014
In this school uniform mandatory too!
This is our uniform

School number 1014In this school uniform mandatory too!This is our uniform

Слайд 13My opinion about school uniform
I like that in schools introduced school

uniforms! It seems to me that when there is a form you know in advance what to wear, and do not have to think what to wear! Thus saving time!
My opinion about school uniformI like that in schools introduced school uniforms! It seems to me that

Слайд 14Self educated in school number 1014

Self educated in school number 1014

Слайд 15Self educated in Box Hill School

Self educated in Box Hill School

Слайд 17Class of information tehnology

Class of information tehnology

Слайд 18Class of art in Box Hill School

Class of art in Box Hill School

Слайд 19Canteen in School number 1014

Canteen in School number 1014

Слайд 20Site school number 1014 in Russia

Site school number 1014 in Russia

Слайд 21Site Box Hill School in England

Site Box Hill School in England

Слайд 22Распорядок дня in box hill school
8:00-wake up, 8:20-зарядка
1.09:00-09:40(breakfast) 2.10:00-10:40 3.10:50-11:30 4.11:40-12:20 5.12:30-13:10(lunch) 6.13:40-14:20 special classes about 15:00-16:00 16:25-полдник

с 16:40 started sections с 17:00 free time 20:00diner 21:00 go to bed
Elder pupils 22:00 go to bed
Распорядок дня in box hill school8:00-wake up, 8:20-зарядка1.09:00-09:40(breakfast) 2.10:00-10:40 3.10:50-11:30 4.11:40-12:20 5.12:30-13:10(lunch) 6.13:40-14:20 special classes about 15:00-16:00

Слайд 23Распорядок дня в школе №1014
2.9:25-10:10(junior classes have breakfast) 3.10:30-11:15(elder classes have breakfast) 4.11:35-12:20 5.12:30-13:15(lunch) 6.13:45-14:30 7.14:40-15:25

Go home
Распорядок дня в школе №10141.8:30-9:152.9:25-10:10(junior classes have breakfast) 3.10:30-11:15(elder classes have breakfast) 4.11:35-12:20 5.12:30-13:15(lunch) 6.13:45-14:30 7.14:40-15:25 Go

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