Презентация, доклад на тему Перевод русских сказок Забайкалья как средство межкультурной коммуникации

Паспорт проектаНазвание: «Перевод русских сказок Забайкалья как акт межкультурной коммуникации»Руководитель: Мытыпова Альбина Георгиевна учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №240Исполнители: Павленко Екатерина ученица 8 «Б» класса МОУ СОШ №240

Слайд 1 «Перевод русских сказок Забайкалья как акт межкультурной коммуникации»

русских сказок Забайкалья как акт межкультурной коммуникации»

Россия, Забайкальский край, город Борзя

«Перевод русских сказок  Забайкалья как акт межкультурной коммуникации» «Перевод русских сказок  Забайкалья как акт

Слайд 2Паспорт проекта
Название: «Перевод русских сказок Забайкалья как акт межкультурной коммуникации»
Руководитель: Мытыпова

Альбина Георгиевна учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №240
Исполнители: Павленко Екатерина ученица 8 «Б» класса МОУ СОШ №240
Нелюбина Ирина ученица 8 «А» класса МОУ СОШ №240
Кукушкина Анастасия ученица 8 «Б» класса МОУ СОШ №240
Проблема: Затруднения при переводе текстов с русского языка на английский.
Основополагающий вопрос: Как доказать, что перевод русских сказок Забайкалья может служить актом межкультурной коммуникации.
Год разработки: 2013.
Учебные темы: Фольклор Забайкалья, изучение жанрово-стилистических особенностей английского языка, техника проведения сопоставительного анализа адекватного перевода с русского языка на английский.
Возраст аудитории: учащиеся 14 лет.
Тип проекта: Творческий, исследовательский, межпредметный .
Учебная работа: Коллективная.
Рассчитан: на долговременное исследование, внутришкольная работа.
Паспорт проектаНазвание: «Перевод русских сказок Забайкалья как акт межкультурной коммуникации»Руководитель: Мытыпова Альбина Георгиевна учитель английского языка МОУ

Слайд 3
Научная статья
Цель исследования: Обосновать возможность межкультурной коммуникации посредством перевода русских

сказок Забайкалья и иллюстраций к ним.
Задачи исследования:
1) Найти приемлемый способ межкультурной коммуникации в форме перевода.
2) Изучить особенности русских сказок Забайкалья.
3) Сделать адекватный перевод сказок и иллюстрации к ним.
4) Достижение эквивалентности текста оригинала и перевода.
5) Сделать сопоставительный анализ подлинника и перевода.
Выдвижение гипотезы: Если применять адекватный (полноценный) перевод русской сказки, то она оказывает такое же эмоциональное и нравственное воздействие на читателя, как и подлинник.
Методы исследования: Теоретический, аналитический, сравнительный, практический (перевод с русского на английский).
Научная статья Цель исследования: Обосновать возможность межкультурной коммуникации посредством перевода русских сказок Забайкалья и иллюстраций к ним.

Слайд 4Затруднения при переводе текстов с русского языка на английский

язык у учащихся средней школы.

Поиски путей расширения межкультурной коммуникации между забайкальцами и англо-говорящими людьми.

Актуальность проблемы:

Затруднения при переводе   текстов с русского языка на английский язык у учащихся средней школы.

Слайд 5
Как доказать, что перевод русских сказок Забайкалья может

служить актом межкультурной коммуникации?
Как доказать, что перевод русских сказок Забайкалья может служить актом межкультурной коммуникации?

Слайд 6Коммуникация – это обмен идеями, информацией и прочим между двумя и

более людьми.
Типы коммуникации:
- вербальная
- невербальная
- визуальная

Визуальная коммуникация – это передача информации в письменной форме или в форме изображений.

Что такое коммуникация?

Коммуникация – это обмен идеями, информацией и прочим между двумя и более людьми. 

Слайд 7Коммуникация посредством перевода
Коммуникация в любом виде возможна между представителями одной

культуры или разных культур.

