Презентация, доклад на тему Практическая отчетная работа студентов по иностранному языку по теме Processing of metal.The types.

Metalworking is the process of working with metals to create individual parts, assemblies, or larger structures.Metalworking is a complex process, which changes the shape and dimensions of the metal parts to the desired shape using one

Слайд 1 Processing of metal. The types.

Processing of metal. The types.

Слайд 2Metalworking is the process of working with metals to create individual

parts, assemblies, or larger structures.
Metalworking is a complex process, which changes the shape and dimensions of the metal parts to the desired shape using one or several methods of metal processing.
Metalworking is a science, art, hobby, manufacture and trade. His roots span cultures, civilizations and epochs.
Metalworking is the process of working with metals to create individual parts, assemblies, or larger structures.Metalworking is

Слайд 3Milling processing method
The metal is processed on

by using special tools — cutters.
Milling processing method    The metal is processed on machines     by

Слайд 4Lathe method
The metal is processed on

a special
machine by grinding.
Lathe method     The metal is processed on a special

Слайд 5Drilling
The metal is processed in such a way that

in it there are the necessary holes or is the increase in diameter of existing holes. All the holes are made on the machine using such a special tool, like a drill.
Drilling  The metal is processed in such a way that in it there are the necessary

Слайд 6Grinding
Metal is processed using a grinding wheel, performing a

rotational motion.
Grinding  Metal is processed using a grinding wheel, performing a rotational motion.

Слайд 7Method pressure
Metal pressure processing method, which is based solely

on the ductility of the metal, which allows him to change under a mechanical action without compromising the integrity.
Method pressure  Metal pressure processing method, which is based solely on the ductility of the metal,

Слайд 8Planing
Metal is processed using a tool having a

single blade. To perform the operation of planing of metal used planing machine.
Planing   Metal is processed using a tool having a single blade. To perform the operation

Слайд 9 These methods of metal processing are the most common

and require specific equipment. Most often to give the metal its final status must be subjected to several types of processing on different machines, which in General is called universal treatment.

These methods of metal processing are the most common and require specific equipment. Most often

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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