Презентация, доклад на тему Презентации литературной гостиной по теме: DIALOGUES ABOUT SHAKESPEARE ДИАЛОГИ О ШЕКСПИРЕ.


CALENDARThe 23d of April is the 450-anniversary of the birthday of the outstanding British playwright and poet William Shakespeare1564 – 1616

Слайд 1 Great Britain’s glory and proud - William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Great Britain’s glory and proud -  William Shakespeare William Shakespeare


The 23d of April
is the 450-anniversary of the birthday of

the outstanding British playwright and poet
William Shakespeare
1564 – 1616
CALENDARThe 23d of April is the 450-anniversary of the birthday of the outstanding British playwright and poet

Слайд 3
Так пусть же книга говорит с тобой.
Пускай она, безмолвный мой ходатай,

к тебе с признаньем и мольбой
И справедливой требует расплаты. 
Прочтешь ли ты слова любви немой?
Услышишь ли глазами голос мой?

Так пусть же книга говорит с тобой.Пускай она, безмолвный мой ходатай,Идет к тебе с признаньем и мольбойИ

Слайд 4William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Слайд 5Shakespeare imagined by different painters

Shakespeare imagined by different painters

Слайд 6Stratford-upon-Avon today

Stratford-upon-Avon today

Слайд 7Shakespeare’ house

Shakespeare’ house

Слайд 8Stratford-upon -Avon

Stratford-upon -Avon

Слайд 9School in Stratford-upon-Avon

School in Stratford-upon-Avon

Слайд 10School of Shakespeare’s time

School of Shakespeare’s time

Слайд 11Shakespeare’s wife – Ann Hathaway

Shakespeare’s wife –  Ann Hathaway

Слайд 12Shakespeare and his wife

Shakespeare and his wife

Слайд 13Shakespeare and his family

Shakespeare and his family

Слайд 14Shakespeare’s family coat of arms

Shakespeare’s family coat of arms

Слайд 15Shakespeare’s time in London

Shakespeare’s time in London

Слайд 16“The Globe” theatre in London

“The Globe” theatre in London

Слайд 17“The Globe” theatre in London

“The Globe” theatre in London

Слайд 18In “the Globe” theatre

In “the Globe” theatre

Слайд 19A modern playbill

A modern playbill

Слайд 20Shakespeare and actors

Shakespeare and actors

Слайд 21The scene from Shakespeare’s play

The scene from Shakespeare’s play

Слайд 22The actors of Shakespeare’s theatre

The actors of Shakespeare’s theatre

Слайд 24The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

Слайд 25The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

Слайд 26The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

Слайд 27The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

Слайд 28The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

Слайд 29The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

Слайд 30The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

Слайд 31The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

Слайд 32The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

Слайд 33The tragedy “Hamlet”

The tragedy “Hamlet”

Слайд 34The tragedy “Hamlet”

The tragedy “Hamlet”

Слайд 35The comedy “The Taming of the Shrew”

The comedy  “The Taming of the Shrew”

Слайд 36The comedy “The Taming of the Shrew” (Elizabeth Taylor)

The comedy  “The Taming of the Shrew”  (Elizabeth Taylor)

Слайд 37The comedy “The Taming of the Shrew” (Elizabeth Taylor and Richard

The comedy  “The Taming of the Shrew”  (Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton)

Слайд 38Hollywood stars – Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

Hollywood stars –  Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

Слайд 39The comedy’s playbill

The comedy’s playbill

Слайд 40The tragedy “King Lear”

The tragedy “King Lear”

Слайд 41The tragedy “King Lear”

The tragedy “King Lear”

Слайд 42The tragedy “Othello”

The tragedy “Othello”

Слайд 43The tragedy “Othello”

The tragedy “Othello”

Слайд 44The tragedy “Othello”

The tragedy “Othello”

Слайд 45Author and his heroes

Author and his heroes

Слайд 46Shakespeare’s heritage
37 plays
2 poems
154 sonnets

Shakespeare’s heritage37 plays2 poems154 sonnets

Слайд 47Shakespeare’s tragedies
Ромео и Джульетта
Король Лир
Юлий Цезарь
Антоний и Клеопатра

Троил и Крессида
Тит Андроник

Shakespeare’s tragediesРомео и ДжульеттаГамлетОтелло Король Лир Юлий ЦезарьМакбет Антоний и Клеопатра Троил и Крессида КориоланЦимбелинТит Андроник

Слайд 48Shakespeare’s comedies
Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается
Как вам это понравится
Комедия ошибок

усилия любви
Мера за меру
Венецианский купец
Виндзорские насмешницы
Сон в летнюю ночь

Shakespeare’s comediesВсе хорошо, что хорошо кончается Как вам это понравитсяКомедия ошибокБесплодные усилия любвиМера за меру Венецианский купецВиндзорские

Слайд 49Shakespeare’s comedies
Много шума из ничего
Укрощение строптивой
Двенадцатая ночь
Два веронца
Два знатных родича