Перевод – это акт лингвистический и культурный одновременно, акт коммуникации на границе культур.
Коммуникация посредством перевода Коммуникация в любом виде возможна между представителями одной культуры или разных культур.Перевод – это

Слайд 8
Перевод – это полное замещение текста на одном языке текстом

на другом языке

Что такое адекватный (полноценный) перевод?
«Перевести – значит выразить верно и полно средствами одного языка то, что уже выражено раннее средствами другого языка» А. В. Федоров «Основы общей теории перевода»

Адекватность при визуальной коммуникации – вот желаемая цель при переводе как средства межкультурной коммуникации.
Перевод – это полное замещение текста на одном языке текстом на другом языке  Что такое

Слайд 9
Мы живем в


Задача – познакомить англо-говорящего читателя с русской сказкой Забайкалья, перекинуть мостик межкультурной коммуникации.
Мы живем в Забайкалье. Задача – познакомить англо-говорящего читателя

Слайд 10The Fairy – Tale about the Brown horse, the Light chestnut

horse and the Blue-manned horse.

Once there lived an old man. He had three sons called Afanasiy, Vasiliy and Ivan. The elder brothers were clever, but the small brother was rather stupid and silly. When the death came father told to the elder son: “ When I die you’ll come to my grave at the cemetery during the first night.”. Some time later father died. But Afanasiy didn’t want to go to the cemetery. He said to the younger brother: “Ivan, you go to fathers’s grave. My wife will bake pancakes tomorrow. I’ll give you one to eat.”Vanyushka went to father’s grave. Suddenly it opened and father appeared before the son.” Is it you, Afonya? - he asked. “No, daddy, It’s me, Ivan.”.”Why hasn’t Afonya come?”.” His wife will bake pancakes tomorrow. And he promised to give me one. That’s why I have come instead of him”.” That’s all right, my sonny. Then I’ll give you my present.” He whistled and shouted loudly with enormous force: “ Be, my Brown horse, ready at once!” When the Brown horse appeared galloping the ground was shaking and fire was burning out from his nostrils, firebrands were falling down from under his tail. “Stand still in front of me as a leaf in front of grass. ” The horse stopped. Father climbed into his right ear and climbed down out of the left ear carrying horse’s harness. He saddled horse-covers the one on the other, the circassian saddle with twelve silky saddle-girths. The silk isn’t torn, the damask steel isn’t bent, pure silver isn’trusted in the ground. “Here is, Ivan, the gift for you” He climbed into his left ear, climbed

down out of his right ear and left him all wonderful harness set.” Here is the horse for you. When it will be hard for you – call him immediately.” Tomorrow came. It was Vasiliy’s turn to attend the cemetery and father’s grave. “Well, Vasiliy, go to father’s grave, - said Ivan. “ Did you see our father, Ivan? , - Vasiliy asked. “What do you think, can you go out of the grave?” “No, of course, I can’t. You, Ivan, go to the cemetery instead of me. When my wife bakes shangis I’ll give you a big one.
.” Vanyushka’s sleeping place was behind a furnace. The family treated him badly. If he was foolish he didn’t need his own bed, regular time for eating and wasn’t worth of treating as a person at all. Such was the attitude of his family. Ivan went to the cemetery at the second night. Father’s grave opened again and he heard:” Is it you, Vasya?”. “ No, daddy, it’s me, Ivan.” “Why hasn’t Vasily come?” “He said that his wife will bake shangies and that he will give me one”. “Now, then, Vanyusha I’ll give you another gift..” He whistled and shouted loudly with enormous force: “ Be, my Light chestnut horse, ready at once!” When the Light chestnut horse appeared galloping the ground was shaking and fire was burning out from his nostrils, firebrands were falling down from under his tail. “Stand still in front of me as a leaf in front of grass.” The horse stopped. Father climbed into his right ear and climbed down out of the left ear carrying horse’s harness. He saddled horse-covers the one on the other, the circassian saddle with twelve silky saddle-girths. The silk isn`t torn, the damask steel isn`t bent, pure silver isn`t rusted in the ground. “Here is, Ivan, the gift for you.” He climbed into the left ear, climbed down out of his right ear and left him all wonderful harness set

The Fairy – Tale about the Brown horse, the Light chestnut horse and the Blue-manned horse.Once there

