Презентация, доклад на тему Pop music and Arts


Слайд 1Ministry of Education and Science
The Federal state autonomous educational institution
higher education

State University"
Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy

"Pop Music and Art"

Author works:
Tutarova V.A.
1 course, c. 29P163-3 / 2
Scientific adviser:
Matrosova O.P.

Tyumen 2016

Ministry of Education and ScienceThe Federal state autonomous educational institutionhigher education

Слайд 3Repetition


Слайд 4Musician


Слайд 5Loud music do not listen

Loud music do not listen

Слайд 6Dmitry Bilan

Dmitry Bilan

Слайд 7Music helps me to get away from
everyday life problems

Music helps me to get away from everyday life problems

Слайд 9"Dog Waltz"

Слайд 11Aphrodite concert

Aphrodite concert

Слайд 13Museum "City Council"
The museum "The prison in Tobolsk"


Слайд 14Tretyakov Gallery

Tretyakov Gallery

Слайд 15Ministry of Education and Science
The Federal state autonomous educational institution
higher education

State University"
Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy

"Pop Music and Art"

Author works:
Tutarova V.A.
1 course, c. 29P163-3 / 2
Scientific adviser:
Matrosova O.P.

Tyumen 2016

Ministry of Education and ScienceThe Federal state autonomous educational institutionhigher education

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