Презентация, доклад на тему Презентации на тему ``Having friends``(7 клас)

Aims AimsEducational: - to review all lexical materials about this theme Developing: - to improve reading, speaking skills Up-bringing: - to teach to love pen-friends.

Слайд 1Having pen-friends
Having pen-friends

Having  pen-friendsHaving  pen-friends

Слайд 2Aims

Educational: - to review all lexical materials about this theme

Developing: - to improve reading, speaking skills Up-bringing: - to teach to love pen-friends.
Aims AimsEducational: - to review all lexical materials about this theme  Developing: - to improve reading,

Слайд 3Ex :1 p30 read and mark the adjectives which

describe your pen-friend and practise the pronunciation

Talkitive clever reliable
Kind hardworking polite
Gentle inactive impatient
Silent interesting impolite
Stupid unreliable
Lively,active unkind
Rude patient
Lazy uninteresting
Helpful unhelpful

Ex :1 p30 read and mark the adjectives which describe your pen-friend and practise the pronunciation

Talkitive clever reliable
Kind hardworking polite
Gentle inactive impatient
Silent interesting impolite
Stupid unreliable
Lively,active unkind
Rude patient
Lazy uninteresting
Helpful unhelpful

Ex :1 p30 read  and mark the adjectives  which describe your  pen-friend  and

Слайд 4Ex :2 Find the opposites of the following adjectives
Lively,active –


Ex :2 Find the opposites of the following adjectives

Lively,active –
Lazy –

Ex :2 Find the opposites of the following adjectives Kind-Lively,active –Lazy –Helpful-Patient-Polite-Reliable-Stupid-Ex :2 Find the opposites of

Слайд 5Ex:3Read the diagram.
Do you have a penfriend?
What can you

say about your penfriend?

Ex:3Read the diagram.

Do you have a penfriend?

What can you say about your penfriend?

Ex:3Read the diagram.Do you have a penfriend?What  can you  say about  your penfriend?Ex:3Read the

Слайд 6Ex :4 p30Match the Kazakh words with the English
1. өмірлік

тәжірибе a) emotionally
2.толқыту ,уайымдату b) properly
3.өңір c) excite
4.жөнді,дұрыс d) region
5 .әсерлі ,қызу e) experience
6.мәдениетті f) enclose
7. салу (хатқа) g) culturally
8.сыйлау құрметтеу h) respect

Ex :4 p30Match the Kazakh words with the English

1. өмірлік тәжірибе a) emotionally
2.толқыту ,уайымдату b) properly
3.өңір c) excite
4.жөнді,дұрыс d) region
5 .әсерлі ,қызу e) experience
6.мәдениетті f) enclose
7. салу (хатқа) g) culturally
8.сыйлау құрметтеу h) respect

Ex :4 p30Match the Kazakh words with the English1. өмірлік  тәжірибе

Слайд 7Ex:5Read the letter
Dear Omar
Hi! How are you ? I

hope good .I was very ….. To get your…… . Thank you
I haven`t been anywhere in …… . Ihave visited my grandmother in Bath .Bath is a …… town.It`s very …. .
You have been to the USA ,haven`t you?I hope you have been to many places of…… .
What `s your favourite ….?I love ….. But I am not very good at it . I started an ……..book .I`ve been …. It since last week.
What`s your ……sport? The weather is …here ,it has been getting cooler.I ike this weather and what about you?
Please,send me a photo of your …… .
I look forward to hearing from you very soon.
with love ,your friend .Tom

Dear Omar
Hi! How are you ? I hope good .I was very ….. To get your…… . Thank you
I haven`t been anywhere in …… . Ihave visited my grandmother in Bath .Bath is a …… town.It`s very …. .
You have been to the USA ,haven`t you?I hope you have been to many places of…… .
What `s your favourite ….?I love ….. But I am not very good at it . I started an ……..book .I`ve been …. It since last week.
What`s your ……sport? The weather is …here ,it has been getting cooler.I ike this weather and what about you?
Please,send me a photo of your …… .
I look forward to hearing from you very soon.
with love ,your friend .Tom

Ex:5Read the letter

Ex:5Read the letter Dear Omar Hi! How are you ? I hope good .I was very …..

Слайд 8Ex :5 Compare the letters.Complete the following diagram
Ex :5 Compare

the letters.Complete the following diagram
Ex :5 Compare  the letters.Complete the following diagramEx :5 Compare  the letters.Complete the following diagram

Слайд 9Thank you…..
Thank you…..

Thank  you…..Thank  you…..

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