Слайд 11” Here is the horse for you. When you’ll need, call

the horse, he will run to you. Then he climbed into his left ear, climbed down out of his right ear and left him all wonderful harness set.
Ivan came home. Brothers asked him,” Did father come to you?”. “ Try yourself to come out of the grave!” At the third night Ivan’s turn to visit father’s grave was. He went to the cemetery. “Well, Ivan, have you come?”. “Yes, I’ve come.” “Here it is my last gift for you. You needn’t come any more.” Again he whistled and shouted loudly with enormous force: “ Be, my Blue-manned horse, ready at once!” When the Blue - manned horse appeared galloping the ground was shaking and fire was burning out from his nostrils, firebrands were falling down from under his tail. “Stand still in front of me as a leaf in front of grass.” The horse stopped. Father climbed into his right ear and climbed down out of the left ear carrying horse’s harness. He saddled horse-covers the one on the other, the circassian saddle with twelve silky saddle-girths. The silk isn’t torn, the damask steel isn’t bent, pure silver isn’trusted in the ground. “Here is, Ivan, the gift for you” He climbed into his left ear, climbed down out of his right ear and left him all wonderful harness set.” Here is the horse for you. When it will be hard times for you – call him at once.”
The brother’s business was tanning. Vanyusha’s duty was to crumple skins. Usually he was working and working all days long. Brothers sometimes even forgot to give food to him. One day they heard that the tsar’s daughter was looking for a good bridegroom. The brothers were going to attend the fest. And Vanya asked them: “ Dear brothers, give me a horse to go to the tsar’s yard to look at the tsarevna!”. “Stay at home, you silly boy!” ”Why not, my brothers? My father left me my part of heritage, didn’t he?” ”Well, then, you take the lamely old black horse.” Ivan sat on the horse, rode to the pasture, left it there because it was nearly dying. When the poor old horse died he said,” Magpies and crows, feed the horseflesh and remember my old father’s soul!” ”He whistled and shouted loudly with enormous force: “Be my Brown horse, ready at once!” When the Brown horse appeared galloping the ground was shaking and fire was burning out from his nostrils firebrands were falling down from under his tail. “ Stand still in front of me as a leaf in front of grass” The horse stopped. Vanya climbed into his right ear and climbed down

out of the left ear carrying horse’s harness. He saddled horse-covers the one on the other, the circassian saddle with twelve silky saddle-girths. The silk isn’t torn, the damask steel isn’t bent, pure silver isn’t rusted in the ground. He sat on the Brown horse and rode to overtake his brothers. Having overtaken them he lashed the elder brother to the left, the second brother to the right. Tsarevna was sitting by the open window on the ground floor. The tsar’s yard was overcrowded. People saw a hero on a brown horse jumping but failing to touch the tsar’s daughter. Everybody shouted, “Catch him!”. Vanyusha on the Brown horse rode away. He let the Brown horse go and returned home. The brothers came back home from the fest too. Their wives asked them if they liked the fest.” There was a hero on the Brown horse who lashed us.”. “ May be it was me?”-, Ivan asked. The brothers shouted at him,” Keep silent, you silly boy. Where is the lamely old black horse?”

” Here is the horse for you. When you’ll need, call the horse, he will run to

Слайд 12

He answered,” When I got to the pasture it fell

down and died. Homeless dogs ate her. Let them remember our father’s soul!”
The next day the fest continued. Tsarevna sat by the window on the first fioor. Again they announced that if somebody touched her she would marry the hero. The brothers were going to watch the competition. Vanya asked them,”Give me any horse to go to the fest. They refused to give. At last they agreed,” Take then the old roan horse, you silly boy!” The brothers left for the fest. Vanya sat on the old roan horse, got to the pasture and his old roan horse died. He said,” You magpies and crows, feed the horse-flash and remember my old father’s soul!” Again he whistled and shouted loudly with enormous force: “ Be, my light chestnut horse, ready at once!” When the light chestnut horse appeared galloping the ground was shaking and fire was burning out from his nostrils,

firebrands were falling down from under his tail. “Stand still in front of me as a leaf in front of grass.” The horse stopped. Ivan climbed into his right ear and climbed down out of the left ear carrying horse’s harness. He saddled horse-covers the one on the other, the circassian saddle with twelve silky saddle-girths. The silk isn’t torn, the damask steel isn’t bent, pure silver isn’t rusted in the ground. He sat on the light chestnut horse and rode away. When he met his brothers riding on the cart he galloped over them. He jumped up on the horse but couldn’t touch her. Everybody began to shout, “Catch him!” But he escaped quickly. Returning home climbed into horse’s left ear and climbed down out of his right ear, having left all hero’s harness there. He let the light chestnut horse go. At home the brothers were telling about a wonderful hero on the light chestnut horse who hardly didn’t touch the beauty. He asked them,” Who was that hero? May be it was me?” All shouted,” Keep silent, you silly boy!” The third day of competition came. The tsar’s daughter was sitting by the window on the second floor. The brothers began to get ready for the fest. Ivan asked to give him another horse. They refused again saying that they had already given. Ivan said,” They were old and lamely horses”. At last he was given the Browny – the oldest horse in the yard. When he got to the pasture the Browny fell down and died. He put the skin on the fence, left meat on the stones for crows’ feeding. Again he whistled and shouted loudly with enormous force: “ Be, my Blue-manned horse, ready at once!” When the Blue-manned horse appeared galloping the ground was shaking and fire was burning out from his nostrils, firebrands were falling down from under his tail. “Stand still in front of me as a leaf in front of grass.” The horse stopped. Ivan climbed into his right ear and climbed down out of the left ear carrying horse’s harness. He saddled horse-covers the one on the other, the circassian saddle with twelve silky saddle-girths. The silk isn’t torn, the damask steel isn’t bent, pure silver isn’t rusted in the ground. He sat on the Blue-manned horse and rode away passing by his brothers as a wind. People began to shout,” Here is he coming! Here is he coming! Here is he flying!” !” Ivan jumped up highly on the Blue-manned horse, touched the tsarevna and kissed her.

