Презентация, доклад на тему Праздники в Великобритании

In the UK Easter is one of the major festivals of the yearIt is traditionally about Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death, according to Christian beliefCross – the main symbol

Слайд 1Easter in UK

Филиал МБОУ Новолядинская СОШ
В с. Тулиновка
The THEME of work:

Holidays in the UK
The author: Lyudmila Bamburova
English teacher
Easter in UKФилиал МБОУ Новолядинская СОШВ с. Тулиновка2014The THEME of work: Holidays in the UK

Слайд 2In the UK Easter is one of the major festivals of

the year

It is traditionally about Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death, according to Christian belief

Cross – the main symbol

In the UK Easter is one of the major festivals of the yearIt is traditionally about Jesus

Слайд 3Mundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter
Christians remember it as day

jf the last supper, when Jesus ashed the feet of his disciples and established the ceremony known as Eucharist.

Maundy Thursday

Mundy Thursday is the Thursday before EasterChristians remember it as day jf the last supper, when Jesus

Слайд 4The week of Easter begins on Palm Sunday


The week of Easter begins on Palm SundayPalms

Слайд 5Easter Eggs are very old tradition going to a time before

Christianity. Eggs are symbol of spring and new life.

Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs are very old tradition going to a time before Christianity. Eggs are symbol of spring

Слайд 6Rabbits, due to their fecund nature, have always been a symbol

of fertility.

The Easter Bunny

Rabbits, due to their fecund nature, have always been a symbol of fertility.The Easter Bunny

Слайд 7A traditional way of breaking the Lenten Fast is to eat

some Simnel Cake

Simnel Cake

A traditional way of breaking the Lenten Fast is to eat some Simnel CakeSimnel Cake

Слайд 8The END

The ENDhttp://interaktiveboard.ru/http://pedsovet.su/load/43-1-0-5078Resources:

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