Shakespeare’s comediesМного шума из ничегоПерикл Укрощение строптивойБуряДвенадцатая ночьДва веронцаДва знатных родичаЗимняя сказка

Слайд 50Chronicles
Король Иоанн
Ричард II
Генрих IV, часть 1
Генрих IV, часть 2

Генрих VI, часть 1
Генрих VI, часть 2
Генрих VI, часть 3
Ричард III
Генрих VIII

ChroniclesКороль Иоанн Ричард IIГенрих IV, часть 1 Генрих IV, часть 2Генрих V Генрих VI, часть 1 Генрих

Слайд 51The most famous works of Shakespeare
Антоний и Клеопатра Буря Гамлет Двенадцатая

ночь, или что угодно Король Лир Отелло Ромео и Джульетта Сон в летнюю ночь Сонеты Укрощение строптивой
The most famous works of ShakespeareАнтоний и Клеопатра  Буря  Гамлет  Двенадцатая ночь, или что

Слайд 52Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets

Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets

Слайд 53Shakespeare’s monument

Shakespeare’s monument

Слайд 54 Shakespeare’s monument in Stratford-upon-Avon

Shakespeare’s monument in Stratford-upon-Avon

Слайд 55 “To be or not to be –

that is the question”.

Those words came from “Hamlet”.

But who exactly was
William Shakespeare?

“To be or not to be –

Слайд 56Who stand behind Shakespeare?

Who stand behind Shakespeare?

Слайд 58What do you know about Shakespeare?

What do you know about Shakespeare?

Слайд 59William Shakespeare was born in:
A. 1616
B. 1779
C. 1564

E. 1612
William Shakespeare was born in:A.  1616B.  1779C.  1564D.  1546E.  1612

Слайд 60William Shakespeare was born in:
A. London
B. Southampton
C. Liverpool
D. Stratford-upon-Avon
E. Manchester

William Shakespeare was born in:A. LondonB.  SouthamptonC. LiverpoolD. Stratford-upon-AvonE. Manchester

Слайд 61Shakespeare’s father was:
A. a writer
B. a doctor
C. a.

D. a. poet
E. a. playwright

Shakespeare’s father was:A.  a writerB.  a doctorC.  a. gloverD.  a. poetE.  a.

Слайд 62Shakespeare’s mother was the daughter of:
A. a rich farmer
B. a neighbour

a poor man
D. a writer
E. a teacher
Shakespeare’s mother was the daughter of:A. a rich farmerB. a neighbourC. a poor manD. a writerE. a

Слайд 63Shakespeare’s family was:
A. very big and poor
B. small and rich
C. very

big and rich
D. small and poor

Shakespeare’s family was:A. very big and poorB. small and richC. very big and richD. small and poor

Слайд 64Shakespeare’s family consisted of:
A. his father, mother, wife and 2 sons

his father, mother, wife and 2 daughters
C. his father, mother, wife and 8 children
D. his father, wife and 3 children
E. his mother, wife and 2 sons and 2 daughters

Shakespeare’s family consisted of:A. his father, mother, wife and 2 sonsB. his father, mother, wife and 2

Слайд 65Shakespeare’s wife’s name was:
A. Mary Arden
B. Ann Hathaway
C. Susanna William

D. Elizabeth Taylor
E. Betty Smith

Shakespeare’s wife’s name was:A. Mary Arden B. Ann HathawayC. Susanna William D. Elizabeth TaylorE.  Betty Smith

Слайд 66Shakespeare’s theatre in London was named:
A. London theatre
B. Queen’s theatre
C. Rome

D. People’s theatre
E. The Globe theatre
Shakespeare’s theatre in London was named:A. London theatreB. Queen’s theatreC. Rome theatreD. People’s theatreE. The Globe theatre

Слайд 67Shakespeare’s heritage is:
A. 18 plays, 3 poems, 154 sonnets
B. 30 plays,

2 poems, 105 sonnets
C. 39 plays, 4 poems, 154 sonnets
D. 37 plays, 2 poems, 154 sonnets
E. 37 plays, 2 poems, 129 sonnets
Shakespeare’s heritage is:A. 18 plays, 3 poems, 154 sonnetsB. 30 plays, 2 poems, 105 sonnetsC. 39 plays,

Слайд 68The world-known heroes of Shakespeare’s works are:
A. Romeo and Juliet
B. Hamlet

Robinson Crusoe
D. Pickwick
E. Othello

The world-known heroes of Shakespeare’s works are:A. Romeo and JulietB. HamletC. Robinson CrusoeD. Pickwick E.  Othello

Слайд 69Who is not the hero of Shakespeare’s works:
A. Ophelia
B. Falstaff
C. Lady

D. Katherina
E. Ernest

Who is not the hero of Shakespeare’s works:A. OpheliaB. FalstaffC. Lady Macbeth D. KatherinaE.  Ernest

Слайд 70

What names of Shakespeare’s works do you know?

Who gives the most?

What names of Shakespeare’s works do you know?Who gives the most?

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