He answered,” When I got to the pasture it fell down and died. Homeless dogs ate

Слайд 13. She had a small hammer with the tsar’s print and

she managed to print him. Again everybody began to shout,” Catch him! Catch him!” But Ivan rode away on his Blue-manned horse. He returned home and let the horse go.
The tsar collected all the people. Ivan, as usual, was at work. Everybody was looking for the bride-groom, but couldn’t find. Ivan bandaged his forehead with a stripe. The tsar came into their village, found Ivan and made him go out. He asked,” What’s happened with your head?” He said,” I have fallen down.” When they took off the bandage, washed his forehead and saw the tsarevna’s print. He was taken to the tsar,” Were you on the Blue-manned horse?”. “Yes, it was me” “Who taught you?”.” That was my father. The first Brown horse was for Afanasiy, but he didn’t come to the father’s grave. Father gave it to me. The Light chestnut horse was for Vasiliy. Father gave it to me too. The Blue-manned horse was my horse. I was riding all of them.” People brought him clean water. He washed himself and became a handsome and strong hero. They got married with the tsarevna. It was a glorious wedding fest in the tsar’s palace. And I was there, drank honey wine, but it poured on the mustache and didn’t get into my mouth.

Once there lived a father and a mother. They had two children: a son and a daughter. Some years later the parents became old. They called their children and said them: “We shall die soon, children, and we tell you to do the following – you, the son, do not marry, and you, the daughter, do not marry either. Live side by side, help each other”. Sometimes later the father and the mother died. Brother and sister began living together. They lived together for about a year. Then the brother met a woman and loved her. He decided to marry. Sister said him, “Don`t you remember, my brother, what our parents had told you before the death?” ”“You don’t worry. We shall live together: we with my wife and you”. The brother got married and they began living

Bezruchka( Without hands)

together. The sister didn`t marry. They had been living together for some time. The brother`s wife didn`t want his sister to live with them. She began to pester her husband with ordering, “You put away your sister wherever you want! Get rid of her!” The brother decided to get rid of the sister anyway. He put the horse to the cart, took an ax and said, “My sister, let`s go to the forest and bring some wood”. They were riding through the forest very far. Sister said, ”My brother, let`s cut down this pine”. And the brother answered her, “No, let`s go further”. They were riding again and again, and suddenly they saw an oak. The oak was very big and thick. The brother said, “My sister, embrace this oak. Let`s measure it!” The sister embraced the oak and the brother cut off her hands up the elbows. He quickly sat up on the cart and rode away. Poor sister sat under the oak and was crying, she was sitting under the three and blood was pouring down. At that time tsar`s son was hunting in the forest.

. She had a small hammer with the tsar’s print and she managed to print him. Again

Слайд 14He heard somebody crying. He came up and saw the girl

without hands and in blood. He asked her, “What’s happened with you?” “My brother cut off my hands”. The tsar`s son felt pity of her because she was so beautiful and young and was so hurt. He said, “Dear girl, I want to help you. . Marry me”. “How can I marry you if I have no hands? You are rich and I am poor”. He calmed her down and she agreed and married him. He brought her home. The tsar and tsar`s wife didn`t like the girl. She was without hands and she was poor. They lived together with husband happily. He was kind to her and felt pity. She gave a birth to a child. But came time to serve in the army for the tsar`s son. She stayed with the child alone. Tsar and tsar`s wife hated her and despired. They decided to get her out of the home. One morning they got up early, baked some biscuits and sent her away. They fastened a bag to her shoulders, gave the child to her, “Go there to where your eyes look!” And she went out. She was going and crying. Then she wanted to drink very much. Suddenly she saw a well, but water was very deep in it. She bent and the child hardly fell down into the well. She horrified and wanted to catch him with her elbows – and suddenly her hands appeared. God gave her hands. She drank some water, sat down near the well, fed her child and she began to think. “Where shall I go? I will go to my brother” She stood up, took the child on her hands and went. She went and went till it became dark. At last she came up to the brother`s house. She looked through the window and saw the brother with his wife were sitting and having a supper. She knocked at the window and said, “Someone come out!” The brother

