Презентация, доклад на тему Past Simple Прошедшее простое время

Past Simple(простое прошедшее время)Irregular verbs(неправильные глаголы)II формаRegular verbs(правильные глаголы)окончание- ed -

Слайд 1
Past Simple
in the Past Simple

Затылкова Антонина Валериевна
учитель английского

МАОУ СШ № 17 г. Белогорск

Past SimpleQuestions in the Past Simple  Составила:Затылкова Антонина Валериевнаучитель английского языкаМАОУ СШ № 17 г. Белогорск

Слайд 2Past Simple
(простое прошедшее время)
Irregular verbs
(неправильные глаголы)
II форма

Regular verbs
(правильные глаголы)
- ed -

Past Simple(простое прошедшее время)Irregular verbs(неправильные глаголы)II формаRegular verbs(правильные глаголы)окончание- ed -

Слайд 3спутники
Past Simple

спутникиPast Simple

Слайд 4
did + V1 (go, have,

play, cry)
They went to the park.

Did they go to the park?

Образование вопросительных предложений
в прошедшем времени

did + V1 (go, have,         play, cry)They

Слайд 6 General question

Did he see (1) a dream?

1.Yes, he did.
He saw

a dream.

2. No, he didn’t.
He didn’t see a dream.
General questionDid he see (1) a dream?1.Yes, he did.He saw a dream.2. No, he didn’t.He didn’t

Слайд 7Did he see (1) a dream?
1. He went to the garden.

he go (1) to the garden?

2. My friend lived in England.

Did my friend live(1) in England?

3. He wrote a letter to his friend.

Did he write(1) a letter to his friend?

Did he see (1) a dream?1. He went to the garden.Did he go (1) to the garden?2.

Слайд 8Make up questions.
Did he see (1) a dream?
1. They went to

the park 3 days ago.
2. Children read an interesting book.
3. A boy swam in the river yesterday.
4. A big dog ran in the yard.
5. My friend saw a nice bird in the tree.
6. My father worked in the garden.
7. I bought a nice toy yesterday.
8. She wrote a letter to her pen friend.
9. A cat slept on the rug.

Make up questions.Did he see (1) a dream?1. They went to the park 3 days ago.2. Children

Слайд 9Make up questions
Did he see (1) a dream?
1. Did they go

to the park 3 days ago?
2. Did children read an interesting book?
3. Did a boy swim in the river yesterday?
4. Did a big dog run in the yard?
5. Did my friend see a nice bird in the tree?
6. Did my father eat porridge?
7. Did I buy a nice toy yesterday?
8. Did she write a letter to her pen friend?
9. Did a dog sleep on the rug?

Make up questionsDid he see (1) a dream?1. Did they go to the park 3 days ago?2.

Слайд 10Make up questions
Did he see (1) a dream?
1. My father worked

in the garden last month.
2. Children watched an interesting cartoon.
3. He opened the window.
4. A girl listened to a song yesterday.
5. Olga played with her pet.
6. Alice skied in the park a week ago.
7. John lived in the country 2 years ago.
8. Alex painted a nice picture.
9. She danced in the room yesterday.

Make up questionsDid he see (1) a dream?1. My father worked in the garden last month.2. Children

Слайд 11Make up questions.
Did he see (1) a dream?
1. Did my father

work in the garden last month?
2. Did children watch an interesting cartoon?
3. Did he open the window?
4. Did a girl listen to a song yesterday?
5. Did Olga play with her pet?
6. Did Alice ski in the park a week ago?
7. Did John live in the country 2 years ago?
8. Did Alex paint a nice picture?
9. Did she dance in the room yesterday?

Make up questions.Did he see (1) a dream?1. Did my father work in the garden last month?2.

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