Презентация, доклад на тему Present Tenses

Present TensesPresent SimplePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPresent Perfect Continuous

Слайд 1Grammar Present Tenses

Grammar Present Tenses

Слайд 2Present Tenses
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous

Present TensesPresent SimplePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPresent Perfect Continuous

Слайд 3Present Simple (Indefinite)
+ V/ Vs (he, she, it)
- don’t/ doesn’t

(he,she,it) + V
? Do/ Does (he,she,it) … V ?
Time phrases
every hour/day/week/summer ,always, usually, often, sometimes, never
We have a lunch break at 1.30 pm. (daily routines, habits)
She goes to the gym every Wednesday. (repeated action)
Maryl Streep acts beautifully in this film. (review, sports commentaries, dramatic narrative)
The play starts at 8.00 (timetable/ programme)
Present Simple (Indefinite)+ V/ Vs (he, she, it) - don’t/ doesn’t (he,she,it) + V? Do/ Does (he,she,it)

Слайд 4to be
I — am,
She/he/it + is,
we/you/they + are.
The car

is not new (The car isn’t new).
Are you worried about anything?
I am at work. Don’t disturb me.
Spelling rules
3rd person(he,she,it) + s likes, plays
“o” + es : goes, does
s, ss, x, ch, sh + es [iz]: watches, kisses, pushes
сonsonant(согласный) + y i +es: study — studies, fly — flies. BUT stay — stays, say — says.

to beI — am,She/he/it + is, we/you/they + are. The car is not new (The car isn’t

Слайд 5Present Simple Practice
1. My sister ________ up at eight o'clock. (to

2. She _____a school-girl. (to be) She ______ to school in the afternoon. (to go)
3. Jane ________ her morning exercises every day. (not/ to do)
4. For breakfast I ________ two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.(to eat)
5. After breakfast they ________ to school. (to go)
6. She ________ French well.(not/to speak)
7. My working day ________ at seven o'clock. (to begin)
8. I ______ up, ________ on the radio and ______ my morning exercises. (to get) (to switch) (to do)
9. It ________ me fifteen minutes (to take)
10. ______ your father ________ home at eight o'clock? (to leave)
Present Simple Practice1. My sister ________ up at eight o'clock. (to get) 	 2. She _____a school-girl.

Слайд 6Present Simple Practice
1. My sister gets up at eight o'clock.

She is a school-girl. She goes to school in the afternoon.
3. Jane does not do her morning exercises every day
4. For breakfast I eat two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea
5. After breakfast they go to school.
6. She does not speak French well.
7. My working day begins at seven o'clock.
8. I get up, switch on the radio and do my morning exercises.
9. It takes me fifteen minutes
10. Does your father leave home at eight o'clock?
Present Simple Practice1. My sister gets up at eight o'clock.	 2. She is a school-girl. She goes

Слайд 7Present Continuous (Progressive)
+ am,is,are + Ving
- (am,is,are) + not + Ving

Am/Is/Are) … Ving?
Time phrases
now, at the moment, at present, nowadays, tomorrow
We are watching TV now. (action at the moment of speaking)
I’m going shopping with Tina this afternoon. (arrangement in the near future)
She is living with her grandparents at the moment. (temporary situation)
He’s always complaining. (annoyance or criticism)
It’s getting colder and colder. (a changing situation)

Present Continuous (Progressive)+ am,is,are + Ving- (am,is,are) + not + Ving? Am/Is/Are) … Ving?Time phrases now, at

Слайд 8Present Continuous Practice
1. The boys (to run) in the garden.

I (to do) my homework.
3. John and his friends (not/ to go) to the library.
4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography.
5. A young man (to stand) at the window.
6. The old man (to walk) about the room.
7. The dog (not/ to sit) on the floor.
8. You (to have) a break?
9. What language you (to study)?
10. Who (to lie) on the sofa?
Present Continuous Practice1. The boys (to run) in the garden. 	2. I (to do) my homework.

Слайд 9Stative verbs/ Глаголы состояния verbs which describe a state and are not

usually used in Continuous Tense


He wants some biscuits. NOT He is wanting

I believe she is happy. NOT I am believing

She likes roses. NOT She is liking

Stative verbs/ Глаголы состояния verbs which describe a state and are not usually used in Continuous Tensefeel

Слайд 10Present Perfect
+ have/ has(he,she, it)+ V(3 form/ed)
- have/ has + not

+ V(3 form/ed)
? Have/ Has … V(3 form/ed)?
Time phrases
yet, for, since, just, already, ever, never
He has worked as a pilot for 2 years.(started in the past and up to the present)
Look! I have bought a new CD. (visible result)
He has watched a good comedy today/this morning/week. (the period is not finished at the time of speaking)
The students have written the lecture. (recently finished action)
She has been to the gym six times this week. (emphasis on a number)
Present Perfect+ have/ has(he,she, it)+ V(3 form/ed)- have/ has + not + V(3 form/ed) ? Have/ Has

Слайд 11Present Perfect Continuous

+ have/ has(he,she, it)+ been + Ving
- have/ has+

not + been + Ving
? Have/Has been … Ving?
Time phrases
since, for, how long
She has been doing her project since Friday. (the action started in the past and continues up to the moment, the emphasis on duration)
Your eyes are wet. Have you been crying? (the action started in the past, continues up to the moment and has a visible result)
She has been using my computer without asking me. (annoyance, criticism)
He has put on weight because he’s been eating junk food every day since last month. (a repeated action in the past that continues to the present)
Present Perfect Continuous+ have/ has(he,she, it)+ been + Ving- have/ has+ not + been + Ving? Have/Has

Слайд 12
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