went out and let her in. She didn`t say who she was, hid her face behind the kerchief, “Let me sleep in your house, because I have no place to go”. They let her in. She came in. They had a supper. Suddenly someone knocked at the door again. That was the tsar`s son who was coming back from the service. He also asked to spend the night. Brother opened the door and said him to come in. ”Now Ishall tell you a story.Once there lived a

brother and a sister. When their father and mother were dying they forbade to separate and marry”. The brother`s wife hated his sister and told him to get rid of her. The brother took the sister into the forest, cut off her hands up to elbows, and ran away”. They were sitting and keeping silent. Then she said, “There the tsar`s son hunted in the forest. He found the sister and took with him, married her, but she was without hands. The tsar and his wife didn`t like her, But she gave a birth to a child. Husband went to serve in the army that time”. But that tsar`s son was sitting here. And heard everything.“Then the parents made her go away with the grandson. And God gave her hands for her tortures.” They were keeping silent. She looked at them and said, “Oh, you my brother, and you my husband! Don`t you recognize me really?” Brother embraced her, cried and said, “You are my sister! Stay in my house”. And husband also said her, “Come with me to our home”. She said them, “No, my brother. Who dropped me, for him I am lost. And who found me, with him I shall go and will live”. She went to live with the tsar`s son.

He heard somebody crying. He came up and saw the girl without hands and in blood. He

Слайд 15 Эквивалентность между оригиналом и переводом.
Эквивалентность между оригиналом

и переводом достигается в максимальной идентичности на уровне описания ситуации и цели коммуникации , которые сравнительно мало зависят от особенностей функционирования конкретного языка. (Уровни языковых знаков, высказывания, сообщения, описания ситуации и цели коммуникации)
Обязательной для всех видов перевода может быть признана максимальная эквивалентность цели коммуникации.[4]

Эквивалентность между оригиналом и   переводом.Эквивалентность между оригиналом и переводом достигается в максимальной идентичности

Слайд 16Тестирование учащихся 7-8 классов.
Всего прочитали: 56 человек

Тестирование учащихся 7-8 классов.Всего прочитали: 56 человек

Слайд 17Заключение
Мы рассматривали перевод сказки как акт коммуникации с целью донести до

англо-говорящего читателя те же идеи и мысли, которые возникают при чтении сказки в оригинале. Понятие эквивалентности, отражающее сущность отношений между оригиналом и переводом дополняется понятием «ценности» (адекватности) текста перевода. То есть ценности перевода в соответствии тех задач, для решения которых был осуществлен процесс перевода. Реальный перевод осуществляется всегда для какого-то последующего его использования.[4] В частности, мы получили результат, доказывающий, что перевод сказки может быть актом коммуникации.
ЗаключениеМы рассматривали перевод сказки как акт коммуникации с целью донести до англо-говорящего читателя те же идеи и

Слайд 18Литература:

М. З Биболетова, Н.Н Трубанева «Английский с удовольствием» учебник для 8

класса, «Титул», Обнинск, 1913г
И. П Гальперин «Очерки по стилистике английского языка», издательство «Литература на иностранных языках», М. 1958г.
Форог Каримипур Даванижад, Исламскийуниверситет, г. Шарез, Иран. Www. “PrimaVista.ru”
В. А. Дмитренко «Максимальность в переводе» из сборника «Тетради переводчика» под редакцией Л.С. Бархударова, ИМО, М. 1974г.
В. П. Зиновьев, Г.Н. Зиновьева «Русские сказки Забайкалья». www ”Старая Чита”
В. П. Комиссаров «Слово о переводе», издательство «Международные отношения», М., 1973г.
А. В. Федоров «Основы общей теории перевода», М., 1986г.

Литература:М. З Биболетова, Н.Н Трубанева «Английский с удовольствием» учебник для 8 класса, «Титул», Обнинск, 1913гИ. П Гальперин

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