Презентация, доклад 1 к проекту The annals of Yelets Laces

The highest degree of beauty

If we walk along

the old town we can see miraculous laces everywhere – houses, decorated with wooden patterns or astonishing iron balconies churches with stone ornaments. And you can see in wooden, iron, stone and thread laces old patterns of Yelets folk art.

VISITШТП CARD OF YELETS IS LACES AND PLATBANDSIf we walk along the old town we can see

Слайд 2The highest degree of beauty

The highest degree of beauty

Слайд 4The similarity of lace and carving
The combination of geometrical figures with

vegetable patterns, and patterns of birds make platbands transparent, light and air.
We can see that lace and carving are similar.

The similarity of lace and carvingThe combination of geometrical figures with vegetable patterns, and patterns of birds

Слайд 5The main ornament of Yelets houses is a platband
It is known

that the platband as a decorated element began to use in the 18-th century.
The forms and patterns of platbands are different. But the main that unite them is the sense expressed in the wood, the sense of love to our home, our town, our mother – land. An architector Novoseltsev dеvides all platbands into 4 types.

The main ornament of Yelets houses is a platbandIt is known that the platband as a decorated

Слайд 64 types of platbands

4 types of platbands

Слайд 9We come to the conclusion

We come to the conclusion

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